Is Bangladesh in danger of an Islamist takeover?

Let's face it. The Modi regime isn't happy with a BD without tyrant Hasina. All the hue and cry is mostly done by Hindutvatis. This country belongs to the people of BD. The people have decided that Hasina is Modi's slave, and she needed to exit. Exit she did and that is all that matters at the end of the day. The people of BD need to be proud that they removed a tyrant and in return they got a very able leader. I would choose Yunus over Hasina a thousand times over. Not even a contest.

You know whats real funny is that in their zeal against the Interim Administration, they are turning Bangladeshis who aren't even necessarily anti Indian, into Anti Indian, b/c of the interference in Bangladesh's internal affairs, propping up a puppet kleptocrat, lack of respect for a sovereign state, , and the demonization of their society.

In doing so, they are forcing Bangladesh to look for contingencies elsewhere and partners elsewhere, which is an opportunity for Pakistan and China, in throwing this hissy fit, any gain India has made on its eastern frontier since 1971, it is potentially in danger of losing.

But of course this "56in chest" guy and his sycophants don't seem to be able to see longer term with their short sighted moves.
Indian media and Right-wing blog sphere is full of articles like the one below:

Let me first define Islamism and Islamist. (Same definition applies to Hinduvta!)

Anyone who engages in actions to promote their religious views on others and/or wants to use the instruments of state to enforce religious practices - is an Islamist.

Whilst I don’t think Islamists will be able to use the central government apparatus to enforce their diktats - I do think they will be able to use local government powers e.g. permits for loud speakers to spew nonsense. They will also be able to modify the school curriculum and intimidate teachers.

And generally intimidate cultural Muslims who do not want to practice Islam 24/7.

This is why many stuck to Hasina until the bitter end. And are still in fear.

The weak Younus still hasn’t provided any reassurances!!!

@UKBengali @Joe Shearer

Let’s reverse the question for a moment. There are many Indians in India who don’t feel safe with the followers of Hindutva. Many progressive Indians believe that the Hindutva belief system is a curse for India. It divides India on the basis of caste and creed. Hindutva promotes violence and division. Any progressive Indian who seeks cordial relations with their neighbors feels that Hindutva is an obstacle to peace. Even within India, communal violence is often promoted by Hindutva. These are the feelings of progressive Indians, irrespective of their beliefs and allegiance to India.

Shall we conclude that India is already in danger due to the existing Hindutva rule?
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You know whats real funny is that in their zeal against the Interim Administration, they are turning Bangladeshis who aren't even necessarily anti Indian, into Anti Indian, b/c of the interference in Bangladesh's internal affairs, propping up a puppet kleptocrat, lack of respect for a sovereign state, , and the demonization of their society.

In doing so, they are forcing Bangladesh to look for contingencies elsewhere and partners elsewhere, which is an opportunity for Pakistan and China, in throwing this hissy fit, any gain India has made on its eastern frontier since 1971, it is potentially in danger of losing.

But of course this "56in chest" guy and his sycophants don't seem to be able to see longer term with their short sighted moves.

There is a reason for this. We all know and understand that the current Hindutva regime in India doesn’t operate on an equal basis. Hindutva believes that it is the master and everyone around is a Dalit. The relationship with Modi’s India is one-sided, just as it is one-sided inside India for almost all minorities. Hindutva represents exactly the threat and menace that they often blame others for.
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I am not talking about minorities!

I am talking about moderate and cultural Muslims.

E.g. I do not want Mullahs spewing via loud speakers?

Intimidation of people who do not want to pray five times a day.

Muslim women able to walk without covering head.

Able to open masques that practices my brand of Islam.

Public criticism of sharia law.

Etc etc

There's no such thing as cultural Muslim the same way there is no such thing as God believing atheist.

Those criterion you mentioned, in particular do not pray 5 times a day and believe he has the right to do so, once exercised by a Muslim, nullify their Islam.
Let's have some on topic discussion now.

Let's reverse the question for one moment. There are many Indians in India who don't feel safe with the followers of Hindutva. Many progressive Indians believe that Hindutva belief system is a curse for India. It divides India on the basis of caste and creed. Hindutva promotes violence and division. Any progressive Indian who seeks cordial relations with its neighbour feels that Hindutva are an obstacle to peace. Even within India communal violence is often promoted by Hindutva. These are the feelings of progressive Indians irrespective of their belief and allegiance with India.

Shall we conclude that India is already in danger due to existing Hindutva rule?

