J-31 to be inducted soon| Pilot training reportedly in progress

And how often before do they post anything for the own masses?
Honestly, there is no J-31 to prepare Pakistani pilots, at best there is a prototype and even if it will come, it won’t simply since it cannot be - come in late 2025 or even 2026.
This kind of topic won’t get any (much) public interest. It’s very unlikely to be done for any such reason. That’s why it’s very strange and intriguing.

Just to clarify they didn’t give a date of induction though.
But they are training on what? There isn’t any aircraft barring maybe a prototype.
May be there are already a few serial jets. Who knows?
China's level of secrecy is very high, we all know that.
From the optics of it, it seem that induction might be soon than Dec 2026. may be in 2025 ?

End of 2025, is what I heard, a while back.
At the sound it, does feel ridiculous, that was my impression when I first heard. But, my understanding is that this project is top top priority. Indians are already subdued with current PAF capabilities, but as things develop in West (not Afghanistan) and far west, our reach must extend. Put it bluntly, they are ganging up on Iran, and its just matter of time before we have a massive security situations developing from our border in Baluchistan all the way to eastern shores of Mediterranean. Only a fool will not see it coming. We need to extend our reach, our arms, whatever we can muster up, time is of the essence.
Strange as it may sound, heard we are looking at end of next year induction. If this report of pilots already training are true, I suppose we are well on track with that timeline.
Just imagine the immense pressure even this "intelligence leak" would put on the IAF in particular and Bharati strategists in general! Forget about the physical encounter, this psychological pressure is enough to paralyze their minds given they can't even assemble Tejas for the lack of the US engines. And, it won't get any easy for them.....
End of 2025, is what I heard, a while back.
At the sound it, does feel ridiculous, that was my impression when I first heard. But, my understanding is that this project is top top priority. Indians are already subdued with current PAF capabilities, but as things develop in West (not Afghanistan) and far west, our reach must extend. Put it bluntly, they are ganging up on Iran, and its just matter of time before we have a massive security situations developing from our border in Baluchistan all the way to eastern shores of Mediterranean. Only a fool will not see it coming. We need to extend our reach, our arms, whatever we can muster up, time is of the essence.
They're ganging up against Turkey big time too!
Just imagine the immense pressure even this "intelligence leak" would put on the IAF in particular and Bharati strategists in general! Forget about the physical encounter, this psychological pressure is enough to paralyze their minds given they can't even assemble Tejas for the lack of the US engines. And, it won't get any easy for them.....

I am more then happy for them to be under their illusions/delusions/hallucinations that their tejas/rafales/su30 will be able to tackle a 5th gen equipped PAF.
They're ganging up against Turkey big time too!

What I am going to say, many will take it as going into tangent of what we are discussing here.

I have been at loggerheads with my own section of society for decades who consider themselves liberals, those who happen to enjoy power in Pakistan, and those who take right wing as bunch of idiots, fearmongers, religious fanatics and what not. Been saying to these lot, that you can dismiss your own faith, your own prophecies as fables, atleast for your own sake and for your countrymen , look and understand who is occupying the power among your enemy nations, their motives and what is driving them. Atleast prepare! wallahi, whatever is happening in the earth stretching from Pakistan western border to the Mediterranean , is driven solely by opposite camp firm belief in their faith, their dogmas , and yes, their prophecies.

This problem of liberals is more pronounced in Turkey I am afraid. I hope and pray, atleast they all come to their senses pretty soon, in Pakistan, in Turkey and throughout the Muslim world.
How Pakistan will afford and maintain a fleet of J-31 jets, is the pressing question. People in the country are facing socioeconomic challenges on the scale never seen before but let's get J-31. WE get J-31 and then what? J-31 will spark a new and very costly arms race with the potential to bankrupt the country because India will seek F-35 and expedite AMCA development with Western support in response. Instead of getting entangled in a very costly arms race with a much larger neighbor that cannot be stopped from progressing, Pakistan should look for ways to de-conflict the region.

Defense is important but a line must be drawn in terms of spending.
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How Pakistan will afford and maintain a fleet of J-31 jets, is the pressing question. People in the country are facing socioeconomic challenges on the scale never seen before but let's get J-31. WE get J-31 and then what? J-31 will spark a new and very costly arms race with the potential to bankrupt the country because India will seek F-35 and expedite AMCA development with Western support in response. Instead of getting entangled in a very costly arms race with a much larger neighbor that cannot be stopped from progressing, Pakistan should look for ways to de-conflict the region.

Defense is importance but a line must be drawn for some matters.

What do you want? Cancel the contract and bring the pilots home?

India can seek Battlestar Galactica for all we care but can they get it? Fat chance. Even UK is struggling with the staggering cost of their tiny f35 fleet, you think third world India can buy, maintain and sustain F35? This is the race they cannot win, mark my words.
How Pakistan will afford and maintain a fleet of J-31 jets, is the pressing question. People in the country are facing socioeconomic challenges on the scale never seen before but let's get J-31. WE get J-31 and then what? J-31 will spark a new and very costly arms race with the potential to bankrupt the country because India will seek F-35 and expedite AMCA development with Western support in response. Instead of getting entangled in a very costly arms race with a much larger neighbor that cannot be stopped from progressing, Pakistan should look for ways to de-conflict the region.

Defense is importance but a line must be drawn for some matters.
If you are not lazy like me study the military procurements of Pakistan since fifties....... Pakistan seldom pays for her military goodies , even her nuclear weapons program was financed by friends .....you are a legend without legendary tales .

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