J-31 to be inducted soon| Pilot training reportedly in progress

Let me correct it for you! India had once plans to acquire Russian made SU-57 if I'm not mistaken. India was a traditional customer of Russian made equipment esp in aviation sector.

Are you just that stupid or are you playing a clown again! The question on "where pak mil gets funds for procurement" is irrelevant when whatever Pakistan wants is not ready!

Ok my young Padawan. let's try it in a different way: The problem is - and I'm well aware that as a Padawan you are in no way allowed to question what your Sith-Lord MastanKhan tells you. The Problem however is, he does not explain - since he cannot -, he always only claims!

For a Padawan this might be the same, but for everyone outside there is an important difference: Claiming something does not requires a reason, an explanation based on facts, since a claim is almost a belief like some sort of religious trust in what a master - or Mastan - says. Explaining however means you need to give a logical, fact-based explanation, a reason on why something could or in this case could not be! I know this must be confusing since claim and explain sounds so similar, anyway there is a huge difference between both meanings.

Therefore as an EXPLANATION: There is no J-31, not even the J-35 is ready and so - regardless "where pak mil gets funds for procurement" from, there is nothing to deliver at least within the next 5-7 yeas. All your master's and the other Padawan's claims there was a J-31 in 2016 and two more in 2018 are wrong; a lie ...

As such, since I'm not a Sith, I do not take their words for gospel - similar to his other claims Pakistan could get any Flanker, J-20, the Liaoning & J-15 as well as 055 DDGs - but I base my considerations on facts and the facts are: two FC-31 demonstrators are flying since 2013 & 2016. the first true J-35 is known since late 2021 and since then two more J-35 are in trials. So, NO J-31, nothing to deliver ... regardless what others claim or even if there is enough money to spend!
Ok, Mr knows everything.

Pakistan acquiring J-31 is more probable. China's all weather ally plus India is a factor. Don't forget that J-20 is not for sale but J-31 surely is.
Ok, Mr knows everything.

Pakistan acquiring J-31 is more probable. China's all weather ally plus India is a factor. Don't forget that J-20 is not for sale but J-31 surely is.

Once again in case you missed it: I never denied this and I’m almost certain it will, but it will not within the claimed timeframe of months or a maximum of 1.5 years.
J-31 was covered with canvas at the 2022 Zhuhai airshow.
Only a few prestige guests saw it.
no leaked info. available other than the third prototype 31003 5 years ago.
Let me correct it for you! India had once plans to acquire Russian made SU-57 if I'm not mistaken. India was a traditional customer of Russian made equipment esp in aviation sector.

Are you just that stupid or are you playing a clown again! The question on "where pak mil gets funds for procurement" is irrelevant when whatever Pakistan wants is not ready!

Ok my young Padawan. let's try it in a different way: The problem is - and I'm well aware that as a Padawan you are in no way allowed to question what your Sith-Lord MastanKhan tells you. The Problem however is, he does not explain - since he cannot -, he always only claims!

For a Padawan this might be the same, but for everyone outside there is an important difference: Claiming something does not requires a reason, an explanation based on facts, since a claim is almost a belief like some sort of religious trust in what a master - or Mastan - says. Explaining however means you need to give a logical, fact-based explanation, a reason on why something could or in this case could not be! I know this must be confusing since claim and explain sounds so similar, anyway there is a huge difference between both meanings.

Therefore as an EXPLANATION: There is no J-31, not even the J-35 is ready and so - regardless "where pak mil gets funds for procurement" from, there is nothing to deliver at least within the next 5-7 yeas. All your master's and the other Padawan's claims there was a J-31 in 2016 and two more in 2018 are wrong; a lie ...

