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Martin-Baker: A Pakistan Air Force JF-17 Block 2 aircraft, On Wednesday 5th June crashed near the Jhang district. The pilot successfully ejected.


Jan 11, 2024
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Might be true... But being silent puts question on Integrity. They could have clarified on X itself on the day of incident that matter is under investigation. Now they have spend extra efforts to clean the mess.
I think Pakistan has to work to rebuild their Image and credibility.

All the best Pakistan.
Thanks for your concern but I think their image and credibility is just fine after what they did to India after its last attempted ‘surgical strike’ despite having a fraction of the budget of the IAF. Domestic Indian audience may have bought the fake medal ceremonies and cover up but you can bet countries like China took due notice of what really happened. It was much bigger and the effect will last much longer than an accident that wasn’t announced. All the best India.


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Dec 10, 2023
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PAF still admitted friendly fire within a few days. Unofficially there is another F-16 shot down by a friendly country during anti ISIS ops......that unfortunate pilot was burned alive.
What happens in such a case? Does the friendly country reimburse them?


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Jun 2, 2012
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The transparency should have nothing to do with India.
Tell that to the Indians who feel that PAF/Ministery of Defence should first inform them about each Crash.
Will be banning people that keep repeating about PAF hiding a crash.
You may either lock this Thread or merge it with another.

The kind of low-lives we have - this one can go on until the next Crash.


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Feb 20, 2024
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Why are they so common?

Because of the very nature of fighter flying and military flying. They fly close to each other as wingmen and the rates of closure speed are insanely high when they're doing basic fighter maneuvers during air combat training.

One pilot can be distracted, a gust of wind may blow you closer suddenly (if you've experienced turbulence ever you'll know) and weather may suddenly turn bad with poor to no visibility.

In the case of the IAF Mirage-2000 and Su-30MKI it happened during an air combat training sortie where they were maneuvering against each other. Possibly they clipped each other's wing. Mirage-2000 crashed and Su-30MKI landed safely.

It certainly appears that larger twin engine fighters have a better chance of surviving mid air collisions and somehow being able to land back. But F-16s too have managed to land after having half their wing sheared off.


The flight paths of the F-16s involved in the air combat training


This F-16 landed after half it's wing was sheared off

Here's an image of one of the most famous air to air collisions. Happened during RIAT. Russian MiG-29s were involved. One pilot died the other ejected.


Here's another one where an Israeli F-15 collided with an Israeli A-4 Skyhawk. Skyhawk crashed and the F-15 pilot managed to land with 1 wing!


F-15 lands with 1 wing



How 2 F-18s brought their pilots home after colliding mid air during air combat training

Another mid-air collision between Hornets during a training mission. 1 landed safely and the other crashed.

Photos - damaged F-18 Hornet makes it back to base

Another where Finnish AF F-18s collided mid air but luckily both escaped with damage.

Pictures- Finnish AF F18s land safely after mid air collision
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Jan 6, 2021
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After the initial reports of the crash, most of the discussion seems to have veered towards why was it not declared officially.

Crash of a military aircraft isn’t uncommon or failure of a force. There is bound to be losses in peacetime. It could be due to numerous reasons including human failure. No defence force is immune to it and any celebrations over a crash in the adversaries side are juvenile and childish.

It is a little surprising though about no official announcement of the crash this time. It is customary for an official statement after crash of an aircraft. Because it is a significant event. In these times of social media, it is bound to come out in the open. Hence, non announcement by the ISPR can’t be called hiding it but just keeping mum.

In Paksiatn, these matters are handled by the ISPR. There is no logical reason for them not to do their job, which is to keep the nation apprised of significant events under their domain, which this event was.

They haven’t done the best when it comes to handling these issues. Poorly edited pictures of martyred soldiers to making bombastic and over the top press releases are a few that show their ineptitude.

Crash wasn’t a failure as such but ISPR keeping quite doesn’t appear to be a good move.


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Jun 11, 2024
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Will be banning people that keep repeating about PAF hiding a crash.
But off course these Bhartis aren't obsessed with Pakistan. Lol
Without Pakistan these low life losers will roll over and die.
Just check the comparison between the SU-30 crash thread and the JF-17 incident.
The SU-30 crash caused these clowns so much butt hurt that rather than discussing on subject all effort was to divert the topic and drag in PAF and their wet dream of killing of F-16. So much that thread had to be locked.
While as can be seen for the JF-17 crash these scumbags have turned several threads into slumdog streets. Despite there being a dedicated thread on PAF attrition, another desparate loser purposely started this new thread.



