‘Nepal's hydropower can benefit Bangladesh, entire region’

So, some guy from Bangladesh thinks they can just "slap back" and take over the Chicken Neck? Man, that’s rich! Listen up, buddy. The Indian Army’s XXXIII Corps sitting in Siliguri is packing way more firepower than your entire army could ever dream of. Three mountain divisions and artillery brigades are ready to roll at a moment’s notice. That’s not even our A-team! You want a real taste of Indian firepower? You should try looking up the II Strike Corps, X Corps, XI Corps, and XXI Corps. You really want to mess with that? Good luck, because you’re going to need it!

And let’s not even get started on China. First off, if the PLA even tries to mess around in the Chumbi Valley, they're stepping right into a nasty choke point. Chumbi Valley is like this narrow dagger poking between India and Bhutan—it’s basically a geographical nightmare for any army trying to make a move there. The place is boxed in by the Indian Army on one side and the Royal Bhutan Army on the other, with only a slim exit back to China. This means the PLA has limited maneuvering room, making them sitting ducks for a counterattack.

Now, let’s talk about what happens when the Indian Army starts operating out of Sikkim and Doklam. From those positions, we’ve got the high ground—perfect vantage points to monitor and strike. The Indian Army knows the terrain like the back of its hand and can deploy artillery, armor, and infantry right into positions that dominate Chumbi Valley. With our forces on the high ground and their backs against the wall, the PLA would find themselves in a real tight spot.

The 17 Mountain Strike Corps stationed at Panagarh is specifically geared for high-altitude warfare. These guys are trained to fight in exactly the kind of terrain where Chumbi Valley lies. They’d come in with rapid mobility, hitting hard and fast, cutting off the PLA's supply lines and routes of retreat. It’d be like trapping them in a box with nowhere to go. The PLA would be choked out in that narrow strip, with no way to bring in reinforcements or supplies effectively.

And if that’s not enough, the Indian Army’s heavy artillery from those heights would rain hell down on them. Imagine 155mm shells crashing down in those tight spaces—total carnage. Not to mention, our special forces and mountain divisions can use the rugged terrain to launch surprise attacks and guerrilla-style operations, further crippling their forces.

And now let’s bring Bangladesh back into the mix. If you think they’re going to waltz into the Chicken Neck while China gets bogged down in Chumbi, they’re in for a rude awakening. The Eastern Air Command of the Indian Air Force can scramble 100 fighters faster than you can blink, and the Eastern Naval Command would shut down any sea routes, leaving them high and dry. Bangladesh would be staring down a full-scale military response that would wipe them out before they even knew what hit them.

So, yeah, if Bangladesh thinks they can get involved while China tries to play tough in Chumbi Valley, they better think again. The PLA would get hammered from all sides, and anyone thinking they can back them up would get caught in the crossfire. It’s a losing game. Anyone thinking they can step up to India better be ready for a beatdown. The Chicken Neck is not some soft spot you can poke at—it’s a trap that’ll snap shut on anyone foolish enough to try.

Oh, dear India friends, you need to update latest news. Your chicken's neck is being tightened!

August 20~22, the 14th meeting of China-Bhutan border negotiations. Bhutan agreed to return 1,500 square kilometers of land disputed with China and establish diplomatic relations with China as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, this 1,500 square kilometres is located in the Siliguri corridor.

It seems that the people of Bhutan have had enough of India's hostage!
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Oh, dear India friends, you need to update latest news. Your chicken's neck is being tightened!

August 20~22, the 14th meeting of China-Bhutan border negotiations. Bhutan agreed to return 1,500 square kilometers of land disputed with China and establish diplomatic relations with China as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, this 1,500 square kilometres is located in the Siliguri corridor.

It seems that the people of Bhutan have had enough of India's hostage!
It might be a good idea to take a break and get some rest. Sometimes, a little time off helps to reset and regain a clearer view of things.
There is no 1.2 billion population of ethnic Indians in this world. There are only 600 million ethnic Hindustani.

India also has Bengalis, Biharis, Telugus, Tamils, Marathis and other populous peoples.

Please educate yourself.

You were the Chini who said gang rape was a cultural trait of Indians no?

I thought you were a non-bot serious poster.

But I guess being a bot is a Chini cultural trait.

@Joe Shearer

Cheers, Doc
Please educate yourself.

You were the Chini who said gang rape was a cultural trait of Indians no?

I thought you were a non-bot serious poster.

But I guess being a bot is a Chini cultural trait.

@Joe Shearer

Cheers, Doc
Can you please tell me which other country on this planet has as frequent cases as India where dozens of people participate in gang rapes resulting in the death of the victim?

