Israeli missile defences (deployed) - assessment and strategies

Why Russia couldn't destroy Ukraine's AD systems by now?
Why Russia couldn't destroy Ukraine's AD systems by now?
Because the Russians were never properly trained for a SEAD/DEAD campaign.
Because the Russians were never properly trained for a SEAD/DEAD campaign.
Only US has some serious SEAD/ DEAD capability,EU & others are just paper tigers.
I know this thread is about technical details but how does Iran plan to control the escalation ladder with a strike? That is, how will the strike be tempered so that Israel does not feel the need to escalate?

Or is the intention to escalate?
I know this thread is about technical details but how does Iran plan to control the escalation ladder with a strike? That is, how will the strike be tempered so that Israel does not feel the need to escalate?

Or is the intention to escalate?

How exactly could the Zionist entity escalate?

They could probably fire some Jericho 2/3s as their airforce is practically useless due to vast distances. These are nowhere near the numbers to be anything more than pinprick strikes and their accuracy probably is not great anyway.

In a shooting war, Iran has the upper hand as long as no-one else is involved.
But Israel can always do jamming to do those systems in Israeli territory.

Jamming any GNSS is easy, the signal in ground is always weak.
the drones can use mobile cells for navigation , they can use radio signals , emergency frequency radios and ...

Russia pays for Shaheds.

And Ukraine has GNSS jammers too.

But Shaheds in Russia use GNSS. If terrain guidance were such a easy thing, Iran would have already used in Ukraine.
russia produce its own Gran these days . they payed for some before war and for TOT after it
They could probably fire some Jericho 2/3s
Some Jerichos fired by Israel=hundreds of BMs fired by Iran since Iranians have no BMD.

But this is not important.
What will be the target of those Jerichos.This is important.

Iranians hold the Escalation ladder.
TBH, we don't want another war in this region.Just fire some Rockets from the shoulders of Lebanese and move on.

Pakistanis must be the last ones to call for full-scale war.I have seen Pakistanis calling for punishment of Israel.But guys if things went out of control in neighbourhood ,we will again be in deep shit for another decade.We don't want another Afghanistan.
Hmm. Haifa makes sense -‘Tel Aviv seems to be mere mind games.

My opinion the best theater of operation would be the Golan Height's. There is an enough infrastructure there to render habitability of Israeli settlers useless with strikes. It would force evac many settlements in the area, and ability to send in teams to clear out the rest however it may be done.

Targeting mainland Israel is pointless, as it's a fortress at this point. The Iranian's should have had options ready on the go, for what "if" scenario's, and they dropped the ball on that.
Because the Russians were never properly trained for a SEAD/DEAD campaign.
I think we are very properly trained for a SEAD/DEAD campaign. 🔥
I think we are very properly trained for a SEAD/DEAD campaign. 🔥
I think any army would campaign better than the Russians. Aviation initially flew 30 meters above the ground and dropped bombs at that same altitude, no competent air force or army does that.
Israel's 3 Arrow-2/3 batteries:

Palmachim, Ein Shemer and Tal Shahar

Negev Desert and Eilat have the weakest ABM defences. Hence the video showing 4-6 successful impacts on the IAF base in the Negev Screenshot 2024-04-14 at 14.30.02.png

Russia pays for Shaheds.

And Ukraine has GNSS jammers too.

But Shaheds in Russia use GNSS. If terrain guidance were such a easy thing, Iran would have already used in Ukraine.
So the significance of Google Earth’s three-dimensional digital earth model is here.Google's Digital Earth is actually a military system.

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