‘Nepal's hydropower can benefit Bangladesh, entire region’

We will surely find out the real situation when India vs China disputes turn into conflict. 😉
Then keep finding out..... banking on some imaginary conflict and talking nonsense.....
@Joe Shearer

A lot of people have a habit of not taking responsibility for themselves and so the blame must always lay elsewhere.

If India was so powerful, then can we get to know how Hasina was turfed out by "student protestors"?

Surely India/RAW would have "taken care" of these students with relative ease right, in order to protect their puppet Hasina?!

The reason why Hasina lasted 15 years is till the end of her rule she gave the BD population enough in terms of jobs, stability and outright hand-outs for them to at least tolerate her. There was no India forcing her down BD's throat.

As a BD'shi it is disheartening to see the amount of whinging about "Indian interference" in BD as this frankly makes BD look pathetic and a little toy to be played with at India's wish.
@Joe Shearer

A lot of people have a habit of not taking responsibility for themselves and so the blame must always lay elsewhere.

If India was so powerful, then can we get to know how Hasina was turfed out by "student protestors"?

Surely India/RAW would have "taken care" of these students with relative ease right, in order to protect their puppet Hasina?!

The reason why Hasina lasted 15 years is till the end of her rule she gave the BD population enough in terms of jobs, stability and outright hand-outs for them to at least tolerate her. There was no India forcing her down BD's throat.

As a BD'shi it is disheartening to see the amount of whinging about "Indian interference" in BD as this frankly makes BD look pathetic and a little toy to be played with at India's wish.

This whinging and whining has been going on for some time. It just attained critical mass.

When the army decides to step aside, street demonstrations become revolutions.

Be it Egypt or Sri Lanka or Bangladesh.
This whinging and whining has been going on for some time. It just attained critical mass.

When the army decides to step aside, street demonstrations become revolutions.

Be it Egypt or Sri Lanka or Bangladesh.

You get it correctly.
I mean they kind of did. Muslims bengalis played a prominent role for Pakistan. Muslims League was founded in Dhaka after all. Pakistan was supposed to that nation. But it didn't work out. So, we had to curve out another one. This time a more exclusive one.


Sometimes looking at the bigger picture gives you deeper insights.

Bengal region was always a powerhouse in its own right. Sometimes as a independent power, sometimes as a pivotal power in a greater South Asian empire.

Other notable power centres are Dravidians and Punjab.
Listen homie.
Concentrate about uplifting your own country...because one shouldnt throw stone while sitting in a house of glass.

You might think a country of 180 million deserve to be subservient to your India, but thats not what bengalis want. Period.

Its not bengalis fault that other ethnicities of India failed to carve out own nations.
We care about Bangladeshis as much as we care about yetis . Just that we don't want the liability of a failed state on the boarder
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We care about Bangladeshis as much as we care about yetis . Just that we don't want the liability of a failed state on the board

Wish indian politicians were like you and further kept your word. Not being bothered by indians would be something freeing experience.
@Joe Shearer

A lot of people have a habit of not taking responsibility for themselves and so the blame must always lay elsewhere.

If India was so powerful, then can we get to know how Hasina was turfed out by "student protestors"?

Surely India/RAW would have "taken care" of these students with relative ease right, in order to protect their puppet Hasina?!

The reason why Hasina lasted 15 years is till the end of her rule she gave the BD population enough in terms of jobs, stability and outright hand-outs for them to at least tolerate her. There was no India forcing her down BD's throat.

As a BD'shi it is disheartening to see the amount of whinging about "Indian interference" in BD as this frankly makes BD look pathetic and a little toy to be played with at India's wish.

You just don't understand the life under the brutal Hasina regime.

Extrajudicial killing, false imprisonment, abductions and secret prisons - people were terrified of Hasina and her thugs. People had no option but to tolerate her. Not because she was developing the country. Wait for Debapriya Bhattacharya's whitepaper to come out in the next few months, we will get to know how much "development" she has really done as well.

There were multiple outbursts against Hasina - 2012 coup attempt in military, 2013 Hefajat protest which ended in a bloodbath, 2018 Quota protests where she had to back down, 2018 road safety protest by school children, 2019 BUET students banding together to kick BAL goons out from BUET student halls following Abrar Fahad's death. Hasina thugs went hard against school children and beat them up as well, because madame felt insecure. People got killed by BAL thugs because of Facebook posts - the case of Abrar Fahad. Does any of this seem normal to you?

As for Hasina trying to stop the student protest - does close to 1000 death seem like she didn't try hard enough? There were block raids and mass arrests of thousands of students and young men, on the nights when internet was shut down. If the army had not stepped aside, she would have been successful in holding onto her power. She ordered army to shoot at civilians. The Indian intelligence failure was in being unable to anticipate that Army chief will not side with Hasina even though he was her relative.

As for Indian interference - you don't believe testimonials and eye witness accounts. Nor are you able to read between the lines. So unless Modi himself writes a personal letter to you, you won't believe.

But let me give you a quick tip nonetheless - go to any BAL leader hiding in UK. Better if they are from border districts of Bangladesh and applied to get a nomination in any of the elections last decade and a half. Ask them if they were able to get nominations without RAW blessing or not. You will get your answer.
Yeah but non of that are essential things BD cant buy from abroad, especially China, or even better, make it ourselves.
Bangladesh buying things from India out of proximity and goodwill is not synonymous with it being depedent on India for the same products.

Nuclear reactor is basically the Roppour project where India may got subcontract by Russia. India isnt exporting anything nuclear related to BD.
Have you not tried that?
Tried different sources like the balkan and Egypt.
BD cotton import from india is around 50 cent per KG without duty.
For China it is around 55 cents per KG. A whopping 5 cents more.

Trivia - BD imports from India: $2.94 billion and from China: $2.74 billion. Very near in dollar values.
And I know after Hasina, India will not be willing to sell cotton in this quantity to BD, it's not cost effective for her.
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Maybe bridges can be mended when India kicks the BJP out at the polls and votes the Congress back in.
You think political parties run foreign policy of a nation? lol
I mean they kind of did. Muslims bengalis played a prominent role for Pakistan. Muslims League was founded in Dhaka after all. Pakistan was supposed to that nation. But it didn't work out. So, we had to curve out another one. This time a more exclusive one.
Actually, you are right, and yours is a valid point of view, only a most unexpected one - I had not thought of it!

Let me be more specific - I agree with most of your formulation, with 5 sentences out of 7.

I am not sure about the last 2. We can discuss this in detail, if you like.
@Joe Shearer

A lot of people have a habit of not taking responsibility for themselves and so the blame must always lay elsewhere.

If India was so powerful, then can we get to know how Hasina was turfed out by "student protestors"?

Surely India/RAW would have "taken care" of these students with relative ease right, in order to protect their puppet Hasina?!

The reason why Hasina lasted 15 years is till the end of her rule she gave the BD population enough in terms of jobs, stability and outright hand-outs for them to at least tolerate her. There was no India forcing her down BD's throat.

As a BD'shi it is disheartening to see the amount of whinging about "Indian interference" in BD as this frankly makes BD look pathetic and a little toy to be played with at India's wish.

People are not whining about Indian interference. One could say its actually indians who are whining about “islamic terrorism, minority opression, hindu persecution”, now that Hasina was kicked out. Have you seen indian media? The obsession comes from the indian side.

People are piss offed because the Hasina regime was corrupt and oppressive in addition to compromising national interests in order to stay in power, as only India was supporting her party whereas rest of international community was lukewarm at most.

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