IRONY! US Military Needs China’s Help To Beat Chinese PLA In A War; Report Says Ammo Will Exhaust In 28 Days

IRONY! US Military Needs China’s Help To Beat Chinese PLA In A War; Report Says Ammo Will Exhaust In 28 Days​

By Shubhangi Palve
August 2, 2024

In a startling revelation, a bipartisan commission has warned that the United States could exhaust its ammunition supplies in as little as “three to four weeks” if engaged in a prolonged conflict with China.

This alarming assessment, presented to the Senate Armed Services Committee, exposes a critical gap between “the Pentagon’s ambitions and reality” for major warfare.

The 114-page report, compiled by an eight-member commission appointed by Congress, paints a grim picture of America’s military preparedness. The commission included a retired Army general, a former Democratic congresswoman, and a former US ambassador.

Notably, the report compares the ammunition stocks of the United States with those of China, the world’s second-largest economy.

According to the report’s critical findings, the US could deplete its ammunition reserves within just three to four weeks in a hypothetical conflict with China. It warned that critical munitions, like anti-ship missiles, might last only a few days.

The report also noted that the US is unprepared for a prolonged conflict with China or Russia, let alone both simultaneously, due to particularly insufficient ammunition stockpiles.

This stark revelation highlights the urgent need for an overhaul in military readiness and resource management.

US Ammo Supply Chain Vulnerabilities

But the problem isn’t just about quantity – it’s also about supply. It’s important to note that this isn’t the first time Congress has received a reality check on the US ammo supply chain.

In a twist of geopolitical irony, the US has been heavily reliant on China and Russia for key components of its ammunition supply chain.

The House Armed Services Committee stated in June 2022, “The United States has relied almost entirely on China—and to a lesser extent Russia—in recent years to procure a critical mineral that is vital to producing ammunition.”

The committee expressed concern over geopolitical dynamics with Russia and China, warning that these could accelerate supply chain disruptions, particularly with antimony.

The report highlighted that China is the leading producer of mined and refined antimony and a major US import source. However, China is losing market share to Russia, the world’s second-largest producer, while Tajikistan is becoming a significant player as the third-largest supplier of antimony.

National Defense Stockpile

The national defense stockpile, once a robust safeguard, is now deemed inadequate to meet the demands of great power competition. This shortfall extends beyond just ammunition – the entire US defense industry is struggling to meet national needs, even in peacetime.

The national defense stockpile is a strategic reserve of rare earth minerals essential to the defense-industrial supply chain. It includes critical materials such as titanium, tungsten, cobalt, and lithium.

Antimony is vital for producing a range of military equipment, from armor-piercing bullets and explosives to nuclear weapons and night vision goggles.

After Japan halted the US supply of antimony from China during World War II, the United States started sourcing the mineral from ore mined in the Idaho gold mine, which ceased production in 1997. The 2020 US Geological Survey report noted that ‘there are no domestic sources of antimony.’

The current stockpile is inadequate to meet the demands of great power competition. In the June 2022 report, it was noted that ‘the national defense stockpile can no longer sufficiently support the Department of Defense’s needs in the event of a supply chain disruption.’

Defense Industry Shortfalls

The bipartisan commission cited a 2022 report from two Center for National American Security analysts, which stated that the “US lacks sufficient arms to blunt and defeat an initial invasion” from powers like China.

This shortage still persists despite recent increases in arms production to support Ukraine.

The commission also warned that the overall defense industry is struggling, with insufficient capacity to meet national needs even in peacetime. “US industrial production is grossly inadequate to provide the equipment, technology, and munitions needed today, let alone for great power conflicts,” their report stated.

The Congressional report raises serious concerns about the US’s readiness for large-scale conflict due to significant military capacity deficiencies. It warns that American defense capabilities are insufficient to deter or win in a major confrontation, echoing issues reminiscent of the Cold War era.

Experts have observed that there is a disconnect between the Pentagon’s plans and actual military potential, with the US trailing China in several critical areas.

Russian & Chinese Threats

The US is also concerned about Russian stockpiles alongside China. A bipartisan commission referenced a 2022 Royal United Services Institute report on the Ukraine war, which revealed that “At the height of the fighting in Donbas, Russia was expending more ammunition in two days than the entire British military has in stock.”

According to the report, “China and Russia are major powers that seek to undermine US influence.”

This sobering assessment comes at a time of heightened global tensions. The commission noted the deepening “no-limits” partnership between China and Russia, which now includes military and economic ties with Iran and North Korea. This alignment of nations opposed to US interests raises the specter of localized conflicts potentially escalating into multi-theater or even global wars.

As if to underscore these concerns, recent joint Russian-Chinese military exercises near Alaska have raised eyebrows in Washington. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin expressed worry about these maneuvers, which resulted in the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) scrambling fighter jets to intercept four bombers—two from each nation.

We must remember that adversaries are also attentive to US congressional reports. Russian and Chinese media have highlighted the findings of the bipartisan commission.

A Wake-Up Call

As Washington confronts these challenges, “The threats are the most serious and most challenging the nation has encountered since 1945 and include the potential for a near-term major war,” according to the report.

The commission’s report serves as a wake-up call, echoing Cold War-era anxieties about military readiness. It warns that current US defense capabilities may be insufficient to deter or prevail in a major confrontation, particularly given China’s advancements in several critical areas.

The pressing question is whether America can rapidly strengthen its defenses to effectively address these evolving dangers.
Hey, bro. This is a typical "China threat theory" article, did you not notice it or did it happen deliberately?

This kind of article has only one purpose, to create and exaggerate the "China threat" with some sensational statements, to make the rest of the world feel uneasy, and thus alienate and distance themselves from China.

