J-31 to be inducted soon| Pilot training reportedly in progress

The latest image (May 2024) indicated that at least one J-31 prototype has been flying at SAC, featuring an FC-31 style single-wheel nose gear and an IRST underneath the nose.
- Last Updated 5/25/24

As a private venture of AVIC, FC-31 (initially dubbed AFC/Advanced Fighter Concept) has been promoted at the international market as a low-cost alternative to American F-35. Its first foreign customer is expected to be Pakistani AF (dubbed J-31), which has been the primary customer of Chinese made combat aircraft.
how does its stealth and sensor characteristics stack up against those in f-35? are the materials coated or baked in? what will be the maintenance cost?
I still think this fighter will come into service with PAF between 2026-2028, with 2027/2028 more likely dates of initial induction of first squadron of 12-18 planes.

China just has too much experience from the J-20 to require many, many years of development as it just needs to scale down from J-20.

The WS-19 engine will be the major hurdle and if that goes smoothly then no reason it should not be in service between 2026-2028.
There was no interim landbased prototype, only the two well-known FC-31 demonstrators
So there is the first one with the trapezoidal tails -
Then there was the parallelogram tailed prototype and then the J-31 carrier variant right?
Or am I mistaken in adding the one in between?
Do you think any of your very detailed and most specific questions could be answered by anyone here?
these are neither detailed nor specific other than the one about maintenance costs. anyone who works in a related field will have a good idea about the capabilities of both aircraft and can give a very good estimate.
these are neither detailed nor specific other than the one about maintenance costs. anyone who works in a related field will have a good idea about the capabilities of both aircraft and can give a very good estimate.

For sure, but since the J-31 is not existent yet, the J-35 - as the closest analogue - a strictly top-secret PLAN project also still in flight testing, do you really believe anyone "who works in a related field" aka at SAC would tell us this here is a public fan-forum?
So there is the first one with the trapezoidal tails -
Then there was the parallelogram tailed prototype and then the J-31 carrier variant right?
Or am I mistaken in adding the one in between?

This maybe helps: it shows a summarised "FC-31 to J-35 and more development" chart made by "Alpha_Particle" from the SDF and added with my own comments:

FC-31 to J-35 and more development - Alpha_Particle + AR.jpg
Hey man, seems a turkish soap opera... they killed three brothers in law... (RIP FC-31/FC-31 export and J-35)...

Why? From my understanding there was always the main aim to develop a carrier-capable fighter for the PLAN, a potential export version J-31 or whatever it may be called was IMO only a cover story and to gain interest.

As such, why "RIP FC-31/FC-31 export and J-35"?

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