Melaca strait China's vulnerability? Is it true or Myth?

Point here is all this trade you do can be haulted during full fledged war.... you may have biggest shipbuilding industry or your trade is highest doesn't change the fact you are a country with only single coastline in far east and blockade prone due to too many obstacles in the form of islands under the control of enemies..... yes I stick to my comment.... China is a glorified Mongolia or Nepal or whichever landlocked country you would like to call her....
LOL, Come back to tell me when it happens, too much Indian style day dreaming is not good for your health.
So yes I stick to my comment.... China is a glorified Mongolia or Nepal or whichever landlocked country you would like to call her....
Only you Indian is capable of such delusional imagination eh, Lol. Chinese coastline is 14500 km while Indian coastline is 7517 km.
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So one has to see and understand how compromised China's access to the oceans.... whichever route they take there is no route available to China without challenges and struggles...... nowhere to run nowhere to hide.....
land lock?:sleep: big and rich eurasia ? definitely dont concern india :rofl:
Point here is all this trade you do can be haulted during full fledged war.... you may have biggest shipbuilding industry or your trade is highest doesn't change the fact you are a country with only single coastline in far east and blockade prone due to too many obstacles in the form of islands under the control of enemies.....

So yes I stick to my comment.... China is a glorified Mongolia or Nepal or whichever landlocked country you would like to call her....
Stop your day dreaming fantasy, forget about whether US is capable to do it or not, the thing is US will collapse sooner than China If it doesn't have Chinese products which keep their whole country afloat, Check out what happened when covid hit US, US bought up everything from China, from simple masks to toilet paper to ventilators, come back and live in this real world for a moment, would you?

In a nutshell, Chinese manufacutring can support itself, can US?

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Only you Indian is capable of such delusional imagination eh, Lol. Chinese coastline is 14500 km while Indian coastline is 7517 km.
7517 kms coastline is not a small and unlike China India is a 3 coastlines country arabian sea, bay of Bengal and IOR with large open bodies on all 3 sides perfect for deep maritime activities just like America..... not to mention her 600 plus islands in the form of Andaman and nicobar lakshdweep etc.... so inspite of having comparatively small coastline India is real maritime country whereas China is a semi landlocked country.....
7517 kms coastline is not a small and unlike China India is a 3 coastlines country arabian sea, bay of Bengal and IOR with large open bodies on all 3 sides perfect for deep maritime activities just like America..... not to mention her 600 plus islands in the form of Andaman and nicobar lakshdweep etc.... so inspite of having comparatively small coastline India is real maritime country whereas China is a semi landlocked country.....
Where are your international sea and ocean trades ? Where is your shipping industry ranking in the world ? Your coastline is not developed and well used, so. Chinese mainland coastline is twice that of yours simply because China is a much bigger country in area and so have borders with more inland countries.
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When you have nothing to argue you start posting nonsense videos..... what you think your posting such videos will change the reality of China being a semi landlocked country or being glorified Mongolia??

And by the way 100% the carrier based fighter jet falling in the sea is not Indian but its either Russian or Chinese..... that is clearly a flanker and only China and Russia use naval flankers.... not India....
Point here is all this trade you do can be haulted during full fledged war.... you may have biggest shipbuilding industry or your trade is highest doesn't change the fact you are a country with only single coastline in far east and blockade prone due to too many obstacles in the form of islands under the control of enemies.....

So yes I stick to my comment.... China is a glorified Mongolia or Nepal or whichever landlocked country you would like to call her....
Bro, you're stuck dealing with a straight-up trash bot. You're teaching them the significance of geographical positions, and they're going ahead with their cheap propaganda.
7517 kms coastline is not a small and unlike China India is a 3 coastlines country arabian sea, bay of Bengal and IOR with large open bodies on all 3 sides perfect for deep maritime activities just like America..... not to mention her 600 plus islands in the form of Andaman and nicobar lakshdweep etc.... so inspite of having comparatively small coastline India is real maritime country whereas China is a semi landlocked country.....
Don't worry, India’s on the rise too. We're moving ahead with multi-shipment deep sea ports like Vizhinjam, Vadhavan, and another coming up in the Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Motherships have already started arriving at Kerala and Gujarat ports. Our Logistics Performance Index ranking is improving, and while it’ll take time, we’re getting there. Vadhavan port is even part of the IMEC project, so India’s already making moves.
Don't worry, India’s on the rise too. We're moving ahead with multi-shipment deep sea ports like Vizhinjam, Vadhavan, and another coming up in the Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Motherships have already started arriving at Kerala and Gujarat ports. Our Logistics Performance Index ranking is improving, and while it’ll take time, we’re getting there. Vadhavan port is even part of the IMEC project, so India’s already making moves.
Hope you can beat Singapore and Hong kong in the coming decade