You know that Hindutwa encroachment something primarily from northern India into Kerala actually worries many Hindus there that I have talked to. Kerala( and West Bengal as well) have significant amount of Christians and Muslims who have lived alongside Hindus, for hundreds of years, and there has never been an issue, Kerala is also the most developed state in country, yet these hindutwa guys hate the state for this very same reason, b/c of its lack of sectarian politics. They want to bring Gujrat and "Bulldozer Baba" style poison politics to a place that is prosperous and cohesive, all to divide and destroy the state.
Let's have some on topic discussion now.

Let's reverse the question for one moment. There are many Indians in India who don't feel safe with the followers of Hindutva. Many progressive Indians believe that Hindutva belief system is a curse for India. It divides India on the basis of caste and creed. Hindutva promotes violence and division. Any progressive Indian who seeks cordial relations with its neighbour feels that Hindutva are an obstacle to peace. Even within India communal violence is often promoted by Hindutva. These are the feelings of progressive Indians irrespective of their belief and allegiance with India.

Shall we conclude that India is already in danger due to existing Hindutva rule?

You can create a separate thread under India section.

And I will happily state why India is already a fascist Hindu state.

But don’t derail this thread!!!

Don’t cut your nose to spite your face!
In a world of Zionists, hindutva extremists, white nationalists being a secular Muslim is a joke that will only get you killed

Embrace your own faith, culture and don't let the titles and accusations of your enemies define how you live your life
You can create a separate thread under India section.

And I will happily state why India is already a fascist Hindu state.

But don’t derail this thread!!!

Don’t cut your nose to spite your face!

Just don't use slurs such as Islamist anymore. Also share your flags.
You know that Hindutwa encroachment something primarily from northern India into Kerala actually worries many Hindus there that I have talked to. Kerala( and West Bengal as well) have significant amount of Christians and Muslims who have lived alongside Hindus, for hundreds of years, and there has never been an issue, Kerala is also the most developed state in country, yet these hindutwa guys hate the state for this very same reason, b/c of its lack of sectarian politics. They want to bring Gujrat and "Bulldozer Baba" style poison politics to a place that is prosperous and cohesive, all to divide and destroy the state.

You have said it all. I don't need to add anything. It is basically the pot calling the kettle black.
I really want you people to apply Islamic rules in your Islamic country. Be it Pakistan or Bangladesh.
I always wonder why it is not there!!!?

Simple in every Islamic land, the population is Muslim, but their rulers and army are secular.

This is why.

Bold part - I bet you never studied or read Islam even once with translation like other 90% muslims of subcontinent. Otherwise you would never used these term for muslims. Muslims are Muslims. They are not secular, moderate or cultural.
A TRUE Muslim live by exact Islamic code of conduct. There is no other way around, even slightest.
True, a Muslim is one who believe that God is ONE, he is all powerful, it is him the only ONE who deserved worship.

And because a Muslim BELIEVE in that, he could not dare to find ways to displease the one true God. Including being Muslim but at the same time secular.

Because secularism is the rejection of God's dominion on the state
There's no such thing as cultural Muslim the same way there is no such thing as God believing atheist.

Those criterion you mentioned, in particular do not pray 5 times a day and believe he has the right to do so, once exercised by a Muslim, nullify their Islam.

Well done!

You have now lost a 1/3 of the population that self identifies as Muslims. Add another 12% minorities - that’s BAL’s base.

They will then buy off another 5% and hay presto - they have a working majority!

Good luck getting rid of BAL!

Unless you have an inclusive and tolerant constitutional settlement — 45% will hold their nose for the lesser of the two evils!
Well done!

You have now lost a 1/3 of the population that self identifies as Muslims. Add another 12% minorities - that’s BAL’s base.

They will then buy off another 5% and hay presto - they have a working majority!

Good luck getting rid of BAL!

Unless you have an inclusive and tolerant constitutional settlement — 45% will hold their nose for the lesser of the two evils!
Do you think I care?

Numbers are good, but quality is even better.

Islam reached the peak of power when their numbers aren't even dominant in what is today the Middle East.

Islam will eventually win, and it will win not by ballots, popular support or any of that nonsense. It will win with the same path it once propel itself to the world.

With the book (whom guides) and the sword.
Because secularism is the rejection of God's dominion on the state

Majority of BD’s population will not support “God’s dominion over state”.

More over your US backers won’t either lol

I think BAL will be coming back sooner than I thought lol
Majority of BD’s population will not support “God’s dominion over state”.

More over your US backers won’t either lol

I think BAL will be coming back sooner than I thought lol
I'm not talking about Bangladesh in particular, but Muslim lands in general.

+ I never said Islam needs the US.

My post is to rebuke your claim that there are such thing as 'cultural' Muslim.

Even that @KAAFIR knows that

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