J-31 to be inducted soon| Pilot training reportedly in progress

Right I will now thread ban lots of people who ignored my warning to bring in India to this. It's not just Indian posters but many Pakistanis doing it. Have you read the title of the thread?

I thread banned 8 people on here alone.
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The main hurdle at this time for the J-31 is likely the WS-19 engine.

In areas like electronics and radar, China is likely to use a modified versions of that used in J-20 and missiles will be standard BVRAAMs like PL-15 and PL-10 that are already in service.

I doubt whether it will take more than 3-4 years to get this plane flying in PAF service.
Can we leave India's future purchases out of this please.

My original warning to the posters which many chose to ignore and carry on. You want to talk about India's hypothetical purchases there is a section for it. Hint it's called the Indian defense forum right here. If you would like a link do let me know. Usually people can find it one click away.
The main hurdle at this time for the J-31 is likely the WS-19 engine.

In areas like electronics and radar, China is likely to use a modified versions of that used in J-20 and missiles will be standard BVRAAMs like PL-15 and PL-10 that are already in service.

I doubt whether it will take more than 3-4 years to get this plane flying in PAF service.
We have the option of installing WS-13IPE (WS-13IPE HAS 10%-15% more thrust than standard WS-13) as an interim engine until WS-19 matures
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Right I will not thread ban lots of people who ignored my warning to bring in India to this. It's not just Indian posters but many Pakistanis doing it. Have you read the title of the thread?

I thread banned 8 people on here alone.
It's an arms race with India, it would be like playing a tennis match without an opponent if India isn't included.
Today in the parade there was a vehicle based radar, which the announcer said, was made by PAF
Any further info?
Stick to the topic, You're doing OFF-TOPIC discussion, You're reported for doing OFF-TOPIC POSTS
Not really. The thread is about 23rd March parade and a news coming out of it.
What I wrote is exactly that.
So ask that question on 23rd march parade thread not here, do you read this thread title?
Yeah. The news based on a commentary in 23rd March parade. Same as my comment
Do read the this thread title? Its for purchase of J-31 in future, and you're asking about radar that appeared in parade, do your question is relate to the topic?
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I may be worng but I think agreement for J-10 and J-31 were signed at the same time frame

Quite possible. I am beginning to think that number of aircrafts to be procured is not what we all have assumed. For some reason, we all have believed that PAF is going to procure a lot of aircrafts (upto 90) of each J-10 & J-31. I think PAF may only induct less than 60 J-10Cs and less than 25 J-31s till 2040. Then only it make sense. Lot of UCAVs / long range SAMs are also being added, the number of manned aircrafts may not be as much as it used to be in the past.

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