As such, since I'm not a Sith, I do not take their words for gospel - similar to his other claims Pakistan could get any Flanker, J-20, the Liaoning & J-15 as well as 055 DDGs - but I base my considerations on facts and the facts are: two FC-31 demonstrators are flying since 2013 & 2016. the first true J-35 is known since late 2021 and since then two more J-35 are in trials. So, NO J-31, nothing to deliver ... regardless what others claim or even if there is enough money to spend!
Actually me and @MastanKhan don't want to explain one thing again and again.... J-31/J-35/FC-31 used the same engine as jft....Then you also say rd-93 is different from WS-13 but it is not ....just an improved variant
It has same hmds Same weapon arsenal ....Many commonalities with JF-17 block3 and J-10C

Your next aircraft carrier 003 Fujian will be soon using the same J-31 and it is also near its completion stage but Still you believe that J-35 is not ready ?
What do you think why China is showcasing J-31/J-35 models in shows
Countries will never pitched up something for export if it is not completely built
I think you will only believe when a blur image will come out
You are so bad even at the timeline. Mr it was on January 4 2024 when Air Chief for the first time announced that we are going for J-31 on inductions of that Drones and other planes ceremony which was inducted. And what I am saying is exactly what PAF is saying. I am just quoting them. Also, those who know these matters including many well-connected MODS of this forum from Pakistan know what I am saying is right.
Lol do our ACM gives a time-line of your fantasy oriented figures of your 1.5/2 years of induction of J-31?
but it will not within the claimed timeframe of months or a maximum of 1.5 years.

Zarvan mentioned 1.5 year at the beginning of this year. So now only 1.3 year remaining ;) @Zarvan we'll not let you extend this timeline :)
Anyways whenever J-31 is coming, the premature announcement by the CAS has done exactly what he wanted to achieve.

1- Local consumption / media hype / the fact of matter is people are discussing it over here too. That's exactly CAS wanted to achieve. ACM is well known to have political connections (his own brother became MNA, who won after rigging), the ACM's politcal motives and his self promotion stunts are getting scarier every other day. He wanted extension and somehow want to connect himself as saviour / only hope for the PAF.

2- The premature announcement gave lot of concern to india, they actually speed up their AMCA program, the funds got approved for it and they have set their goal to bring the first prototype by 4-5 years.

If we think about it, none of above 2 points were beneficial for the PAF.
It's coming soon really soon but please feel free to remain in denial.
We had the same response from the non-believers when the J10s were announced. Lol, I used to get the same response when I found out Pakistan had the nukes and told people which was one of doubt and disbelief. India will have to run off and buy some J35s as now it's Airforce will be 2 generations behind. The J31 version Pakistan is getting is 5.5 and more close to 6th gen. India has wasted all this money on the Rafaels and its Airforce chiefs are looking donkey faced.
Anyways whenever J-31 is coming, the premature announcement by the CAS has done exactly what he wanted to achieve.

1- Local consumption / media hype / the fact of matter is people are discussing it over here too. That's exactly CAS wanted to achieve. ACM is well known to have political connections (his own brother became MNA, who won after rigging), the ACM's politcal motives and his self promotion stunts are getting scarier every other day. He wanted extension and somehow want to connect himself as saviour / only hope for the PAF.

2- The premature announcement gave lot of concern to india, they actually speed up their AMCA program, the funds got approved for it and they have set their goal to bring the first prototype by 4-5 years.

If we think about it, none of above 2 points were beneficial for the PAF.
We have no reason to doubt, PML have delivered in the past and will deliver today. PML and army combo is good for Pakistan's defense.
what if? J-31 is not what we think is J-35/FC31

May be the Plane could be J-20 named as down graded export oriented J-20 version?

see what i not understand if you are looking for induction in 1-2 years J31/J35 as we know it - that can not be. J20 is operational for 10 years now.

Only other is J-20A and J-20 (tendem seater) which i think more then 150 already produced in service with proper supply chain.

Since everybody is speculating -- this is also an angle?

what do you guys think? i find it logical
Sir, are you the same gent from somewhere in Africa, who sells cars?
In the meantime J-10 was entered in service with in a year when announced by Air chief and Sheikh Rasheed (Interior Minister)
Musharraf Never announced the procurement
There is a difference between announced procurement and A rumour
Please remind him, that it was Musharraf who insisted on a Chinese engine, for any sale to go through.
It's a textbook example of "psy ops" on the IAF by the PAF! And, it's been goin' on for time immemorial....

Now, "if there're Rafales" needs to be replaced by "if there're F-35s".......

And, F-35 = either you're with us or against us.....
Only if Pakistan was even a fraction of this guy belive it to be.....sigh.

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