Israeli missile defences (deployed) - assessment and strategies

As I explained in another thread a while back it doesn’t matter what satellite network is used how GPS works is that it has a very specific SNR [Signal to Noise Ratio] and deviation on this renders any TX/RX module operating at that frequency practically useless.
It's just a distance thing.
Satellites are far from ground.
Attackers are in the ground.

So it's easy to do jamming, just transmitting garbage in same frequencies with more power.

Anyway, Israel can do jamming only in the last stage of missile path.

Iranian long range rockets can use GNSS in the 90% of path.
It's just a distance thing.
Satellites are far from ground.
Attackers are in the ground.

So it's easy to do jamming, just transmitting garbage in same frequencies with more power.

Anyway, Israel can do jamming only in the last stage of missile path.

Iranian long range rockets can use GNSS in the 90% of path.
Yes I know and understand all this. I’m merely hypothesising based on previous historical conflicts in the region.
@BHAN85 I don’t think Iran has any intention or interest in directly targeting tel-aviv.
Iran take care of their international image, they can't target civilians like Hamas terrorists did.

Although this is what they say in their propaganda:

Iran take care of their international image, they can't target civilians like Hamas terrorists did.

Although this is what they say in their propaganda:

Hmm. Haifa makes sense -‘Tel Aviv seems to be mere mind games.
It's just a distance thing.
Satellites are far from ground.
Attackers are in the ground.

So it's easy to do jamming, just transmitting garbage in same frequencies with more power.

Anyway, Israel can do jamming only in the last stage of missile path.

Iranian long range rockets can use GNSS in the 90% of path.

The guidance package is supposed to automatically switch to the internal Guidance system, when the GPS is lost . The IGIS is constantly updated while the GPS is working. So even when GPS is lost , the IGS will still maintain acceptable accuracy. Am I missing something here ? On Irans missiles!
Drone swarming. 😊
Drone Swarming was not that successfull against USN.
Houthis launched multiple swarm attacks on USN warships but all in vain.
Drone Swarming is over-hyped.And will probably fail against Israel also.Israel is literally a Battle hardened country.They face hundreds of Rockets day and night.You can't overwhelme such an enemy with just cheap drones.
Drone Swarming was not that successfull against USN.
Houthis launched multiple swarm attacks on USN warships but all in vain.
Drone Swarming is over-hyped.And will probably fail against Israel also.Israel is literally a Battle hardened country.They face hundreds of Rockets day and night.You can't overwhelme such an enemy with just cheap drones.
do you have any input on the state of deployed Israeli ABM defences and strategies to defeat them?
strategies to defeat them?
Strategies are there.
good option for such event is firing low RCS subsonic Cruise Missiles networked together.These Systems can approach the target from different directions.
(US has been doing this from 2015)

If you don't have cruise missiles of these range,send a submarine loaded with medium range cruise missiles.

Stealth is the way to go.Ballistic missiles are overhyped and bring unnecessary escalation
"We're in a period of real danger" as Iran is trying to figure out how to "send a message". to Israel, explains former US special envoy for the Middle East Frank Lowenstein.
Strategies are there.
good option for such event is firing low RCS subsonic Cruise Missiles networked together.These Systems can approach the target from different directions.
(US has been doing this from 2015)

If you don't have cruise missiles of these range,send a submarine loaded with medium range cruise missiles.

Stealth is the way to go.Ballistic missiles are overhyped and bring unnecessary escalation

Yes Iran should aim to attack with maybe 100 cruise missiles coming in from different attack vectors at once.
Even a couple of dozen getting through and destroying a high value military or government target would restore deterrence.
The reaction time of 3 different scenarios with 3 different missiles:

1 - subsonic missile (300 m/s) at 20 meters from the sea surface: radar detection at 37 km, reaction time of 342 seconds

2 - Mach 1.5 supersonic missile (500 m/s) at 20 meters from the surface: radar detection at 37 km, reaction time of 205 seconds

3 - hypersonic missile at Mach 8 (2500 m/s) at 20 km height: radar detection distance of 600 km, reaction time before impact: 666 seconds

There are two lines of development being explored for new cruise missiles, hypersonic and subsonic stealth missiles.
2 - Mach 1.5 supersonic missile (500 m/s) at 20 meters from the surface: radar detection at 37 km, reaction time of 205 seconds

Not sure if any supersonic CM would be flying at 65 feet altitude going 1.5 times the speed out of sound.

It would create audible sonic booms (sound radiation) and potentially damage windows as it travels to enemy country.
Not sure if any supersonic CM would be flying at 65 feet altitude going 1.5 times the speed out of sound.

It would create audible sonic booms (sound radiation) and potentially damage windows as it travels to enemy country.
These are terminal speeds when the supersonic missile reaches the radar horizon. The Brahmos reaches this speed or even higher and at a lower altitude compared to up to 10 meters.
Yes Iran should aim to attack with maybe 100 cruise missiles coming in from different attack vectors at once.
Even a couple of dozen getting through and destroying a high value military or government target would restore deterrence.
When you need to fire 100 missiles for a single have already lost the war.
when has Iran proved have such caps?
Since some years ago- Most Iranian missiles and rockets use multiple means for targetting precision.
Facts: Iran Shaheds use GNSS receiver to guidance, in a SDR board. Ukranians have documentated very well.
Yes, keywords being Shaheds, not Iranian Medium Range Ballistic Missiles!

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