Melaca strait China's vulnerability? Is it true or Myth?

PLAN can’t leave first island chain.

Indian Ocean is India’s ocean. South China Sea is America’s sea.
Can you reach south Indian ocean? I mean Tanzania/Madagascar and south Africa? You can't reach these parts of south Indian ocean without any foreign help, you only reach as far as mid-indian ocean after that your capability is 0 to reach south Indian ocean

And PLAN is capable to reach third island chain, there are naval bases of PLAN on third island chain

And as for your information recently PLAN naval ships sail through east Pacific ocean near the coast of Alaska but in international waters
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But then when they go over that border, knowing all their short coming, that's a strategic defeat....
Kim Jong Un was very persistent and just wouldn't give up, he wanted to use China to reunite the whole Korea, it's not in China's interest and throughout the history, China never wanted to see a united, powerful Korea next door. But for the sake of so called comradeship, China made some half hearted attack at best, and soon pulled back after finding some excuses.
Can you reach south Indian ocean? I mean Tanzania/Madagascar and south Africa? You can't reach these parts of south Indian ocean without any foreign help, you only reach as far as mid-indian ocean after that your capability is 0 to reach south Indian ocean

And PLAN is capable to reach third island chain, there are naval bases of PLAN on third island chain

And as for your information recently PLAN naval ships sail through east Pacific ocean near the coast of Alaska but in international waters
The Chinese naval fleet is visiting Madagascar at the moment.
Ask the mighty India Navy to stop it!

“Indian Ocean is India’s ocean.”

Many years ago, when the India government first formally raised this idea, the topic of Somali piracy appeared at the United Nations, and then naval convoys began to appear in the India Ocean. Since then, the India government has never mentioned this phrase in any official international setting............
You do know that this entire post is basically you naming the excuse why China cannot push to the South, right?

That did not deny the actual FACT that they still pushed, DESPITED all of what you said, which they shouldn't, in itself is a strategic mistake.

As I said, it would have been a stunning defeat to the United Nation force if they had stopped at the 38 Parallel after expelling them, a job well done, did what they came here for and gloriously return to China after helping the North Korean brother restoring their country. But then when they go over that border, knowing all their short coming, that's a strategic defeat....
No, as I said their strategic objective is to restore the 38th parallel all along. They did try to push South if they could get it but due to logistic shortcomings they can't Nice to have it but not their objective! The US often tries to push back beyond the 38th parallel and all of them for naught!

So they didn't win anything it is coming back to where it starts
This missile is useless, with a range of only 650km, but a speed of only Mach 3.

It takes 11 minutes to fly and another 6 minutes to find the submarine after entering the water.

A total of 17 minutes, and the target submarine would have long since moved far away.

Hey, Einstein, your "analysis" of India's SMART missile is about as accurate as a blindfolded dart throw. Let me school you on a few things and wipe that smug grin off your face.

1. Range and Speed: Our missile gets to your precious PLAN subs faster than you can blink. In 11 minutes, it's there, ready to drop a torpedo right on their heads. Maybe you should brush up on your math skills.

2. Mid-Course Updates: Ever heard of data links? Probably not, given your laughable understanding. Our SMART missile gets mid-course updates, meaning it’s not just flying blind. It adjusts its path in real-time, ensuring it destroys the target.

3. Integrated ASW Systems: You think subs can just slip away, huh? Not with our integrated ASW systems. We’ve got sonar buoys, underwater sensors, and airborne surveillance working together like a symphony. Your sub won’t even know what hit it until it's too late.

4. Strategic Choke Points: India’s got SOSUS installed at key maritime choke points like the Malacca Strait. Our SOSUS arrays aren’t just in the Malacca Strait. We’ve got them in other strategic points around the Indian Ocean. Combine that with our satellites, P-8I Poseidons, and ASW helis, and your submarines are as good as spotted. Every. Single. Time. Every time a PLAN sub tries to sneak into the IOR, we’re onto it faster than you can blink. So good luck hiding!

5. Submarine Movement: Your submarines can move, sure. But not far and not fast enough to escape our detection and engagement. Our systems are tracking them every step of the way making your subs' evasive maneuvers look like a toddler’s game. Once it’s in the water, your sub’s got nowhere to hide. So much for your stealthy escape plans.

6. Rapid Response Networks: Our ships and aircraft are linked in a rapid response network. The second your sub is detected, we’ve got assets converging on it from all directions. The SMART missile is just one part of a multi-layered death trap for your underwater tin cans.
The Chinese naval fleet is visiting Madagascar at the moment.
Ask the mighty India Navy to stop it!

“Indian Ocean is India’s ocean.”

Many years ago, when the India government first formally raised this idea, the topic of Somali piracy appeared at the United Nations, and then naval convoys began to appear in the India Ocean. Since then, the India government has never mentioned this phrase in any official international setting............
Oh look, another delusional rant from someone who clearly doesn't get how things work in the Indian Ocean. Let me break it down for you in terms even you can understand.