So, BD doesn't have the capability to track rainfall data on its own ?
Does rainfall data warn us about when india is going to open its floodgates?
Good luck with that. Why wasnt it done in the last 77 years since Pakistan and Bangladesh have been friends with China ?
We were piss poor so was China, then india managed to install a puppet in BD.
Funny days ahead...
Yes, India does not import textiles and that is all that BD is capable of exporting. Once the tariff benefits of GSP roll off, there is going to be a cliff drop in Bangladeshi exports to the West and they would be lucky to be able to sell to India.
My point stands. You don't have to add other excuses, this will happen, that will happen etc. For BD, india is replaceable.
Not as many as you think. China is busy in the east and its relationships with India and Myanmar are more important than with BD. Pakistan can barely help itself. And the west is in active conflict with China and Russia and is dealing with a mess in the Middle East. They have chosen India as a partner in the Asia Pacific. They may make noises about political repression by Haseena, who had chosen India , China and Russia as her partners, but there is no way they are going to jeopardize their relationship with India for BD, when they have left Canada to fend for itself.
We will find out. The world doesn't run on indian pov...
Oh, dear India friends, you need to update latest news. Your chicken's neck is being tightened!

August 20~22, the 14th meeting of China-Bhutan border negotiations. Bhutan agreed to return 1,500 square kilometers of land disputed with China and establish diplomatic relations with China as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, this 1,500 square kilometres is located in the Siliguri corridor.

It seems that the people of Bhutan have had enough of India's hostage!
Not possible. Bhutan and siliguri corridor are far apart.

Well, that's what happens when you rely too much on YouTube BS. The Chicken Neck (Siliguri Corridor) is 130 km from China's Chumbi Valley. But what most people don't know is that the Chumbi Valley is surrounded on three sides by India, including our deployment in Bhutan. So, in a real conflict, there's a higher possibility of China losing the Chumbi Valley than of them reaching the Chicken Neck, where nearly 5 million Indians live.
Well, you have just proved my point. China doesn't have to use million dollar per piece missile to harass indian supply line. They can to it with cheap artillery...
BTW, areas you have mentioned must be supplied by Siliguri corridor right? He he...
We will surely find out the real situation when India vs China disputes turn into conflict. 😉
Sad to see that you like the role of a vulture waiting for the carrion to appear on a battlefield. This is what lights all the wrong bulbs in the minds of otherwise neutral or even friendly Indians.
then india managed to install a puppet in BD.
I understand from your words that SHW had neither background, nor political support, nor political organisation, nor any preceding party's rule that was at best half-hearted about Bangladeshi independence. So we are to believe that SHW parachuted in, and all her votes, in all her elections, were spurious and the creation of Indian conspirators.

Sad to see that you like the role of a vulture waiting for the carrion to appear on a battlefield. This is what lights all the wrong bulbs in the minds of otherwise neutral or even friendly Indians.
Sir, we don't wish any conflict with anyone or any conflict in our neighborhood. Especially in india. Because it will definitely impact us. Even Ukraine-Russia conflict impacted us badly.
India clearly undermined our sovereignty and democracy. As a wise person what do you think our action should be? You know how we Bengalis are...
I understand from your words that SHW had neither background, nor political support, nor political organisation, nor any preceding party's rule that was at best half-hearted about Bangladeshi independence. So we are to believe that SHW parachuted in, and all her votes, in all her elections, were spurious and the creation of Indian conspirators.

She did came to power with popular mandate in 2009 election. But, after that she started to show her true color with indian blessings...
India clearly undermined our sovereignty and democracy. As a wise person what do you think our action should be? You know how we Bengalis are...
My point is very simple. Nothing was transplanted into Bangladesh. The party that the Indian central government very unwisely went out of its way to support was in existence, had suffered, had recovered, and won elections on its own before the stupidity in Delhi found expression.

How can support for the present reclamation of democratic values by the youth of Bangladesh survive, if it is met by gibes and malicious remarks about the entire country of India, or by jeering about Indian military capabilities?

Please feel free to say whatever you wish. The stupidity of Indian policy towards Bangladesh exists in stark and naked form. It is for you to decide what to do with it, whether to convert your justified indignation at a decade and a bit of distortion of your politics and social conditions into unnecessary and unfounded bitterness, or to try to rebuild bridges?

Entirely up to you.
My point is very simple. Nothing was transplanted into Bangladesh. The party that the Indian central government very unwisely went out of its way to support was in existence, had suffered, had recovered, and won elections on its own before the stupidity in Delhi found expression.

How can support for the present reclamation of democratic values by the youth of Bangladesh survive, if it is met by gibes and malicious remarks about the entire country of India, or by jeering about Indian military capabilities?

Please feel free to say whatever you wish. The stupidity of Indian policy towards Bangladesh exists in stark and naked form. It is for you to decide what to do with it, whether to convert your justified indignation at a decade and a bit of distortion of your politics and social conditions into unnecessary and unfounded bitterness, or to try to rebuild bridges?

Entirely up to you.

Maybe bridges can be mended when India kicks the BJP out at the polls and votes the Congress back in.

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