Iranian Special Presidential Elections 2024 (post shaheed Ebrahim Raisi)

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there are many polls . but sadly its Iran and instead of asking a wide group they asked it in their telegram channel . you can guess how credible such polls are.
the ones i see are geared toward Pezeshkian and jalili
Translation: the polls don’t look good for Pezeshkian, otherwise you’d have posted some cherry-picked poll from some obscure ’source’ much like your related posts.
Pezeshkian says he wants to rebuild Khatami's government again. Simply put, it is impossible because of a series of factors. First the world has changed also our nation. We live in era of information and a dumbfuck British made mullah cannot fool us again with his fairytales about nice west and nicely westerners. At Khatami's time, west wasn't this aggressive since they were looking for a soft power asset to contain revolutionary Iran and reformists were the best option. Secondly, many things have been done ever since such as signing JCPOA by his buddy Zarif. People have seen outcome of begging west after Khatami. So rebuilding Khatami's legacy was done before him by Zarif and Rouhani.


Khatami's major victory was to destroy future of Iranian nation by accepting additional protocols in nuclear negotiations and westernizing our youth. Khatami is not just a personality, I believe, he is a line of thought. The result of this line of thought was seen in Rouhani's government that after signing JCPOA, they have no idea on whom to blame that shameful contract.

Reformists and their unholy born child of Rouhani's extreme pro west political spectrum (which today they call it moderate) have done a damage to our country that its wounds will annoy us for decades to come. I mention a handful of them

1) Allowing west to engineer minds and hearts of Iranian youth through leaving Iranian cyber space a free space for western powers to invade us culturally. This enabled west to infiltrate into our society, steal the strong brains of Iranian youth, to direct their thoughts hence directing their decision making, destabilize us culturally, destabilize Iran politically and militarily, threaten the basis of concept of family in Iran's traditional society and in one phrase west was allowed to have an space for collecting teammates from among Iranian youth for it's own team in order to fight Iranian revolutionary forces. And to some extent they were successful.

This is a high treason on it's own. Unforgivable and deserves the hardest punishments to each and every responsible man during reformist rule over the country.

2) Reformists accepted additional protocols imposed by west on Iranian nuclear program for 2 times. First Khatami's government accepted it and then Rouhani and Zarif allowed west to have that leverage on Iranians.

Zarif and his team didn't stop at that point and they destroyed nuclear reactor in Arak which was supposed to keep Iranian nuclear program alive and in progress. After filing it's most sensitive parts with concrete, Iran faced with hard sanctions imposed by Obama's government. After that incident, reformists blamed IRGC for missile tests saying IRGC had angered Obama.

This bowing to west had consequences that needs to be mentioned. First we lost hundreds of billions of dollars invested in nuclear program, the blood of our martyred nuclear scientists was almost wasted and the hard sanctions that the nation had tolerated for its independence was completely successful in the eyes of enemies of Iran. Patriot forces among Iranian scientists were disappointed, some of them were dismissed and some other seemed for asylum in countries like UAE. And thanks to them UAE today has it's own nuclear and space program.

The nuclear program is not just meant to produce energy as many have imagined so. Production of precise tools or ابزار دقیق is an other outcome of it. From precise time calculators to precise measuring tools. Centrifuge is not just used in purifying Uranium but its technology leak also enables to purify Titanium, Zirconium and other required high purity metals used in making super alloys, not to mention the pharma industry.

Nuclear technology is the bottleneck of becoming a new industrial nation and the sole and fastest bridge to building Iranian Islamic civilization again.

Briefly reformist sell outs exchanged our nuclear assets for nothing or perhaps their bank accounts in Switzerland was the reason. Or maybe let me be a little kind to them. They did it all to be able to sell oil. Yet an other treason is appeared. Why would Iran remain an oil selling country? Why not a producing power of petrochemicals such as gasoline? Plastics? Why are reformists destroying our future in exchange for nothing?

3) Reformists continue with mentality of Qajar and Pahlavi with this mindset that Iranian brains cannot make shit and Iranians should always be importing western products. We are a weak and a dead nation that according to Zarif Iranians are good only at making Abgooshte Bozbash.

The consequence of this mentality is losing strong brains to west. We call it 'scape of brains' in Iran. The reformist Government tells the scientists and students hey sod off. We don't need you. We can have everything with joining free market in international space by liberalizing economy. We can import everything.

According to founding father of extreme reformist ideology Rafsanjani, we don't need missiles, drones, submarines. We don't need military and IRGC. We can talk to the world. According to his student Rouhani we should have taken Iranian missile program, space program to negotiating table under the names of JACPOA 1, 2, 3 etc.

My question is, are we going to allow these shameful incidents to happen again? Or we will rise again?

