Melaca strait China's vulnerability? Is it true or Myth?

No, as I said their strategic objective is to restore the 38th parallel all along. They did try to push South if they could get it but due to logistic shortcomings they can't Nice to have it but not their objective! The US often tries to push back beyond the 38th parallel and all of them for naught!

So they didn't win anything it is coming back to where it starts
Even if Chinese army had stopped at 38th parallel, the Korean war wouldn't end there because the US and UN army wouldn't cease attack to push back northward. Ceasefire only possible when both sides were fought to stalemate on the field.
We may not have as much ships or ports but we are not a prisoners of our own geography the way China is....
Never mind on Pakistan defense forum you are like a pampered puppy who's disadvantages also will be viewed as your strength no point in arguing,... I have conveyed my message and shown you the real mirror....
After this I'm not going to answer....

Thank God for small mercies
So current war? are you crazy, currently US is busy fighting the Houthis. As for your dream forseeable future, how soon is your "forseeable future"?

Read the article lol

It’s specific to the IN and the PLAN in the Indian Ocean.
No, as I said their strategic objective is to restore the 38th parallel all along. They did try to push South if they could get it but due to logistic shortcomings they can't Nice to have it but not their objective! The US often tries to push back beyond the 38th parallel and all of them for naught!

So they didn't win anything it is coming back to where it starts
Dude, let me put it in the simplest way possible

If the strategic objective is to restore the 38th, then GOING OVER THE 38th WOULD HAVE NULL that objective, and then failing to do so is a mistake.

This is like saying US wasn't failed in Afghanistan because the stated objective is to capture or kill OBL, they did it in 2011, had they withdrawn the troop then, that's a strategic success. Instead, they stayed for another 10 years doing nothing, that's a strategic mistake.
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LOL, the fact is China is the world biggest maritime nation, you can still deny the fact and dream on your typical Indian style dream.

What do you think the rules of war are ? navies fight only navies. Unless China gets allies the Chinese navy is quite vulnerable in wars away from its shores
Kim Jong Un was very persistent and just wouldn't give up, he wanted to use China to reunite the whole Korea, it's not in China's interest and throughout the history, China never wanted to see a united, powerful Korea next door. But for the sake of so called comradeship, China made some half hearted attack at best, and soon pulled back after finding some excuses.
So who's in control of Chinese military? Mao or Kim Jong? Are you saying China have to do what Kim Jong said or somehow Kim Jong kidnapped the entire PLA in Korea? Mao can say no if it is not something he is interested in.

Dude, your leader has a choice, he chooses the wrong one, that's the same as how MacArthur made a miscalculation and go into the North, I mean I can also say US was entertaining South Korean idea to reunite the Koreas and he didn't want it and just do it for the sake of comradeship.........I mean we all know how Truman was against it to begin with.

We don’t need to deter anything in SCS nor do we want to. The Americans are RIGHT THERE. Look their military installations on a map.

As far as Indian Ocean look at the situation being suggested in its entierty.

Plan has to
1. Make it though the worst choke points on the planet. Where at least in malacca India can bring all three of its service to bear because of andaman island
2. If they break thru by some miracle, they will have to sustain themselves away from port in hostile waters long enough to eliminate IN as a threat
3. They then need to eliminate threat from mainland India and its huge Indian Ocean coast
4. They need to maintain their energy flows through now hostile waters
5. They have to pray USN just sits this one out.

Stop being silly and go get your sea back from America first then talk Indian Ocean.
And China has no counter-countermeasure to your out of this universe equipment and installations? They already have several naval bases in Indian ocean like in Sri Lanka/ horn of Africa and gawadar, so logistics is not the problem for PLAN in IOR
So who's in control of Chinese military? Mao or Kim Jong? Are you saying China have to do what Kim Jong said or somehow Kim Jong kidnapped the entire PLA in Korea? Mao can say no if it is not something he is interested in.

Dude, your leader has a choice, he chooses the wrong one, that's the same as how MacArthur made a miscalculation and go into the North, I mean I can also say US was entertaining South Korean idea to reunite the Koreas and he didn't want it and just do it for the sake of comradeship.........I mean we all know how Truman was against it to begin with.

The Yalu river thing was an excuse, a cassus belli that would have been dialled to something else later even if US/Macarthur respected it.

Mao and Stalin had made up their minds at this point as to what Stalin required of Mao and why for fealty to the larger communist cause (that Stalin did not want to commit here himself given all interests in manchuria relinquished to give PRC a foot up...and where soviet forces were tied down at the time west of urals...and ofc stalin's own fear of engaging the US/West directly when Mao and PVA mass human waves are at his disposal relatively speaking).

US estab. and Macarthur knew this too (though they should have moved more warily knowing it w.r.t force level and logistics at that snapshot)....Macarthur was turned into a bit of scapegoat later over this....especially because he wanted to expand the conflict to China proper (incl its cities) and this got a hard veto from Truman et al fearing Soviet escalation.
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And China has no counter-countermeasure to your out of this universe equipment and installations? They already have several naval bases in Indian ocean like in Sri Lanka/ horn of Africa and gawadar, so logistics is not the problem for PLAN in IOR
Not a single “out of this universe” installation or measure was mentioned stop strawmanning.

Which PLAN bases are in Sri Lanka or Gwadar? What naval assets does plan have stationed there? Those are the ports not bases.

