‘Nepal's hydropower can benefit Bangladesh, entire region’

Nice but an unlikely thought.
How can support for the present reclamation of democratic values by the youth of Bangladesh survive, if it is met by gibes and malicious remarks about the entire country of India, or by jeering about Indian military capabilities?

I mean, some of the Indian members here are saying deregetory and disrespectful things toward BD while contiuesly boasting and chest thumbing. So, some of our folks then trying to return the favor. I agree that, it is not nice.
Maybe bridges can be mended when India kicks the BJP out at the polls and votes the Congress back in.
Definitely needed. The BJP stands irretrievably compromised, and is dragging the reputation of India into the gutter as well, as we can see by the anger displayed by young Bangladeshi patriots. We may deplore their partisan view, but who is to say that they lacked provocation?
I mean, some of the Indian members here are saying deregetory and disrespectful things toward BD while contiuesly boasting and chest thumbing. So, some of our folks then trying to return the favor. I agree that, it is not nice.
Those Indians who are doing so are stabbing India in the back. Period.

All right-thinking Indians would feel sorry and apologetic about these rotten scoundrels.
Even an one-eyed, one-legged Hasina would have been better for Bangladesh than what Begum Khaleda and the Jamaat will bring. Despite all her flaws, Hasina gave Bangladesh 15 years of stability and economic growth. Now that she's gone, in just 30 days, Bangladesh has descended into a banana republic.
So, if you indians can wish BDeshis to live miserably under a dictatorship. I think, we Bdeshis also can wish india getting beaten by its enemies. You folks are so arrogant, even your simple disputes with others will definitely turn into conflict.
Our economic growth started because of BNP-Jamat era reforms. Dictator hasina just took massive amounts of loans for corruption ridden mega projects.
And, lol at your Bangladesh becoming a banana republic. Unfortunately for indians, Bangladesh will be fine.
Definitely needed. The BJP stands irretrievably compromised, and is dragging the reputation of India into the gutter as well, as we can see by the anger displayed by young Bangladeshi patriots. We may deplore their partisan view, but who is to say that they lacked provocation?

Bangladesh is irrelevant for me Joe. Honestly, no offense.

I'm looking out for me and mine.

I posted on this thread for half baked ethnicity jackassery. I will retreat to greener climes now.
So, if you indians can wish BDeshis to live miserably under a dictatorship.
Indians didn't, a party in power did.

I think, we Bdeshis also can wish india getting beaten by its enemies. You folks are so arrogant, even your simple disputes with others will definitely turn into conflict.
Again, you fail to distinguish between one party that has never done any good to either its own country, or to any other country, and the entire country, India.

Our economic growth started because of BNP-Jamat era reforms. Dictator hasina just took massive amounts of loans for corruption ridden mega projects.
If you think that is right, so be it. Who are we to correct you?

Unfortunately for indians, Bangladesh will be fine.
Excuse me, once again, an irresponsible by an irresponsible Indian member should not trigger a bitter post aimed at the entire country.
Its not bengalis fault that other ethnicities of India failed to carve out own nations.
That is not historically correct. Bengalis did not carve out their own nation. They joined another, in spite of Jinnah's reluctant consent to allow the erstwhile East Bengal to become what even the British never wanted, a third Dominion.

The carving out came after shameful and humiliating treatment by the western wing, culminating in a horrible massacre. Try to remember that the Bengali part of India never had to go through these tribulations.

So it was the Pakistani-leaning part of Bengalis who found themselves compelled to carve out their own nation. Not all Bengalis.
Bangladesh is irrelevant for me Joe. Honestly, no offense.

I'm looking out for me and mine.

I posted on this thread for half baked ethnicity jackassery. I will retreat to greener climes now.
Better so.
If you think that is right, so be it. Who are we to correct you?

Tbh, on that part I agree with him. So far what I heard from folks who knows their stuff, they said similar things to me.

Whatever progress BD made is despite of Hassina not because of her. Not mention she exaggerated a great deal.
That is not historically correct. Bengalis did not carve out their own nation. They joined another, in spite of Jinnah's reluctant consent to allow the erstwhile East Bengal to become what even the British never wanted, a third Dominion.

The carving out came after shameful and humiliating treatment by the western wing, culminating in a horrible massacre. Try to remember that the Bengali part of India never had to go through these tribulations.

So it was the Pakistani-leaning part of Bengalis who found themselves compelled to carve out their own nation. Not all Bengalis.

Pakistan leaning?

Muslim Bengalis Joe.
That is not historically correct. Bengalis did not carve out their own nation. They joined another, in spite of Jinnah's reluctant consent to allow the erstwhile East Bengal to become what even the British never wanted, a third Dominion.

