‘Nepal's hydropower can benefit Bangladesh, entire region’

Rapes happens everywhere..... even in China.... thing is in China negative things rarely come out.... in India media and public enjoys the biggest freedom in the world so negativity or failures come out easily....
Yes, there are rapes in every country, but gang rapes are rare. China has not had a gang rape case for several years.

The fact that almost all the rapes that occur in India are gang rapes is enough to show that it is a national trait.
My point is very simple. Nothing was transplanted into Bangladesh. The party that the Indian central government very unwisely went out of its way to support was in existence, had suffered, had recovered, and won elections on its own before the stupidity in Delhi found expression.

How can support for the present reclamation of democratic values by the youth of Bangladesh survive, if it is met by gibes and malicious remarks about the entire country of India, or by jeering about Indian military capabilities?

Please feel free to say whatever you wish. The stupidity of Indian policy towards Bangladesh exists in stark and naked form. It is for you to decide what to do with it, whether to convert your justified indignation at a decade and a bit of distortion of your politics and social conditions into unnecessary and unfounded bitterness, or to try to rebuild bridges?

Entirely up to you.
Actually, it is up to india to rebuild bridges with BD. Sir...
Then keep finding out..... banking on some imaginary conflict and talking nonsense.....
Im banking on indian arrogance and overconfidence. Im sure india will not disappoint me...
Correction, you ARE piss poor.
Ok. But China isn't 😉
And that's how you out a sanghi.
Look, the amount of Congress and Rahul Gandhi propaganda that you two do day in and day out makes it obvious to anyone what you guys are.

Its quintessential left wing trick. Anyone who calls you out for what you folks are is a Nazi. Seen it too many times in college.
Sir I outed him on day one.

He spent a long time in convincing us how neutral he was.

How few fks he gave.

Poor chap does not know I can smell a sanghi on the ethersphere.

Long before he opens his mouth or types a word.
Reductio ad Hitlerum!

"You disagree with me?? You dare call my bullshit for what it is???? You are bloody Naaazi!"


Indians didn't, a party in power did.
But, that party in power does represent india internationally.
If you think that is right, so be it. Who are we to correct you?
I will gladly stand corrected if you can show me hasina era policies that brought economic growth.
Hasina era growth was debt fuelled. Our current outdated economic architecture was designed by M Saifur Rahman. He was a Khaleda Zia era Finance and Planning minister.
But, that party in power does represent india internationally.
So what? The issue was about holding ALL Indians responsible for that single party's misdeeds.

Should the world judge Bangladesh society, politics and administration by the events of the last 15 years?

I will gladly stand corrected if you can show me hasina era policies that brought economic growth.
The figures are widely available, and are being discussed in detail on another forum. The consensus seems to be that there was exaggeration but not on the epic proportions reported.

Linking those numbers to specific policies is almost impossible, Some outcomes lag policy, others anticipate policy and policy becomes a restraining net. It would be a very bold economist who would build causal relationships between economic data and public policy.

Hasina era growth was debt fuelled. Our current outdated economic architecture was designed by M Saifur Rahman. He was a Khaleda Zia era Finance and Planning minister.
As I have already said, this is something for you to sort out. Unlike some Indians, to me, it does not seem to be a healthy exercise to take sides in an internal debate.
So we can carryout our river management projects with Chinese help.
That will depend upon Chinese goodwill and what price China want to extract out of you. If China wants you to lease Chittagong port to it for next to nothing, will you do it? If they want to appoint their preferred candidates in political posts, will you do it?
But, that party in power does represent india internationally.
Lol! Thats the end of Joe.

Anyhoo, Hasina affair has been a part of India's foreign policy since ... forever. Under many different governments.
The figures are widely available, and are being discussed in detail on another forum. The consensus seems to be that there was exaggeration but not on the epic proportions reported.

Linking those numbers to specific policies is almost impossible, Some outcomes lag policy, others anticipate policy and policy becomes a restraining net. It would be a very bold economist who would build causal relationships between economic data and public policy.

You just have to go to BD and see the living standards of the average BD'shi compared to 15 years ago to see the night and day difference.

Like I say some people just like to whinge.

As for the "debt fueled" claims - utter nonsense as we are looking at 100 billion dollars for a GDP that would be at least 400 US billion, even with some correction downwards. The percentage of debt to GDP did not rise any quicker than overall GDP.
You just have to go to BD and see the living standards of the average BD'shi compared to 15 years ago to see the night and day difference.

Like I say some people just like to whinge.

As for the "debt fueled" claims - utter nonsense as we are looking at 100 billion dollars for a GDP that would be at least 400 US billion, even with some correction downwards. The percentage of debt to GDP did not rise any quicker than overall GDP.


You are again speaking from your experience within the bubble you have been exposed to.

Of course there has been an overall improvement from 2005, but that's not a day and night as you put it. There is a massive wealth gap between the rich and the poor.

While the rich and upper middle class enjoyed significant increase in wealth, the lower middle class and the poor, not so much.
its a transportation cost which would be enormous using this hilly terrain for total transport bypassing Bangladesh otherwise for Indian northern parts chicken neck still can be a better option (if it was flat land) to connect NE without Bangladesh......

distance to NE increases from India's southern parts.... have a look at India and Bangladesh map.....
India has been heavily investing in infrastructure to overcome these challenges, and the connectivity to the Northeast has significantly improved over the years. The Bogibeel Bridge and Dhola-Sadiya Bridge make crossing the Brahmaputra so much easier and quicker. These are big, heavy-duty structures that handle tons of traffic and goods. We've got four-lane highways like NH-27 that have really improved road connectivity. We’ve also got new railway lines coming up, like the Sevoke-Rangpo line to Sikkim, making sure trains can get to the Northeast without any trouble. Plus, using alternative routes like the Kaladan Multi-Modal Transit Transport Project through Myanmar and the India-Myanmar-Thailand Trilateral Highway offers additional options for connecting the Northeast without relying on Bangladesh. We’re boosting air travel and even working on waterways like National Waterway 2.
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You are again speaking from your experience within the bubble you have been exposed to.

Of course there has been an overall improvement from 2005, but that's not a day and night as you put it. There is a massive wealth gap between the rich and the poor.

While the rich and upper middle class enjoyed significant increase in wealth, the lower middle class and the poor, not so much.

Let us look at actual data.

In 2009 the minimum wage for garment workers was 1,700 Tk(22 US dollars) per month and just before Hasina left office it was 12,500 Tk(130 US dollars) per month.

This is much higher than inflation(around 2x) and although garment workers still do not have what I would consider an adequate standard of living it is going in the right way.

We need to look at objective data like this and not subjective opinions.
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Let us look at actual data.

In 2009 the minimum wage for garment workers was 1,700 Tk(22 US dollars) per month and just before Hasina left office it was 12,500 Tk(130 US dollars) per month.

This is much higher than inflation(around 2x) and although garment workers still do not have what I would consider an adequate standard of living it is going in the right way.

We need to look at objective data like this and not subjective opinions.

Yes, cherry pick one set of data and conveniently disregard the rest. Let's bring in the total cost of living (rent, food, education, healthcare, transport) increase in the last 16 years and then let's talk how much wealth increase there has actually been.

As for increase in wealth gap- read this: https://aje.io/pvmvla

Nothing subjective about it.

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