NRIs moving from the US to India: How much salary to expect

Active and passive racism an indian origin faces in day to day life are part of american dream.
So casteism, regionalism, lingualism is A-Okay. But only racism is baaaad?

When Kannadiga auto drivers tell you to get lost from Bangalore, its A-Okay but only if some weird white loser tells you to go back to your country, that is the problem. Right?

Astronomical medical bills are just meh..!
Not at all an issue in Canada or Australia.
USA sure. But then thats why you work for American employer but do not live in America.

You are more likely to go bankrupt in India due to medical cost because insurance industry has not much of a regulation. Australia for instance has excellent private and public healthcare backed with an equally impressive regulated insurance industry.

For him US cities full of homeless junkies & immigrant, criminals who break into stores without worrying about consequences are heaven on earth..
There are no homeless in India? And there is excellent storm drains in India? Bridges absolutely never fall in India, right?

There are absolutely no crimes in India. Traffic is so well organised? Right?

So casteism, regionalism, lingualism is A-Okay. But only racism is baaaad?

When Kannadiga auto drivers tell you to get lost from Bangalore, its A-Okay but only if some weird white loser tells you to go back to your country, that is the problem. Right?

Not at all an issue in Canada or Australia.
USA sure. But then thats why you work for American employer but do not live in America.

You are more likely to go bankrupt in India due to medical cost because insurance industry has not much of a regulation. Australia for instance has excellent private and public healthcare backed with an equally impressive regulated insurance industry.

There are no homeless in India? And there is excellent storm drains in India? Bridges absolutely never fall in India, right?

There are absolutely no crimes in India. Traffic is so well organised? Right?

Please do us a favor ! Never ever come to india.
Please do us a favor ! Never ever come to india.
What makes you think I am ever going to settle in India?

In fact my entire argument is only this : Buying real estate in India is foolish because Indian real estate and infra sucks really bad and have very little value for the inflated prices that are so much prevelent in India.

Anyone with even half way decent money (like 2-3 million) is finding a way out of India or at the very least trying to settle his or her kids abroad.

Do not believe me? Look at emigration numbers of India.
What makes you think I am ever going to settle in India?

In fact my entire argument is only this : Buying real estate in India is foolish because Indian real estate and infra sucks really bad and have very little value for the inflated prices that are so much prevelent in India.

Anyone with even half way decent money (like 2-3 million) is finding a way out of India or at the very least trying to settle his or her kids abroad.

Do not believe me? Look at emigration numbers of India.
Good! Less crowded here.
What makes you think I am ever going to settle in India?

In fact my entire argument is only this : Buying real estate in India is foolish because Indian real estate and infra sucks really bad and have very little value for the inflated prices that are so much prevelent in India.

Anyone with even half way decent money (like 2-3 million) is finding a way out of India or at the very least trying to settle his or her kids abroad.

Do not believe me? Look at emigration numbers of India.

What are you even debating about? You live in a frozen tundra. FFS, this thread was about someone returning back to India. I spent 14 years in US, came back to India, switched career and settled in a small place. India is India. We all make choices as we see fit.

India has 140 crore people. Indian immigration numbers are pittance compared to actual number of well off people in this country, nevermind the reality that majority of those "fleeing" India are lower middle class or poor. China has higher number of rich fleeing China.

You don't need to justify why you are staying in a frozen country.
What are you even debating about? You live in a frozen tundra. FFS, this thread was about someone returning back to India. I spent 14 years in US, came back to India, switched career and settled in a small place. India is India. We all make choices as we see fit.
The point was simple : Buying real estate in India is not a wise decision. Its extremely expensive for the quality of infrastructure and quality of life you get out of it. A half way decent home in Banglaore costs 1.6 million canadian dollars (10 crore rupees) and the value you get out of is meager. Thats it.
You don't need to justify why you are staying in a frozen country.
You have never been to British columbia I am sure.

Victoria the city I am in and its near by areas have a very Japan like climate. All four seasons. Snow in winter, hot in summer (35 or so), fall and warm spring.
You have never been to British columbia I am sure.

Victoria the city I am in and its near by areas have a very Japan like climate. All four seasons. Snow in winter, hot in summer (35 or so), fall and warm spring.

I have been to Vancouver once. I don't know where Victoria is.

Coldest place I stayed in US for a while was Cleveland, Ohio. It also has 4 "seasons". Cold was longest. Winter was ..cold. I was grateful when I fled to Cali and later Texas.

Enjoy where you live. But your choices are your choices. You are projecting them. I would never live in Canada. It is worse of America in everyway.
I plan to move to India and I had so far invested most my money in India and whatever else I invested in US will be taken to India. I have been to India almost every year since last 18 years. India has changed a lot. May be infrastructure is a bit lacking. But I can have peace of mind in terms of security and belonging. Digital infra IMO, is even better than US these days. @AjayGhatak you can cry me a river.
I plan to move to India and I had so far invested most my money in India and whatever else I invested in US will be taken to India. I have been to India almost every year since last 18 years. India has changed a lot. May be infrastructure is a bit lacking. But I can have peace of mind in terms of security and belonging. Digital infra IMO, is even better than US these days. @AjayGhatak you can cry me a river.
Happy for you.

Will not change the fact that Indian real estate is overpriced shit.

BTW, just be careful that your critical pieces of identity (PAN card, Aahdhar card, Passport etc) do not hang around on internet like this. This is the new "digital india". Because there is no repercussion of not protecting them is almost nothing on Indian businesses.

I did that google search and found literally millions of aadhar card, PAN card etc lying in open in various startups.
I have been to Vancouver once. I don't know where Victoria is.

Coldest place I stayed in US for a while was Cleveland, Ohio. It also has 4 "seasons". Cold was longest. Winter was ..cold. I was grateful when I fled to Cali and later Texas.

Enjoy where you live. But your choices are your choices. You are projecting them. I would never live in Canada. It is worse of America in everyway.
Victoria is the capital of BC. The best life is to work for an American employer and live in Canada. I used to work for Microsoft for a large part of my starting career, then Amazon and then Facebook during pandemic phase and now I work for an American AI outfit. That gets you best of both worlds. And no, there are many things in which living in Canada is much better than living in USA.

Cleveland is considerably colder than Victoria and Vancouver during its cold parts of year and day. Its also considerably hotter during its warm parts of day and year. Its very continental kind of climate.

Victoria and Vancouver have much less variance in daily temperature and lower higher and high lower temperature. Its because they are next to the sea.

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