J-31 to be inducted soon| Pilot training reportedly in progress

There seems to be some requirement to have J10 C to get to j31 etc, etc.
Long time ago, i was with some people who said J10 will only come when we have the apporximately 150+ JF17s and that prove right its when TEF flight just recieved the first 2 JF17 Block 1( 0 batch)

so with only 20 J-10CE inducted and possible 16 more to come (planned two and half squadron) induction may be there is room for 1 squadron worth of 5th Gen Air dominance fighter.

lets see how it pans out! if any 5th generation fighter is coming "Soon" then it would be J20A/B

I do not think J35 is what is talked about.

By the way there is rumor that No.9 Sqn is earmarked.
It's an arms race with India, it would be like playing a tennis match without an opponent if India isn't included.

No it just ruins it all. Do you want every thread to be turned into Pakistan v India? It puts off people with proper knowledge and posters from other nations who wish to take part, but all they see is a subcontinent slug fest.
Let me correct it for you! India had once plans to acquire Russian made SU-57 if I'm not mistaken. India was a traditional customer of Russian made equipment esp in aviation sector.

Are you just that stupid or are you playing a clown again! The question on "where pak mil gets funds for procurement" is irrelevant when whatever Pakistan wants is not ready!

Ok my young Padawan. let's try it in a different way: The problem is - and I'm well aware that as a Padawan you are in no way allowed to question what your Sith-Lord MastanKhan tells you. The Problem however is, he does not explain - since he cannot -, he always only claims!

For a Padawan this might be the same, but for everyone outside there is an important difference: Claiming something does not requires a reason, an explanation based on facts, since a claim is almost a belief like some sort of religious trust in what a master - or Mastan - says. Explaining however means you need to give a logical, fact-based explanation, a reason on why something could or in this case could not be! I know this must be confusing since claim and explain sounds so similar, anyway there is a huge difference between both meanings.

Therefore as an EXPLANATION: There is no J-31, not even the J-35 is ready and so - regardless "where pak mil gets funds for procurement" from, there is nothing to deliver at least within the next 5-7 yeas. All your master's and the other Padawan's claims there was a J-31 in 2016 and two more in 2018 are wrong; a lie ...

As such, since I'm not a Sith, I do not take their words for gospel - similar to his other claims Pakistan could get any Flanker, J-20, the Liaoning & J-15 as well as 055 DDGs - but I base my considerations on facts and the facts are: two FC-31 demonstrators are flying since 2013 & 2016. the first true J-35 is known since late 2021 and since then two more J-35 are in trials. So, NO J-31, nothing to deliver ... regardless what others claim or even if there is enough money to spend!

My german "spy boy" is snooping around---writing pointed insulting comments for someone to spill out the beans to look important---& our "spy boy" is just waiting for that moment to forward that information to 'his' masters---..
Long time ago, i was with some people who said J10 will only come when we have the apporximately 150+ JF17s and that prove right its when TEF flight just recieved the first 2 JF17 Block 1( 0 batch)

so with only 20 J-10CE inducted and possible 16 more to come (planned two and half squadron) induction may be there is room for 1 squadron worth of 5th Gen Air dominance fighter.

lets see how it pans out! if any 5th generation fighter is coming "Soon" then it would be J20A/B

I do not think J35 is what is talked about.

By the way there is rumor that No.9 Sqn is earmarked.
J-20 is not for export dude for any case for its closest allies like Pakistan, and don't think Pakistan can get everything from China for its military, J-20 is their strategic tech how can they would give their strategic tech to other country like Pakistan

And CAS clearly said we are going to j31 which is EXPORT ORIENTED 5TH GEN JET not for J-20, so get out of your dream about that we can get J-20 (THEIR STRATEGIC 5TH GEN JET)
J-20 is not for export dude for any case for its closest allies like Pakistan, and don't think Pakistan can get everything from China for its military, J-20 is their strategic tech how can they would give their strategic tech to other country like Pakistan

And CAS clearly said we are going to j31 which is EXPORT ORIENTED 5TH GEN JET not for J-20, so get out of your dream about that we can get J-20 (THEIR STRATEGIC 5TH GEN JET)

Dude! J31 does not exsist!

why do you think Policy can not be changed you know how long now PLAAF is operating J20? more then 10-12 years operationally and for sake of history who was the first export user of F15s? (IDF/AF) they even got the first F15s 4 x to be exact which were FSD models at the start.