First off, the Indian Ocean is India’s backyard, always has been, always will be. Your PLAN fleet might be visiting Madagascar now, but once Indian Navy sets its sights on your support ships, your fancy surface combatants are just floating targets. Sitting ducks, if you will. And the submarines lurking beneath the waves? Good luck spotting those before they send your ships to the bottom of the ocean.

You want to bring up Somali piracy? Sure, we’ll go there. The Indian Navy has been a key player in anti-piracy operations for years, securing shipping lanes and keeping the region safe. Meanwhile, your PLAN ships are just tourists in these waters, trying to play catch-up.

So keep dreaming. The Indian Ocean remains firmly under India's watchful eye. The PLAN fleet might drop by for a visit, but they better behave, because once our navy decides to target those support ships, your surface combatants are going to wish they stayed home. Indian Ocean is India's ocean—deal with it.
Can you reach south Indian ocean? I mean Tanzania/Madagascar and south Africa? You can't reach these parts of south Indian ocean without any foreign help, you only reach as far as mid-indian ocean after that your capability is 0 to reach south Indian ocean

And PLAN is capable to reach third island chain, there are naval bases of PLAN on third island chain

And as for your information recently PLAN naval ships sail through east Pacific ocean near the coast of Alaska but in international waters
I thought it was obvious we are talking about war time.

Plan can’t leave first island chain.

And yes we can reach South Indian Ocean. Agalega.
The Chinese naval fleet is visiting Madagascar at the moment.
Ask the mighty India Navy to stop it!

“Indian Ocean is India’s ocean.”

Many years ago, when the India government first formally raised this idea, the topic of Somali piracy appeared at the United Nations, and then naval convoys began to appear in the India Ocean. Since then, the India government has never mentioned this phrase in any official international setting............
Idk seems to be catching on.

Great read highly recommend to @White and Green with M/S and @Beijingwalker

Also nobody is stopping anything during peacetime you dorks. We are talking about a situation where the parties involved are openly hostile to each other.

You aren’t getting thru malacca.
I thought it was obvious we are talking about war time.

Plan can’t leave first island chain.

And yes we can reach South Indian Ocean. Agalega.
How you can reach Indian ocean without any foreign help? Please explain

And you're not able to deter PLAN in SCS either, PLAN will roast you in minutes
Idk seems to be catching on.

Great read highly recommend to @White and Green with M/S and @Beijingwalker

Also nobody is stopping anything during peacetime you dorks. We are talking about a situation where the parties involved are openly hostile to each other.

You aren’t getting thru malacca.
Lol. When?By then China could have had long been the sole maritime power in the world judging from its current 80% of the global shipbuilding capacity, your dream doesn't have time factor with it, does it? and, by the way, China is still the world biggest maritime power today.
Idk seems to be catching on.

Great read highly recommend to @White and Green with M/S and @Beijingwalker

Also nobody is stopping anything during peacetime you dorks. We are talking about a situation where the parties involved are openly hostile to each other.

You aren’t getting thru malacca.
Indian ocean is not your property Mr its a international ocean, everyone can sail through Indian ocean freely without the permission granted by India
How you can reach Indian ocean without any foreign help? Please explain

And you're not able to deter PLAN in SCS either, PLAN will roast you in minutes

We don’t need to deter anything in SCS nor do we want to. The Americans are RIGHT THERE. Look their military installations on a map.

As far as Indian Ocean look at the situation being suggested in its entierty.

Plan has to
1. Make it though the worst choke points on the planet. Where at least in malacca India can bring all three of its service to bear because of andaman island
2. If they break thru by some miracle, they will have to sustain themselves away from port in hostile waters long enough to eliminate IN as a threat
3. They then need to eliminate threat from mainland India and its huge Indian Ocean coast
4. They need to maintain their energy flows through now hostile waters
5. They have to pray USN just sits this one out.

Stop being silly and go get your sea back from America first then talk Indian Ocean.
Lol. When?By then China could have had long been the sole maritime power in the world judging from its current 80% of the global shipbuilding capacity, your dream doesn't have time factor with it, does it? and, by the way, China is still the world biggest maritime power today.
the article is in the present tense. So.. now. And in the foreseeable future.

Plan has no room to manoeuvre, build another 1000 ships what are you going to do with them.
Indian ocean is not your property Mr its a international ocean, everyone can sail through Indian ocean freely without the permission granted by India
Everyone can sail through the Indian Ocean provided they aren’t engaged in hostilities with India.

So don’t engage in hostilities. Especially you lol.
the article is in the present tense. So.. now. And in the foreseeable future.

Plan has no room to manoeuvre, build another 1000 ships what are you going to do with them.
So current war? are you crazy, currently US is busy fighting the Houthis. As for your dream forseeable future, how soon is your "forseeable future"?


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