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Feb 9, 2024
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Went overboard or rather a pretty inept and poorly monitored individual who doesn’t know when to look at the fuel gauge.
Oh please, It's not as simple as you are trying to portray. There can be many reasons for higher than expected fuel consumption. Turbulence, thinner air(it's summer, duh), you might wanna focus on what caused JF17 crash as per the thread, who knows it can be same reason. It can happen from the bests in the business.



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Jun 11, 2024
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It feels desperate from.pakistani military to hide the crashes
Indeed they have long history of deception or should I say being creative with the truth

We did not know Osama bin laden was in Pakistan but hey will take USA dollars and F16s to help you find him....

Err the northern light Infantry did not start kargil they where freedom fighters

Err we have no casualties in kargil those bodies you claim are not Pak soldiers

Your air strikes did not hit terror camps they hit trees

We shot down your Mki but have no evidence but we say we did ...so it has to be true

Now do you get why some people don't believe a word your military says
Despite warnings from MODs @GriffinsRule you low life losers are still blabbering the same nonsense.
Talking about cover ups, here's one for your collection.
It seems wife swapping gone wrong between the two commanders.




May 20, 2024
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Oh please, It's not as simple as you are trying to portray. There can be many reasons for higher than expected fuel consumption. Turbulence, thinner air(it's summer, duh), you might wanna focus on what caused JF17 crash as per the thread, who knows it can be same reason. It can happen from the bests in the business.

You want to say that if a plane is consuming more then normal amount of fuel then Pilot would not notice it? Should he not be able to adjust to it?


Sep 12, 2010
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Balanced PoV.

We have seen outright denial in the past, but that was more for terrorism incidents.

On to the larger point though, inhi chutyapon ki waja say ham apni izzat mitti main mila dete hain.

Be up front about things, be transparent, if there is any flaw, you discuss it, publish it, tell the world that you have identified the root cause and eliminated it, so it won't happen again. This is what happens all over the engineering world.

In the same vein:

USAF published a whole report for the incident, and gleaned over the learnings and future corrective actions. That's 101 of any engineering and marketing strategy.



Mar 28, 2009
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Oh please, It's not as simple as you are trying to portray. There can be many reasons for higher than expected fuel consumption. Turbulence, thinner air(it's summer, duh), you might wanna focus on what caused JF17 crash as per the thread, who knows it can be same reason. It can happen from the bests in the business.

Oh did I criticize the great infallible Indian..

Look at the fuel gauge. That’s all that is needed
Unless its broken then someone else is at fault.

Turbulence, thinner air and so on are all factors but the eventual focus comes down to MONITORING parameters.

That could ALSO apply to the JF-17 incident as well


Mar 28, 2009
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After the initial reports of the crash, most of the discussion seems to have veered towards why was it not declared officially.

Crash of a military aircraft isn’t uncommon or failure of a force. There is bound to be losses in peacetime. It could be due to numerous reasons including human failure. No defence force is immune to it and any celebrations over a crash in the adversaries side are juvenile and childish.

It is a little surprising though about no official announcement of the crash this time. It is customary for an official statement after crash of an aircraft. Because it is a significant event. In these times of social media, it is bound to come out in the open. Hence, non announcement by the ISPR can’t be called hiding it but just keeping mum.

In Paksiatn, these matters are handled by the ISPR. There is no logical reason for them not to do their job, which is to keep the nation apprised of significant events under their domain, which this event was.

They haven’t done the best when it comes to handling these issues. Poorly edited pictures of martyred soldiers to making bombastic and over the top press releases are a few that show their ineptitude.

Crash wasn’t a failure as such but ISPR keeping quite doesn’t appear to be a good move.
What if the ISPR is soo busy with something internal and other chaos in overall fiefdoms that at this point they are too numb to be nuanced about anything.

Imagine if ISPR is the role played by the PR lead lady in “The Boys” - to the point its gotten so chaotic she’s pulling her own hair out.

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