J-31 to be inducted soon| Pilot training reportedly in progress




Thread may have lost its direction , thereby minimum discussion on J-31 .
Lo Bru wat!

Weapon sales and geopolitical consideration is driven by 2000 year old myths and fantasies 😂😂
Yes, many US government officials are staunch Zionist Jews or evangelic Christian boomers. Some of them openly drool over the coming of the messiah and destruction of al aqsa.

That's why the Jewish State gets to violate the First Amendment.

India can get the F-35 tomorrow if it wants. There’s really nothing stopping India from acquiring the F-35 except money, and regardless of what the Indian kids online say, India is very conservative when it comes to weapons procurement and their bureaucracy won’t be able to justify such a purchase.

India, at some point, wanted 125 MRCA or whatever acronym they came up with, an in the end, they only settle for 36 Rafales. This is the reality of Indian weapons procurement.
No it cannot. NATO member Turkey was kicked out of F-35 program for ordering S-400. India's entire military is Russian equipment, let alone the 4 S-400 batteries they operate. F-35 will be compromised within hours of landing in India.
Pakistani military doesn't receive a $700 billion annual defence budget.

So ? That's hilarious, so only those military should be accountable which receive 700 USD billion ? Only a duffer would say so. All militaries and 21, 22 grade servants of states (Generals) must be answerable to civil govts. If you work with impunity then you will have a country like Pakistan with broken economy and worst foreign policy.

Also budget distribution has to be seen with ratio. Like how much ratio of total goes to military, how much to health, to education. You can't foolishly compare with large country, a super power and say their military gets that much amount, we don't. LOL! Check the percentage from their total economy and then compare it.
No it cannot. NATO member Turkey was kicked out of F-35 program for ordering S-400. India's entire military is Russian equipment, let alone the 4 S-400 batteries they operate. F-35 will be compromised within hours of landing in India.

Other russian equipment doesn't matter anyways. US made fuss about only for S-400s. Even though Turks made it clear that's just an excuse. F-35 isn't a baby toy that it will get compromise just in proximity of other russian equipment lol.

BTW! There are so many instances where F-35s would already have come in proximity of russian equipment. In actual war they would come to.

As far as your comment "F35 will be compromised within hours after landing in india"... See below link, it already has landed and performed in india, same event has showed IAF's russian origin fleet performing as well.

Two third of America F-35s cant fly!

Interesting conversation.

Pakistan is clearly going for J31, what options India got? If this is the current state of America own fleet, and thats the big if America allows India into F35 program, at what timeline would they be able to get them anyway! I dont really see any other options available to India and no there will be no so called "indigenous program" considering how Tejas went.
I think there is some misunderstanding it will be able to fly but not to its full potential.
The announcement was probably made to take the highlight away from the growing number of Unmanned Kinetic Platforms(UKPs) in the PAF
If that was supposed to be the case they won't be mentioning induction of drones pretty much in every video PAF releases. Also, in magazines they keep giving new news of drones. Latest was induction of EW equipped CH 4 drones.
These drones will barely survive against India they are probably for counter insurgency and Afghanistan

I am not your Bru---. Please don't address me as such.
You are probably right, we approach things way too differently to be even light heartedly called bru's...nvm carry on.
These drones will barely survive against India they are probably for counter insurgency and Afghanistan
And why is that why can’t they survive against India, just try to go through Russian prospective against the kamikaze drones and Russians have more than enough S300/350/400 bla bla, but still these drones making life hell for them, now
If we calculate a fighter price and pilot too, these drones are peanuts against it
So I should say one should worry but not to that extent that these can’t do anything against Indians
And I’m mentioning here on this forum once again we are taking very lightly Chinese gadgets their own reputation is on stake Chinese are facing a very large USA and the cronies of USA surrounding China whatever they are making they doing it very well to deter the opponents to some extent
Pakistan is only facing india Chinese are facing so many very well developed countries with modern USA and European gadgets
Thank you

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