Iranian President Raisi and Foreign Minister Abdollahian die in helicopter crash in East Azerbaijan

he was visiting lots of small towns near the border and a helicopter was more appropriate for that

So? Land at a local regional airport/military airbase and take a vehicle entourage.

Helicopters over rural hard to reach mountains is a dumb thing to do for this exact reason.

If you go down:

A) harder for pilot to land, thus reducing chances of successful emergency landing

B) weather is extremely bad in these mountains

C) reaching the site would be very difficult

Given the above, most security details would recommend travel by land or by jet.

the other helicopters flying away without him is very strange. apparently communication was lost but that's not a reason to fly away!

Why wouldn’t the other pilots not know the general location if they were all flying together? The fact teams have no clue where this is concerning.

If pilot declared emergency landing the other pilots should have radio’d the exact coordinates at the time they heard SOS.

in fairness the terrain and conditions make it difficult for anyone to locate the crash. the real issue is all the conflicting fake news reports

Again do you think Germany, UK, China, US would send their heads of state in a helicopter over such terrain?

You think Secret Service or Russian security detail would abandon their president and just continue flying? Their lives mean nothing in the scheme of protecting the president and doing all that they can to save them.

Will this cause a major security detail overhaul? Probably not. Didn’t happen after Solemani, Fakhrizadeh, and the generals in Syria. So why would it happen for a ceremonial president.

It happens. Plenty more examples than just this one.

Wow you had to go back to 40 years ago to find this example? What next, JFK from 1960’s? Abraham Lincoln from 1800s?

Also a random soldier assassinating a president is reason why many soldiers during parades don’t have live ammo anymore. Only a select few are cleared and the President is kept much further distance away (non lethal range) rather than front row and center.

That is why during the ISIS terrorist attack on Iranian army parade most soldiers were defenseless.
So? Land at a local regional airport/military airbase and take a vehicle entourage.

Helicopters over rural hard to reach mountains is a dumb thing to do for this exact reason.

If you go down:

A) harder for pilot to land, thus reducing chances of successful emergency landing

B) weather is extremely bad in these mountains

C) reaching the site would be very difficult

Given the above, most security details would recommend travel by land or by jet.
that is much more expensive and time consuming
Why wouldn’t the other pilots not know the general location if they were all flying together? The fact teams have no clue where this is concerning.

If pilot declared emergency landing the other pilots should have radio’d the exact coordinates at the time they heard SOS.
guess they lost all communication before they declared an emergency landing
Again do you think Germany, UK, China, US would send their heads of state in a helicopter over such terrain?

You think Secret Service or Russian security detail would abandon their president and just continue flying? Their lives mean nothing in the scheme of protecting the president and doing all that they can to save them.

Will this cause a major security detail overhaul? Probably not. Didn’t happen after Solemani, Fakhrizadeh, and the generals in Syria. So why would it happen for a ceremonial president.
we were talking about efficacy of Iran's response not logic of the decision to travel that way

I agree major security overhauls have long been necessary
It is more the assassination of the Rwandan president Juvénal Habyarimana when his aircraft got shot down which sparked the Rwadan Genocide than Sadat's assassination.
And Pakistan's Zia-ul-Haq in 1988
Latest update on the news of the Iranian President’s helicopter crash: So far, no traces of the Iranian President’s helicopter have been found, and the search is taking place in a radius of 2 square kilometers, and the area is rugged and difficult to cross in light of the very cold weather.

Wow you had to go back to 40 years ago to find this example? What next, JFK from 1960’s? Abraham Lincoln from 1800s?

Also a random soldier assassinating a president is reason why many soldiers during parades don’t have live ammo anymore. Only a select few are cleared and the President is kept much further distance away (non lethal range) rather than front row and center.

That is why during the ISIS terrorist attack on Iranian army parade most soldiers were defenseless.
Some who assasinated Sadat were in the military but with extremists ideologies. All soldiers had non live ammos but a traitor gave to the perpetrators live ammos. This assassination has a lot of mysteries (one of the paratroopers landed in the wrong zone, a horse of a cavalry decided to stop in the middle of parade and didn't move which halted the parade). Sadat decides to not wear an armor vest and Jehan Sadat (his wife) advises him to wear it but Sadat said that "I am with my children (talking about the soldiers and officers) and they will not harm me" etc..

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