I'd say again. Every vote matters
Translation: the polls don’t look good for Pezeshkian, otherwise you’d have posted some cherry-picked poll from some obscure ’source’ much like your related posts.
Why you guys won't let me stay silent.
I didn't post them because I don't believe them . You want these useless polls then you are welcome.
Disclaimer these are what @jauk Want I don't believe in a single of them and also they are handpicked fron principalist channel . One is from a reformist channel that I point

These two are oldest and belong to the first day of campaign then these are after campaign continued for several dayIMG_20240621_145128_427.jpg



Then the newer polls


IMG_20240621_145029_356.jpgconclusion , I suggest somebody change his translator it's not that accurate
Pezeshkian says he wants to rebuild Khatami's government again. Simply put, it is impossible because of a series of factors. First the world has changed also our nation. We live in era of information and a dumbfuck British made mullah cannot fool us again with his fairytales about nice west and nicely westerners. At Khatami's time, west wasn't this aggressive since they were looking for a soft power asset to contain revolutionary Iran and reformists were the best option. Secondly, many things have been done ever since such as signing JCPOA by his buddy Zarif. People have seen outcome of begging west after Khatami. So rebuilding Khatami's legacy was done before him by Zarif and Rouhani.


Khatami's major victory was to destroy future of Iranian nation by accepting additional protocols in nuclear negotiations and westernizing our youth. Khatami is not just a personality, I believe, he is a line of thought. The result of this line of thought was seen in Rouhani's government that after signing JCPOA, they have no idea on whom to blame that shameful contract.

Reformists and their unholy born child of Rouhani's extreme pro west political spectrum (which today they call it moderate) have done a damage to our country that its wounds will annoy us for decades to come. I mention a handful of them

1) Allowing west to engineer minds and hearts of Iranian youth through leaving Iranian cyber space a free space for western powers to invade us culturally. This enabled west to infiltrate into our society, steal the strong brains of Iranian youth, to direct their thoughts hence directing their decision making, destabilize us culturally, destabilize Iran politically and militarily, threaten the basis of concept of family in Iran's traditional society and in one phrase west was allowed to have an space for collecting teammates from among Iranian youth for it's own team in order to fight Iranian revolutionary forces. And to some extent they were successful.

This is a high treason on it's own. Unforgivable and deserves the hardest punishments to each and every responsible man during reformist rule over the country.

2) Reformists accepted additional protocols imposed by west on Iranian nuclear program for 2 times. First Khatami's government accepted it and then Rouhani and Zarif allowed west to have that leverage on Iranians.

Zarif and his team didn't stop at that point and they destroyed nuclear reactor in Arak which was supposed to keep Iranian nuclear program alive and in progress. After filing it's most sensitive parts with concrete, Iran faced with hard sanctions imposed by Obama's government. After that incident, reformists blamed IRGC for missile tests saying IRGC had angered Obama.

This bowing to west had consequences that needs to be mentioned. First we lost hundreds of billions of dollars invested in nuclear program, the blood of our martyred nuclear scientists was almost wasted and the hard sanctions that the nation had tolerated for its independence was completely successful in the eyes of enemies of Iran. Patriot forces among Iranian scientists were disappointed, some of them were dismissed and some other seemed for asylum in countries like UAE. And thanks to them UAE today has it's own nuclear and space program.

The nuclear program is not just meant to produce energy as many have imagined so. Production of precise tools or ابزار دقیق is an other outcome of it. From precise time calculators to precise measuring tools. Centrifuge is not just used in purifying Uranium but its technology leak also enables to purify Titanium, Zirconium and other required high purity metals used in making super alloys, not to mention the pharma industry.

Nuclear technology is the bottleneck of becoming a new industrial nation and the sole and fastest bridge to building Iranian Islamic civilization again.

Briefly reformist sell outs exchanged our nuclear assets for nothing or perhaps their bank accounts in Switzerland was the reason. Or maybe let me be a little kind to them. They did it all to be able to sell oil. Yet an other treason is appeared. Why would Iran remain an oil selling country? Why not a producing power of petrochemicals such as gasoline? Plastics? Why are reformists destroying our future in exchange for nothing?

3) Reformists continue with mentality of Qajar and Pahlavi with this mindset that Iranian brains cannot make shit and Iranians should always be importing western products. We are a weak and a dead nation that according to Zarif Iranians are good only at making Abgooshte Bozbash.

The consequence of this mentality is losing strong brains to west. We call it 'scape of brains' in Iran. The reformist Government tells the scientists and students hey sod off. We don't need you. We can have everything with joining free market in international space by liberalizing economy. We can import everything.

According to founding father of extreme reformist ideology Rafsanjani, we don't need missiles, drones, submarines. We don't need military and IRGC. We can talk to the world. According to his student Rouhani we should have taken Iranian missile program, space program to negotiating table under the names of JACPOA 1, 2, 3 etc.

