‘Nepal's hydropower can benefit Bangladesh, entire region’

That's only your opinion, not typical US hegemon though.

Replace Bangladesh with another low wage textile supplier. you make it sound like Bangladesh is indispensable. It is not.
Replace Bangladesh with another low wage textile supplier. you make it sound like Bangladesh is indispensable. It is not.
US wants to control and influence every country on earth, I think you know.
US wants to control and influence every country on earth, I think you know.
That is not in theory possible. The President/State Department/Pentagon have finite bandwidth and attention span
That is not in theory possible. The President/State Department/Pentagon have finite bandwidth and attention span
Yeah, it's manifest of destiny.
Frankly India neither have that much to offer Bangladesh either. I mean, cheap cotton and onions can be bought elswhere.

The rest is nice story … maybe a bestseller in India, but mere Bollywood fantasy outside of India
below are top export items By India to Bangladesh. and you buy it from us because its cheap and easy logistic..

and you are welcomed to buy onion from China @ $2 / KG or from USA @ $5 / KG.. after the regim change you guys must have become first world country

Mineral fuels, oils, distillation products$2.19B2023
Residues, wastes of food industry, animal fodder$733.42M2023
Vehicles other than railway, tramway$593.97M2023
Machinery, nuclear reactors, boilers$552.41M2023
Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers$464.31M2023
Sugars and sugar confectionery$391.60M2023
Organic chemicals$369.71M2023
Coffee, tea, mate and spices$293.73M2023
Iron and steel$287.42M2023
India Exports to Bangladesh​
Heh, india supported dictator with its intelligence agencies, india undermined our democracy, indian diplomatic arm lobbied in western world for hasina. India did everything to destabilize Bangladesh.
Every SA countries are fed up with indian "wisdom", because india is the problem of SA...
Even an one-eyed, one-legged Hasina would have been better for Bangladesh than what Begum Khaleda and the Jamaat will bring. Despite all her flaws, Hasina gave Bangladesh 15 years of stability and economic growth. Now that she's gone, in just 30 days, Bangladesh has descended into a banana republic.
There is no free lunch. Just as US say most favorite trading nation, sounds like giving countries concessions or favors, actually not but just normal trade. Different countries have different trade agreements, if India is unable to secure lower tariffs on textile, that's your problem, India might get better treatments in other areas, you can't take all. US can make tariffs on certain goods abnormally high such as the goods from China and called them normal and fair trade, lol, that's American problem and you Indians are ready to call that too, lol. If US is going to raise the tariffs on BD textiles, it's the American consumers will have to pay the hikes just as in the case of Chinese products because of US trade war.

And no BS, stop worship US:

"During the commission's hearing attended by the leaders of the trade bodies, it was said that the US imposes higher most-favoured-nation duty rates on apparel products than nearly any other sector and factor into the cost competitiveness of source countries.

Bangladeshi apparel exporters are facing one of the highest tariffs at 15.62 percent in the US, which imported more than $116 billion worth of garment items last year. Bangladesh's share stands at 9.3 percent."

Lol. That is a Bangladeshi news source . Here is what the Americans think .

below are top export items By India to Bangladesh. and you buy it from us because its cheap and easy logistic..

and you are welcomed to buy onion from China @ $2 / KG or from USA @ $5 / KG.. after the regim change you guys must have become first world country

India Exports to Bangladesh




Yeah but non of that are essential things BD cant buy from abroad, especially China, or even better, make it ourselves.
Bangladesh buying things from India out of proximity and goodwill is not synonymous with it being depedent on India for the same products.

Nuclear reactor is basically the Roppour project where India may got subcontract by Russia. India isnt exporting anything nuclear related to BD.
Lol. That is a Bangladeshi news source . Here is what the Americans think .

Lol, what does it has to do with BD report, so ? I trust BD report more than American. It's a fact that US imposes one of the highest tariffs on imported BD textiles, the American report didn't dispute such, it only complained that BD and other few countries textiles export to US has surged because BD is too competitive and allegedly has ties with Chinese suppliers. You Indians can keep worshipping the Americans.
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Even an one-eyed, one-legged Hasina would have been better for Bangladesh than what Begum Khaleda and the Jamaat will bring. Despite all her flaws, Hasina gave Bangladesh 15 years of stability and economic growth. Now that she's gone, in just 30 days, Bangladesh has descended into a banana republic.

Listen homie.
Concentrate about uplifting your own country...because one shouldnt throw stone while sitting in a house of glass.

You might think a country of 180 million deserve to be subservient to your India, but thats not what bengalis want. Period.

Its not bengalis fault that other ethnicities of India failed to carve out own nations.
US wants to control and influence every country on earth, I think you know.
That is rather idiotic . Even in its heyday, the US had only limited influence. Today the world is multipolar and the US has very limited bandwidth and resources. The major strategic objectives of the US are :
1) Maintaining US hegemony in the Americas so that there is no threat to the mainland .
2) Maintaining treaty ( mainly NATO) security commitments
3) Protecting trade and energy supply routes for the US and close allies.

The regions where the US seeks influence are, in order of importance
1) Its own backyard
2) Western Europe ( due to NATO commitments )
3) Middle East ( because of oil, Israel and Iran's nuclear ambitions )
4) Asia Pacific ( mainly to protect its allies Japan, Australia and South Korea and North Korea's nuclear threat and to prevent China from becoming stronger than itself )
5) Afpak and India to some extent because of the history of 9/11 and India and Pakistan being nuclear states .

Every thing else is a sideshow . Bangladesh is not even a sideshow to a sideshow .
Lol, what does it has to do with BD report, so ? I trust BD report more than American. It's a fact that US imposes one of the highest tariffs on imported BD textiles, the American report didn't dispute such, it only complained that BD and other few countries textiles export to US has surged because BD is too competitive and allegedly has ties with Chinese suppliers.
It doesnt matter what you trust. US trusts its own report and if BD tries to reroute Chinese goods to US, the ban hammer will come down on it. They didnt even spare Mexicans for rerouting Chinese metal.
You Indians can keep worshipping the Americans.
LoL says a chinese who killed their second child in wombs to worship American companies.
Yeah but non of that are essential things BD cant buy from abroad, especially China, or even better, make it ourselves.
Bangladesh buying things from India out of proximity and goodwill is not synonymous with it being depedent on India for the same products.

Nuclear reactor is basically the Roppour project where India may got subcontract by Russia. India isnt exporting anything nuclear related to BD.
Bangladesh would have sourced items from any other country if it were cheaper there. It’s not doing India a favor by importing from us; rather, it's compelled to import from the most optimal source to keep its economy running smoothly. With three sides surrounded by India and the fourth by the Indian Navy, Bangladesh has very little room to irritate India. It's just a matter of time before the realization sets in and the prodigal son returns home ..

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