The carving out came after shameful and humiliating treatment by the western wing, culminating in a horrible massacre. Try to remember that the Bengali part of India never had to go through these tribulations.

So it was the Pakistani-leaning part of Bengalis who found themselves compelled to carve out their own nation. Not all Bengalis.

That is true. Bengalis are one ethnicity but two Nations now.
That is not historically correct. Bengalis did not carve out their own nation.

I mean they kind of did. Muslims bengalis played a prominent role for Pakistan. Muslims League was founded in Dhaka after all. Pakistan was supposed to that nation. But it didn't work out. So, we had to curve out another one. This time a more exclusive one.
So, some guy from Bangladesh thinks they can just "slap back" and take over the Chicken Neck? Man, that’s rich! Listen up, buddy. The Indian Army’s XXXIII Corps sitting in Siliguri is packing way more firepower than your entire army could ever dream of. Three mountain divisions and artillery brigades are ready to roll at a moment’s notice. That’s not even our A-team! You want a real taste of Indian firepower? You should try looking up the II Strike Corps, X Corps, XI Corps, and XXI Corps. You really want to mess with that? Good luck, because you’re going to need it!

And let’s not even get started on China. First off, if the PLA even tries to mess around in the Chumbi Valley, they're stepping right into a nasty choke point. Chumbi Valley is like this narrow dagger poking between India and Bhutan—it’s basically a geographical nightmare for any army trying to make a move there. The place is boxed in by the Indian Army on one side and the Royal Bhutan Army on the other, with only a slim exit back to China. This means the PLA has limited maneuvering room, making them sitting ducks for a counterattack.

Now, let’s talk about what happens when the Indian Army starts operating out of Sikkim and Doklam. From those positions, we’ve got the high ground—perfect vantage points to monitor and strike. The Indian Army knows the terrain like the back of its hand and can deploy artillery, armor, and infantry right into positions that dominate Chumbi Valley. With our forces on the high ground and their backs against the wall, the PLA would find themselves in a real tight spot.

The 17 Mountain Strike Corps stationed at Panagarh is specifically geared for high-altitude warfare. These guys are trained to fight in exactly the kind of terrain where Chumbi Valley lies. They’d come in with rapid mobility, hitting hard and fast, cutting off the PLA's supply lines and routes of retreat. It’d be like trapping them in a box with nowhere to go. The PLA would be choked out in that narrow strip, with no way to bring in reinforcements or supplies effectively.

And if that’s not enough, the Indian Army’s heavy artillery from those heights would rain hell down on them. Imagine 155mm shells crashing down in those tight spaces—total carnage. Not to mention, our special forces and mountain divisions can use the rugged terrain to launch surprise attacks and guerrilla-style operations, further crippling their forces.

And now let’s bring Bangladesh back into the mix. If you think they’re going to waltz into the Chicken Neck while China gets bogged down in Chumbi, they’re in for a rude awakening. The Eastern Air Command of the Indian Air Force can scramble 100 fighters faster than you can blink, and the Eastern Naval Command would shut down any sea routes, leaving them high and dry. Bangladesh would be staring down a full-scale military response that would wipe them out before they even knew what hit them.

So, yeah, if Bangladesh thinks they can get involved while China tries to play tough in Chumbi Valley, they better think again. The PLA would get hammered from all sides, and anyone thinking they can back them up would get caught in the crossfire. It’s a losing game. Anyone thinking they can step up to India better be ready for a beatdown. The Chicken Neck is not some soft spot you can poke at—it’s a trap that’ll snap shut on anyone foolish enough to try.
Funny part is most of PDFers think that since chicken neck is just 22 kms broad it can be easily cut....

it's not some flat ground where enemy can enter with heavy armor under superior air cover and overwhelm the Indian military..... it's one of the toughest terrain with high hills and India enjoys complete advantage by sitting on hights.....

We are not worried about cheap Chinese artillery hitting this route as that can be taken care by Indian counter attacks from hights, its a transportation cost which would be enormous using this hilly terrain for total transport bypassing Bangladesh otherwise for Indian northern parts chicken neck still can be a better option (if it was flat land) to connect NE without Bangladesh......

distance to NE increases from India's southern parts.... have a look at India and Bangladesh map.....
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Can you please tell me which other country on this planet has as frequent cases as India where dozens of people participate in gang rapes resulting in the death of the victim?

Rapes happens everywhere..... even in China.... thing is in China negative things rarely come out.... in India media and public enjoys the biggest freedom in the world so negativity or failures come out easily....

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