NRIs moving from the US to India: How much salary to expect

BTW @AjayGhatak I wasn't talking about ETFs, but secured annuties giving 8% to 7% . Indian ETfs will be higher and as with all ETFs have higher risk than secured annuties.
The EFT portfolio I liked to is WAY MORE diversified than Indian EFT and also has exposure to India as it is world wide. Actually, you can customize your own EFT portfolio depending up on risk profile. If I want to take more risk and more rewards, I can just take EFTs that have more exposure to developing world like India. Simple.

BTW, the annuity products typically have a minimum age of entry and are usually meant for retirement planning.

As for 'bubb;e' has to pop, same can be said of all economies. Canadian economy is hardly more sophisticated than Indian ones.
I did not say economic bubble. I said bubble of good quality of life. Like one of those gated communities. They are bubble of good living in a hellish mess. The moment you have to venture out of it, that moment your quality goes away.
Well I can't talk a guy who is hell bent on living poor so all the best to you.
Rich and poor is very subjective. In India 4 million dollars net worth is pretty rich. In Canada thats an upper middle class family with two investment properties.
Are you sure its Bangalore and not Brampton ? I think the reverse brain drain is they coming to Canada
Well when one see waiting time for EB-2 and EB-3 in USA, its pretty evident how many want to come to USA and how many want to return to India.

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