My bet is if its soon in Pakistani term - then without a doubt its export oriented J20 WITH LOCAL engine with refurbished airframes.
Dude! J31 does not exsist!

why do you think Policy can not be changed you know how long now PLAAF is operating J20? more then 10-12 years operationally and for sake of history who was the first export user of F15s? (IDF/AF) they even got the first F15s 4 x to be exact which were FSD models at the start.

My bet is if its soon in Pakistani term - then without a doubt its export oriented J20 WITH LOCAL engine with refurbished airframes.
Dude espionage will be the problem if pakistan will get downgraded J-20 that's impossible

And I'm not saying that we'll get J-31 soon but our AIR CHIEF SAYING THAT WE WILL GET J-31 SOON, so we have no chance to get even downgraded J-20 for PAF

And last we witnessed 2 prototypes of J-31 4-5 years ago
It's coming soon really soon but please feel free to remain in denial.
he J-31 Fighter Jet, also known as the FC-31 Gyrfalcon, is a stealthy multirole fighter aircraft developed by China's Shenyang Aircraft Corporation. It features advanced avionics, stealth capabilities, and a design resembling the F-35 Lightning II. The J-31 is designed for air-to-air and air-to-ground missions, aiming to enhance China's aerial combat capabilities and serve as a competitor to Western fifth-generation fighters.
How many flights hours has the J-31 had? 'induct' is the wrong word here.
Quite possible. I am beginning to think that number of aircrafts to be procured is not what we all have assumed. For some reason, we all have believed that PAF is going to procure a lot of aircrafts (upto 90) of each J-10 & J-31. I think PAF may only induct less than 60 J-10Cs and less than 25 J-31s till 2040. Then only it make sense. Lot of UCAVs / long range SAMs are also being added, the number of manned aircrafts may not be as much as it used to be in the past.
The 80-90 unit figure is from PAF acquisition history. Whenever it purchased an aircraft from national funds, it always planned for at least 90 units.

It's not even restricted to low-cost platforms like the F-6 or F-7; for example:
  • It acquired 90+ Mirage III/5s through the 1970s
  • Planned for 110 F-16A/Bs in the late 1980s
  • Negotiated for the M2K/-5 with the idea that it would eventually acquire 80
  • Peace Drive F-16 plan involved 55 plus an option for 20 more (source)
Each new fighter acquisition involves a fixed overhead in training, maintenance setup, and other logistics/ground support elements. The PAF wants to distribute that load across many units rather than setting up another parallel setup after a few small purchases. Not only that, but it wants the high-tech capability to be available across Pakistan, not concentrated in one command/theater of operations. You need numbers for that.

Hence, when it evaluates a fighter, it doesn't think about the cost of acquiring only 20 or 30. AHQ factors in the total feasibility of building a fleet of ~90+ strong. If the PAF's focus was to acquire several dozen planes, it would've acquired the Typhoon or Su-35.

So, ultimately, the J-10CE program will stretch to at least 90 units. There are plenty of factors supporting that eventuality. First, it's available. The J-31 is still a prototype, we don't even have a LRIP unit to work with. Second, it's the workhorse of the PLAAF and in production, which gives it economies of scale and a relatively competitive price point. Third, the PAF has experience with it and knows what to expect, so why quickly reset the cycle again with the J-31?

IMO, I don't think the J-31 itself is an 'immortality play' by the current ACM, not in the way some think. I do believe the announcement was an immortality play as it was premature (the J-31 isn't in production yet) and for a domestic audience. But the J-31 isn't.

But I think AHQ has been eyeing the J-31 for years as the F-16A/Bs will start aging out in 2030. The core design of the J-31 could make for a balanced offensive 'speartip' fighter, replacing the air-to-air and SOW value of the F-16s and Mirage ROSE, respectively.

Hence, the J-10CE and J-31 are likely sequential, or even parallel programs. BTW, this whole JF-17 PFX thing isn't a sure thing either. It could fail and, in turn, force the PAF to look for some other option for shoring up its light/medium-weight fleet (for area-denial and point-defence missions). Thus, if the JF-17 PFX falters, the PAF could aim for 120-150 J-10CEs.

How many flights hours has the J-31 had? 'induct' is the wrong word here.
The FC-31/J-31 prototypes have probably been flying regularly. That isn't the issue. Rather, the real question is when we can expect a LRIP model. However, it seems that much of SAC's work at the moment is going towards the J-35. @Deino
J-31 or project PFX(whatever they are cooking with that) won’t come before 2030-32.
What will come though are more J-10s if budget allows and a new ISPR song :3

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