The Russian Navy is in steady decline and they will have a hard time dealing with maritime threats in these areas on their own. We can't rule out that China will establish a naval base here or that China will use the Russian naval base to form a joint fleet with Russia.
China, North Korea, Russia, the three parties are negotiating the details of this access to the sea. The parties have reached agreement on matters of principle.
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‘Melaca strait’ is an old topic.

It was discussed decades ago. Decades ago, the Melaca strait did have a strong strategic influence on China. A blockade would have dealt a severe blow to China's economy in those days. However, the discussion of this topic is now completely meaningless.

We can do some rational analyses:

Who will blockade Melaca strait and who has the ability to blockade Melaca strait?

At present, which country has the guts or ability to blockade China with Melaca strait? Even the United States of America does not have that capacity. The fact that the United States keeps retreating in the first island chain fully proves this point. The only possibility is that the US is holding other countries hostage to do this stupid thing and the US is hiding behind it. But I don't think the leaders of these countries are stupid enough to go to this level.

Even if Melaca strait is blocked, something will happen?

Standoff without firing.

China will send a naval fleet to confront the naval fleet of the countries involved in the incident at Melaca strait, completely sealing off Melaca strait so that no merchant ships from any country will be allowed to pass through.
Melaca strait is not just a cargo route for China, it is also a cargo route for many countries. How long will these small and medium-sized countries be able to sustain themselves when this corridor is completely blocked? How long can China support it? When these small and medium-sized countries can no longer support it, will they continue to support this blockade against China?

The Melaca strait is indeed an important corridor for China, but it is not the only one. China imports a lot of oil from the Middle East, which enters China through the Melaca strait. But there are two other situations that people need to be aware of:
1. China has a large strategic reserve of oil, and this reserve is growing. China's own exploitation of its oil resources has been under control, and no large-scale oil exploitation has taken place.
2, China's imports of oil, part of their own use, and part of the processed petrochemicals exported. At the same time, China has been vigorously developing the new energy industry in recent years, and has made a lot of notable achievements, now the dependence on oil is not so important.

Blockade rises to war, direct fire

In between discussing it, let's go to the report of the US National Defence Strategy Board. This report analyses the military situation between the United States and its hypothetical enemies.
China calls for peace, but China doesn't mind starting a war in the Melaca strait.The question is: Are China's adversaries willing?
The PLA's military activities in the East China Sea, the Taiwan Strait, the South China Sea and other regions in recent years can be seen: the frequency of their activities has been rising, the scale of their activities has been increasing, and their actions have been becoming more and more aggressive ...... U.S. forces keep retreating in these areas ......

A very simple question:
China is applying hypersonic ballistic missile technology to all of China's medium and long range ballistic missiles and mass producing them. China can already build hypersonic warheads using steel instead of expensive composites.
So, how, pray tell, will countries that want to go to war cope with these massive numbers of very accurate, powerful, and extremely inexpensive hypersonic missiles?
My point was also that China would establish a naval base on the Tumen river to protect shipping via the northern route if need be.

As for the malacca dilemma. It may have been an issue thought out to rest decades ago, but it’s the one place the US via its allies Australia and the Philippines, via B-21s can launch volleys of anti ship missiles from standoff ranges to knock out enough Chinese ships to effectively close the straits.

Heck the us could fly independent missions to do it from these two countries and these two countries can’t really do anything to stop the USAF.

Furthermore, the import of oil and gas can be done more securely from Russia, so it’s not petrochemicals but the import and export of other goods to and from China.

