J-31 to be inducted soon| Pilot training reportedly in progress

You made me realize something, eventually India will get a 5th gen aircraft, and at the moment, the top contender seems to be the F35, with a few T&C's that need to be ironed out. Now any 5th Gen that PAF sports, needs to be able to effectively take it on, or it looks bad for the PAF and the OEM. So just wondering what version of the FC-31, J31 or J35 will we end up with?

Another point you raised, or maybe someone else, is why does PAF need a 5th Gen A/c? My understanding is as follows:

1) Tactics - Once an aircraft achieves FOC, it does not mean tactics and strategies have been honed as well, that takes time, and pilot hrs certainly count.

2) Coward Bastards - Just because India at the moment does not have a 5th Gen aircraft, does not mean other countries with nefarious agenda dont. One such bastard is known to fully exploit any weakness at any given chance, and was actively involved on 27th Feb. Hope you know who I'm referring to

3) Qualitative Edge - PAF has always claimed to maintain a qualitative edge, and in keeping with that doctrine, this is another step in that direction. It will insure any disparity with its conventional foe, is adequately addressed.

4) Deterrence - When the enemy knows, that you have cutting edge tech, which you have mastered, any misadventure will be highly unlikely.

5) Overall defensive posture - When you have access to cutting edge tech, your traditional western suppliers then all of a sudden tend to offer you the equivalent or better as well, which was off limits for you.

@MastanKhan Would you like to add to the above?

Whatever version it is---it will meet our requirements---.

Whatever version it is---it will meet our requirements---.
Sir, isn't that how PAF's procurements go? Max number of ASR's have to be met?

No offense Sir, just trying to understand why you are stating the obvious? What am I missing?
As strong and as robust as us India ties might be now India would have to unambiguously become a us ally to get a f35 and there are enough people on both sides in I feel who would not accept that premise.
New Thread, or some where more appropriate?
The UK has done many combat missions in recent years, but F-35 & their carriers were always absent. They always used Typhoons even when it had to fly a very long distance and refuel mid-air.

On the side note, one can wish if ever 21, 22 grade military officers in Pakistan can be questioned and held accountable like that by public representatives.


Off course---UK will fly the Typhoon over the F35 every time to prove that it is a very capable aircraft---.

If it wasn't for the aircraft carrier---I very much doubt if UK needed the F-35's---
I think right about now every Nation that is flying or have Fat Amy on order are asking themselves, "What the f#*k have we gotten ourselves into!"

Australia, Denmark, Norway, the UK and (soon) Canada are all gonna regret as to why they ordered a jet that even the Nation that builds it, can't maintain it.

@Windjammer @Quwa @Oscar @FuturePAF @GriffinsRule @Path-Finder @Yasser76
The issue is the maintenance model employed - and not the jet itself. The military industrial complex led by LM really screwed the US military over and has entrenched itself in these decisions to maximize their profit. Everything from the way the servicing to the spare part supply model has been keep locked down to ensure utter dependency.

That doesn’t mean the problem is with the design or whats in the F-35 - it’s actually matured and performed well beyond expectations in certain exercise elements.

That being said - Gaetz is part of the usual “chicken little” anarchistic political movement from the GOP.. not to mention everything else known about him.

Better sources would be Ward Carroll, Lemoine or other veterans who get to talk to people who actually work or fly on the jet.
Very insightful thread, appreciated.

Is f35 really likely to be available to India given s400?

Would India take it at the cost of Russia ties?
At the moment it seems to be only available to Western and/or white nations with Japan being the only exception (maybe due to US bases in that country). I'm not sure why that is.

Thailand, Turkey and UAE all had their requests turned down.
The UK has done many combat missions in recent years, but F-35 & their carriers were always absent. They always used Typhoons even when it had to fly a very long distance and refuel mid-air.

On the side note, one can wish if ever 21, 22 grade military officers in Pakistan can be questioned and held accountable like that by public representatives.

Pakistani military doesn't receive a $700 billion annual defence budget.
India can get the F-35 tomorrow if it wants. There’s really nothing stopping India from acquiring the F-35 except money, and regardless of what the Indian kids online say, India is very conservative when it comes to weapons procurement and their bureaucracy won’t be able to justify such a purchase.

India, at some point, wanted 125 MRCA or whatever acronym they came up with, an in the end, they only settle for 36 Rafales. This is the reality of Indian weapons procurement.
Money isn't the only factor here. Buying F-35s would also cost India its sovereignty.
Did the F-35 cost the UK, Greece & Israel their sovereignty?
Different agreements
But look deeper into the Israel deal and the disputes that emerged there
Did the F-35 cost the UK, Greece & Israel their sovereignty?
All three of these countries never disobey the US. All three of them pursue a very pro-US foreign policy whereas India on the other hand likes to pursue an independent foreign policy.
Did the F-35 cost the UK, Greece & Israel their sovereignty?

Greece is the oldest bastion of christianity in the region---so it does not have to sign anything---.

All needed weapons are just a request away from being delivered---.

Israel holds the key to the 'return of Christ'---so it does not have to sign anything either---.

All needed weapons are just a call away from being delivered---.

UK controls the traditional muslim heirarchy of a certain region---it controls its own destiny---it does not need much other than its own weapons---.
Different agreements
But look deeper into the Israel deal and the disputes that emerged there

Correct me if I'm wrong, but one of the disputes was Israel wanting to integrate their equipment and have access to the software architecture to make changes.

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