Melaca strait China's vulnerability? Is it true or Myth?

We may not have as much ships or ports but we are not a prisoners of our own geography the way China is....
When you don't have many ships and ports, whatever you say becomes meaningless, you are just like a landlocked the country.

When you don't have many ships and ports, whatever you say becomes meaningless, you are just like a landlocked the country.

Meaningful or meaningless does not change a fact that you are a semi landlocked country ..... your desperation can be easily seen how you keep building artificial islands or claim whole soc or your nonsense projects like CPEC or OBOR....
For me you are a semi landlocked country.... full stop....
An embargo on the Malacca straits or Sea of Japan will never work because you will be causing disaster Korea, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam and Indonesia. No Sane country in SEA would authorise such an embargo.
It wouldn't matter, China wanted that, and if they wanted that knowing they don't have any support, that's a strategical mistake. You can dress it up as nicely as you want, that's strategic failure is the same as UN force failed to see their own operation outrun their supply line.

It didn't matter if China don't have anything. And the power of logistic would tell you China has the shortest supply line, UN (depends on which country) had the longest GLOC, that's why UN can only afford a 250,000 force in Korea, while China massed at least 2 million.
Got to admit that you are a walking talking encyclopedia of military events but lost in petty technicalities are failing at the strategic level . Well, you are not the only one , you got company here............couple of years after 9/11 there were heated discussions
Half of my post is eaten .....hell with it ....I don't have the patience to rewrite it .
Oh yeah, we don't have ships, huh? That's why we've got the biggest deployment of 12 frontline warships in the Arabian Sea and Gulf of Aden, escorting ships carrying tons of cargo. Yeah, no ports, right? Tell that to the 9 Indian ports in the top 100 of the 'Container Port Performance Index 2023'! And our first deep water container transshipment port, Vizhinjam International, just welcomed its first mothership, MV San Fernando. No ports, you say? Then why's Russia sending coal trains to us via the International North-South Transport Corridor? No ports, huh? Explain MSC Anna docking up at Adani's Mundra Port, as long as four football fields and packing 19,200 TEUs. That's why some of the biggest navies, like the UK and USN, are docking their ships at Indian ports and getting MRO services here. No ports, sure, yet 14-15% of total iPhones are churned out in India, mostly exported via maritime routes. No ports, really?
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Excuse me, where is the India Navy???
Policing and patrolling the whole IOR, pal! They just saved your Chinese sailors' butts. Be grateful, man. They've done the same rescuing your folks from the open seas.
Got to admit that you are a walking talking encyclopedia of military events but lost in petty technicalities are failing at the strategic level . Well, you are not the only one , you got company here............couple of years after 9/11 there were heated discussions
failing at what strategic level?

You don't spend an entire offensive and losing hundreds of thousands of men just to say this is what I wanted to do, each move on a battlefield dictate the next move not just for your enemy and also for you, and this is a key failure not just on an Operational Level for the Chinese force, regardless of what is the purpose of the attack.

So again, please do tell me, what was I failing at strategic level?
It wouldn't matter, China wanted that, and if they wanted that knowing they don't have any support, that's a strategical mistake. You can dress it up as nicely as you want, that's strategic failure is the same as UN force failed to see their own operation outrun their supply line.

It didn't matter if China don't have anything. And the power of logistic would tell you China has the shortest supply line, UN (depends on which country) had the longest GLOC, that's why UN can only afford a 250,000 force in Korea, while China massed at least 2 million.
It is not nicely dressed up China was dirt poor back then after decades-long fighting Japanese then civil war. The country is wrecked. There is no, heavy industry to speak of or heavy weapon the best thing they can muster is artillery. Most of the weapons are hand-me-down. No, there is no 2 million army total through the duration of war maybe, but not at the beginning. It is a myth to cover their incompetence failing to beat a peasant army armed with rifles!

The logistics were difficult not because they didn't plan it but because the US owns the sky and trucks can only move at night to avoid bombing the same with the trail they can only move at night. Considering the imbalance in war material and no air force to speak of, it is a miracle that they could force the 8th Marine Division back to the 38th parallel and thwart Gen Ridgeway's offensive again and again and after the battle of 3 hills (sangangling) they finally realized they couldn't win the Korean war
Bro, you forgot about the SMART long-range sub killer missile.
This missile is useless, with a range of only 650km, but a speed of only Mach 3.

It takes 11 minutes to fly and another 6 minutes to find the submarine after entering the water.

A total of 17 minutes, and the target submarine would have long since moved far away.
China is well aware of the Malacca choke point, which USA used effectively against
Japan during WWIl.
China has multiple rail links connections for her energies, foods, raw minerals flow unhindered.
China also has land corridors in Pakistan and Burma, connecting ports, away from the Malacca choke point.
There is this possibility of the Arctic sea route as well, the danger of this route is the Alaska choke point but with Russia so close to it making it very hard for any blockage by the USA there.
All of those alternative routes give USA war planners a headache.
In addition, PLA has a strong water navy to ensure the "freedom of navigation" for her trades,

In a total war environment, with China, how long do anyone here think that war will last?

By years?

By months?

By weeks?

By days?

Or by hours

Do tell me how blockade be done in hour span? in day span? or even in week span?

When lives might be measured in microseconds !

Folks, don't respond to trolls and bait more troll wars for no reason. Ignore and let a mod deal with them.
When you don't have many ships and ports, whatever you say becomes meaningless, you are just like a landlocked the country.

PLAN can’t leave first island chain.

Indian Ocean is India’s ocean. South China Sea is America’s sea.
PLAN can’t leave first island chain.

Indian Ocean is India’s ocean. South China Sea is America’s sea.
LOL, the fact is China is the world biggest maritime nation, you can still deny the fact and dream on your typical Indian style dream.
It is not nicely dressed up China was dirt poor back then after decades-long fighting Japanese then civil war. The country is wrecked. There is no, heavy industry to speak of or heavy weapon the best thing they can muster is artillery. Most of the weapons are hand-me-down. No, there is no 2 million army total through the duration of war maybe, but not at the beginning. It is a myth to cover their incompetence failing to beat a peasant army armed with rifles!

The logistics were difficult not because they didn't plan it but because the US owns the sky and trucks can only move at night to avoid bombing the same with the trail they can only move at night. Considering the imbalance in war material and no air force to speak of, it is a miracle that they could force the 8th Marine Division back to the 38th parallel and thwart Gen Ridgeway's offensive again and again and after the battle of 3 hills (sangangling) they finally realized they couldn't win the Korean war
You do know that this entire post is basically you naming the excuse why China cannot push to the South, right?

That did not deny the actual FACT that they still pushed, DESPITED all of what you said, which they shouldn't, in itself is a strategic mistake.

As I said, it would have been a stunning defeat to the United Nation force if they had stopped at the 38 Parallel after expelling them, a job well done, did what they came here for and gloriously return to China after helping the North Korean brother restoring their country. But then when they go over that border, knowing all their short coming, that's a strategic defeat....

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