I don’t doubt China will try to break any blockade imposed upon it, especially after how much has been invested into the PLAN, but land routes bypassing this choke point will show adversaries the futility of trying to blockade China.
Point here is all this trade you do can be haulted during full fledged war.... you may have biggest shipbuilding industry or your trade is highest doesn't change the fact you are a country with only single coastline in far east and blockade prone due to too many obstacles in the form of islands under the control of enemies.....

So yes I stick to my comment.... China is a glorified Mongolia or Nepal or whichever landlocked country you would like to call her....
I guess you never read history. China's single coast line actually to China's advantage making her embargo-proof. To the north, she has Russia a vast treasure house of mineral resources, grain, oil, and gas. To the West, she has friendly countries of the Stans. Historically a trading route. Now with BRI China is constructing a modern Silk Road with modern railways, roads, and oil and gas pipelines, digital infrastructure.

A solid line of communication that cannot be interrupted. During WW II Japan blockaded the East China Sea but war materials continued to flow from the Soviet Union during the early stage of WW II through roads in North West China. In a later stage, the Allies used the Burma Road to supply the Chinese army need against Japan Without those China's war effort would be folded and Japan would have won the war!

Sea transportation on the other hand is fragile. A couple of missiles can disrupt the flow of good see the HOuthi disruption of the Red Sea!
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My point was also that China would establish a naval base on the Tumen river to protect shipping via the northern route if need be.

As for the malacca dilemma. It may have been an issue thought out to rest decades ago, but it’s the one place the US via its allies Australia and the Philippines, via B-21s can launch volleys of anti ship missiles from standoff ranges to knock out enough Chinese ships to effectively close the straits.

Heck the us could fly independent missions to do it from these two countries and these two countries can’t really do anything to stop the USAF.

Furthermore, the import of oil and gas can be done more securely from Russia, so it’s not petrochemicals but the import and export of other goods to and from China.

I don’t doubt China will try to break any blockade imposed upon it, especially after how much has been invested into the PLAN, but land routes bypassing this choke point will show adversaries the futility of trying to blockade China.
If you look closely at the performance of the PLA in the last two years, you will notice a very special phenomenon.

The PLA is looking for opportunities and reasons to engage U.S. forces directly!

The PLA's various operations are pushing the range of operations ever outward, and the U.S. forces are ever moving backward.
After China took the initiative to disconnect the US-China military hotline, the US kept making requests to China through various channels and in various ways to restore the military hotline, which China ignored until the situation eased.
The U.S. can now only encourage and coerce small neighboring countries to interfere with China's development; it does not have the courage to come directly to face the PLA.

The ones who really know the PLA best are the US military, not the politicians, and not the military fans and internet troll!

The Tumen River naval base will not be on the agenda so soon. the PLAN can use the Russian naval base. However, Russian naval bases need to be upgraded and expanded to accommodate the PLAN's long-term presence.
Bro, you're stuck dealing with a straight-up trash bot. You're teaching them the significance of geographical positions, and they're going ahead with their cheap propaganda.
Yes no point in arguing with them... I am trying to educate them on geographical disadvantages of China with single coastline with obstacles that starts after couple of 100 kms itself in the form of large island chains and how that makes them vulnerable to blockade and instead of talking about geography they are coming with mismatch arguments like largest shipbuilding, largest trade..... this is appreciated during peace times not during war.....

India and China both are biggest population countries doesn't mean whole population will enter in to the war.....
Where are your international sea and ocean trades ? Where is your shipping industry ranking in the world ? Your coastline is not developed and well used, so. Chinese mainland coastline is twice that of yours simply because China is a much bigger country in area and so have borders with more inland countries.
You are a semi landlocked country..... China a prisoner of her geography..... there are plenty of videos on this..... spare some time to watch.....

Why are you pouring billions on roads in Pakistan and other central Asian republics? China knows she is a glorified Mongolia..... happy fishing in yellow sea......
You are a semi landlocked country..... China a prisoner of her geography..... there are plenty of videos on this..... spare some time to watch.....

Why are you pouring billions on roads in Pakistan and other central Asian republics? China knows she is a glorified Mongolia..... happy fishing in yellow sea......
I guess you never read history It has been tried before and it failed. Japan did blockade China in WW II Did Japan win? Answer that before using your warp logic

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