They’d still have to get thru those choke points to get to any of those. Sri lank won’t let them dock in a scenario like this. Its a few km from indias coast, it would be suicide.

Nobody has counter measures for geography.

Is china going to sail its carrier through malacca or do you foresee all this conquering of Indian Ocean happening with no air support?
Dude, let me put it in the simplest way possible

If the strategic objective is to restore the 38th, then GOING OVER THE 38th WOULD HAVE NULL that objective, and then failing to do so is a mistake.

This is like saying US wasn't failed in Afghanistan because the stated objective is to capture or kill OBL, they did it in 2011, had they withdrawn the troop then, that's a strategic success. Instead, they stayed for another 10 years doing nothing, that's a strategic mistake.
Well, the Chinese army beat the Indians in 1962 and occupied half of south Tibet or Arunachal Pradesh. Yet they return to their border. Why because they achieve their goal of teaching a lesson to the Indians. It has nothing to do with failure or winning or losing. They return exactly because logistics occupying South Tibet take a lot of money that China can use to develop the economy. The same with the Vietnam War China occupied Long Song Province but they returned to their border!
Not a single “out of this universe” installation or measure was mentioned stop strawmanning.

Which PLAN bases are in Sri Lanka or Gwadar? What naval assets does plan have stationed there? Those are the ports not bases.

They’d still have to get thru those choke points to get to any of those. Sri lank won’t let them dock in a scenario like this. Its a few km from indias coast, it would be suicide.

Nobody has counter measures for geography.

Is china going to sail its carrier through malacca or do you foresee all this conquering of Indian Ocean happening with no air support?
Lol carry on living in your fantasy world and lala land
Well, the Chinese army beat the Indians in 1962 and occupied half of south Tibet or Arunachal Pradesh. Yet they return to their border. Why because they achieve their goal of teaching a lesson to the Indians. It has nothing to do with failure or winning or losing. They return exactly because logistics occupying South Tibet take a lot of money that China can use to develop the economy. The same with the Vietnam War China occupied Long Song Province but they returned to their border!
What's that have to do with anything??

First of all, unless China wants to be an occupation force, they would have to return regardless.

Second of all, as I said, if you go beyond the bound of your original scope, you altered your original goal, and that's what you planned your operation for, you don't plan a war to go from A to B to C depending on situation. And if you failed, you failed the strategic objective.
The Yalu river thing was an excuse, a cassus belli that would have been dialled to something else later even if US/Macarthur respected it.

Mao and Stalin had made up their minds at this point as to what Stalin required of Mao and why for fealty to the larger communist cause (that Stalin did not want to commit here himself given all interests in manchuria relinquished to give PRC a foot up...and where soviet forces were tied down at the time west of urals...and ofc stalin's own fear of engaging the US/West directly when Mao and PVA mass human waves are at his disposal relatively speaking).

US estab. and Macarthur knew this too (though they should have moved more warily knowing it w.r.t force level and logistics at that snapshot)....Macarthur was turned into a bit of scapegoat later over this....especially because he wanted to expand the conflict to China proper (incl its cities) and this got a hard veto from Truman et al fearing Soviet escalation.
Don't forget how Korean war was started. North Korea had to have tacit approval from the Russia for them to roll over to the South.

The issue here is, Soviet Union themselves don't really see this as an adventure they wanted any part of, that's why they push the Chinese into the war so they can focus on Eastern Europe. That created an issue because China, on the back of the Chinese civil war. Have to divert precious resource into this while they themselves had to abandon the complete annihilation of the Nationalist. Most academic would agree that Chinese participation of the Korean war is the reason why China have left the KMT alone and basically become a resistance it become now.

As for Korea, the original goal for the UN force is to expel the North, that force MacArthur raised is not enough to conquer the entire Korea, he knew that and so does Truman, he basically try to create a "Khe Shan" scenario where the Chinese got involved and overrunning the UN force so he can escalate the war, some would say he wanted to nuke China, while the other say his plan was to draw the world into another world war with China. I mean MacArthur already had UN on his side. Whatever his motive was, Truman would have none of it, which is why he replace him with Ridgeway
A snippet of the Korean War where Chinese soldiers' bravery, tactic, and endurance overcome so much adversity and odds against an overwhelming foe. And with it brought 70 years of peace that allowed China to develop

In the Songgu Peak Blockade Battle (November 30, 1950), the volunteers fought tenaciously for 6 hours to hold on to their position, annihilating more than 600 enemies, sacrificing 111 people in the third company, repelling 5 US charges, and completing the three consecutive victories. Interceptor mission. This is the war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea which the United States never wants to mention.

So who's in control of Chinese military? Mao or Kim Jong? Are you saying China have to do what Kim Jong said or somehow Kim Jong kidnapped the entire PLA in Korea? Mao can say no if it is not something he is interested in.

Dude, your leader has a choice, he chooses the wrong one, that's the same as how MacArthur made a miscalculation and go into the North, I mean I can also say US was entertaining South Korean idea to reunite the Koreas and he didn't want it and just do it for the sake of comradeship.........I mean we all know how Truman was against it to begin with.
Mao controlled PLA and that's why the attack in the south was at best half hearted, back then communism was an international block like today's nato, although unifying Korea was the last thing China and Mao intended to do, but he still needed to do some gesture to show unity with his foreign communist comrades, but in nature, Mao was a nationalist, he knew a unified Korea was the last thing that China wanted to see throughout the Chinese history and Mao was a renowned history expert.

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