In fact, while China is currently on the rise, the gap with United States is still very large. United States is still the dominant player in the world today, and China is catching up. That's all.

Today, you can speak in PDF because of United States technology. Computer hardware and software, Internet, communication protocols, BBS, ................

Militarily, the United States remains the most powerful country. China is still in the position of follower and imitator, and has not reached the level of equal to United States, let alone surpassed United States.

While it is true that United States is now in decline, it does not prevent it from remaining the most powerful country on the planet.

From what I've observed, the vast majority of your reposts are based on this argument. It makes no sense!
China should selectively stop military material and parts exported to US in response to all the US tech sanctions against China.
Hey, bro. This is a typical "China threat theory" article, did you not notice it or did it happen deliberately?

This kind of article has only one purpose, to create and exaggerate the "China threat" with some sensational statements, to make the rest of the world feel uneasy, and thus alienate and distance themselves from China.

In fact, while China is currently on the rise, the gap with United States is still very large. United States is still the dominant player in the world today, and China is catching up. That's all.

Today, you can speak in PDF because of United States technology. Computer hardware and software, Internet, communication protocols, BBS, ................

Militarily, the United States remains the most powerful country. China is still in the position of follower and imitator, and has not reached the level of equal to United States, let alone surpassed United States.

While it is true that United States is now in decline, it does not prevent it from remaining the most powerful country on the planet.

From what I've observed, the vast majority of your reposts are based on this argument. It makes no sense!
Are you one of those white worshippers ? unfornately we still have many in China, they still believe the moon is rounder in US than the one in China.
America is only strong because it can print unlimited amount of money. China doesn't have to do that to rise. Most important is to control supply chain and manufacturing capacity. War doesn't win by money but production. I think antibiotics and and ingredients for generic drugs are cards china can play in the future conflict. US healthcare is over 20 percent of gdp imagine if they don't get access to drugs for wartime.
Best way to weaken America is to advance the semiconductor industry Chinese market is almost half that. It's up to Huawei and smic and the gang to ramp up production for 7nm chips. Increase market share for legacy chips then use the money for r&d for smaller nodes and hopefully euv machine will be introduced next year then all set
Russia is still standing despite 300 bil worth of economic and military aid by NATO because they havea strong manufacturing base and china dwafs that of Russia. Just keep building more factories they will come in handy.
And also comac taking market from Boeing in china. It's still 60 percent parts are still imported and semi produced in china. But a good start nonetheless u need money for r&d to build everything in house including engines. Comac doesn't lack money because of huge orders from Chinese airlines .
Its funny how America thinks china needs foreign direct investment. China investment in global South is probably 150bil or more compared to 120 bil being invested by foreign companies per year. Its connecting the world so that Chinese companies will take over all the markets from Africa to Middle East, South East Asia, and Latin America. Plus Chinese investment in the US is tiny there's not much to confiscate compared to all Tesla and gm factories in China and trillions worth assets from the EU as well if they dared freezing Chinese assets.
Tesla is only used by China to spur competition from Chinese automakers now even confiscate em it won't hurt at all cause ev batteries are all built by catl and byd . Elon needs to know who feeds him without Tesla there's no starlink
All Chinese exports to global South increase paid off all the investments that China invested in think big that's why xi is the goat. The investment will be returned eventually maybe not all. Buying up all the resources also gold and copper and dump us dollars in investment money is a very smart move . There's still 700 bil worth of treasury to be dumped.....
Hey, bro. This is a typical "China threat theory" article, did you not notice it or did it happen deliberately?

This kind of article has only one purpose, to create and exaggerate the "China threat" with some sensational statements, to make the rest of the world feel uneasy, and thus alienate and distance themselves from China.

In fact, while China is currently on the rise, the gap with United States is still very large. United States is still the dominant player in the world today, and China is catching up. That's all.

Today, you can speak in PDF because of United States technology. Computer hardware and software, Internet, communication protocols, BBS, ................

Militarily, the United States remains the most powerful country. China is still in the position of follower and imitator, and has not reached the level of equal to United States, let alone surpassed United States.

While it is true that United States is now in decline, it does not prevent it from remaining the most powerful country on the planet.

From what I've observed, the vast majority of your reposts are based on this argument. It makes no sense!
In what sense "most powerful" Nukes? RU
Hyper missiles? CN, RU imitators?
Air : Planes F22 "ruptured" F35 "Lemon"
Navy : 10 40+ years floating cabarets?
1 under constant medication.
Nuclear subs : RU
Army : lgbtqia+ great at fighting puppies.
Military bases dont win wars.
WTF STOP jerking on your bretherns.
Trying to look good to whitney?
Remember last year us estimated china has more than 500 nuclear warheads and 100-150 production per year. The US has always underestimating Chinese numbers . My guess is china already have 700-800 nukes and 1500 by 2030. F-35 is expensive to maintain with china curb on rare earth materials expect production to stay within 100-120 range remember only 90 of them are going to US military the rest for export. And let's say they can bring in half to Pacific and half availability rate it won't make a much difference with china current fighters production of only j-16 best flanker in the world and j-20
Remember last year us estimated china has more than 500 nuclear warheads and 100-150 production per year. The US has always underestimating Chinese numbers . My guess is china already have 700-800 nukes and 1500 by 2030. F-35 is expensive to maintain with china curb on rare earth materials expect production to stay within 100-120 range remember only 90 of them are going to US military the rest for export. And let's say they can bring in half to Pacific and half availability rate it won't make a much difference with china current fighters production of only j-16 best flanker in the world and j-20
Do you know what US will stop from coming to China? FOOD. US will destroy all shipping lines brining food and bulk food items in China. And then that will be end of China.


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