My question is, are we going to allow these shameful incidents to happen again? Or we will rise again?

I'd say again. Every vote matters
Some correction additional protocol is not accepted nor ratified by Iran.
For reducing tension Iran agreed to voluntary abide by it but Iran has no obligation to do it so if it was so bad why martyr raeesi government decided to abide by it

Also why you think additional protocol destroy Iran future ?

By the way every one agree the least amount of corruption and the best economical situation was his time. Why you guys try to act as if you don't understand what he meant by that
From Napeleon Bonapart's betrayal to the Qajar kings, to British treacheries and American savagery during Mosaddegh's rule, we know very well that west has always been an enemy to Iranian nation. Actually, Iran being a hegemonic power in own region, is a threat to their complete dominance.

In the last 400 or more years since the rise of Britain, Iran hasn't been so strong till this date. This strength hasn't been acquired through signing shits like JCPOA but the blood of our martyrs.

The real threat to Iranian people is showing weakness to western savages and reformist traitors are bests at that.

Their tactic is frightening Iranian people with stick of American attack or western bombardment, so they can justify their actions when they bow to west.

If you follow Zarif's words, you would understand he has a submissive personality towards west. He justifies JCPOA treason by the same trick of western attack/invasion.
The oil and gas contracts signed during Khatami's rule in the country also giving up the whole car industry to the French by Iranian government, was like giving a chocolate to a child and then rubbing the gold in his hands. They completely dominated Iranian car and energy industry without shooting a single bullet. And easily betrayed us after American warnings.

We should transform from an oil selling country, from an importing country to an industrial powerhouse and the biggest barrier in the way is not west but the extremist reformists whose Ka'aba is in Washington, London and Paris.

The moment sell outs take power again, they will sign shameful contracts even worse than JCPOA and CRESCENT.

The British made mullahs cannot fool us again. The excuse that during Khatami the economy was booming is a complete lie.
If you follow Zarif's words, you would understand he has a submissive personality towards west. He justifies JCPOA treason by the same trick of western attack/invasion.
how the rest of the ones who agreed with it justify it
The oil and gas contracts signed during Khatami's rule in the country also giving up the whole car industry to the French by Iranian government, was like giving a chocolate to a child and then rubbing the gold in his hands. They completely dominated Iranian car and energy industry without shooting a single bullet. And easily betrayed us after American warnings.
the car industry was not gave away , if anything they increased the production and if it was not for those we still produced Peykan. the problem was a certain person who ran his mouth without thinking and liked to say sanction id nothing but ripped paper
about oil contracts , are you aware the deal was like the deal Qatar signed with uae except in one article and that was that our deal had an article that said the price increase if the international price increase.
also the deal was for 7 year before that gas deals were for 15 day.
are you aware why Iran lost the case ? because while iran claimed the bribery included the deal but even in the 8 year of Ahmadinejad and the later years of Rouhani that Raeesi was head of judiciary system we didn't sentenced anyone for bribery. they even become top guys of oil industry without anyone preventing it , to me it show that bribery claims were not as serious as some people claims
on a side note because they stopped the deal we didn't gain a cent from that gas field while they are extracting gas from that field as its a field shared by uae . so the deal was not bad , not honoring it was bad . now we must pay around 3 milliard + banking benefit of a uae bank +1%
The moment sell outs take power again, they will sign shameful contracts even worse than JCPOA and CRESCENT.
JCPOA that all Islamic republic elites agreed to it , CRESCENT that till today we failed to sentence one person for bribery and in fact we must see why some people didn't allowed it to be executed as it was allowing us to sell gas from a field that others were extracting resources from it but we could not do that and then made us loosing the case and had to pay compensation
The British made mullahs cannot fool us again. The excuse that during Khatami the economy was booming is a complete lie.
its fact backed by data and statistics
IRGC-ASF Commander Amir Ali Hajizadeh endorsed Qalibaf, saying he was a mastermind behind Iran's ballistic missile program

Qalibaf doesn't really have clear principles but at least he's not a crazy person like Jalili
IRGC-ASF Commander Amir Ali Hajizadeh endorsed Qalibaf, saying he was a mastermind behind Iran's ballistic missile program

Qalibaf doesn't really have clear principles but at least he's not a crazy person like Jalili
Honestly my problem with qalibaf is exactly that . He is not clear on his principals .

He was the person that when at the time of khatami tugs attacked Tehran university and police was watching ordered police to stop them
On other hand he also was the person who talked of what roohani said حمله گازانبری به معترضین
He is the person who talk of national production but at the same time tried to hide the fact that his daughter at the journey to turkey bought more than 290kg of goods including newborn clothes.
He was talking of freedom of information but decide on filtering Instagram.
He talk of respecting and consulting womdn but as speaker of parliament didn't take a step in that direction.

I have a feeling he is not always tell what he believes
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