PAF Future Acquisition Plans

I'm more interested as to what exactly is the current status of the J-35, 'cause i'm not certain if China has ambitions of inducting it in their Navy - as reported.

So, if Pakistan is the first & only customer - our wait may be sooner than most F-16 Block 70/72 customers.

As for TAI's KAAN. It still hasn't had its First Test Flight (yet). Currently, they're using F-16 Engines as a testbed. They're years away & we still have rust buckets like F-7 & Mirages to replace.
@Nilgiri @Faceless @suryakiran interesting - what would be a pivot by India(if any) if this turns out to be true?
The problem is the commitments/contracts they are already in and the types they will end up with. While Pakistan on the face of it seems to reducing the number of platforms and simplifying the logistics, training and maintenance.
Seems like they've placed all their eggs in one basket. Rafale.
It’s too many baskets instead. SU30, Upgraded mig29, M2K both probably going to stick around for some time, tejas, new MRFA (MRCA 2.0) program underway, Tejas Mk 2 if it comes to fruition and then 5th Gen.
India is getting f35 in next 3 years max. PAF needs to find a solution

Indian can get both Su57 and F35 (other than Rafale), but for F-35 they have to Get one 4th Gen platform from US (Be it F16/21, F18, or F15), Also F-35 Deliveries are already in queue so it won't be before 2028.
It’s too many baskets instead. SU30, Upgraded mig29, M2K both probably going to stick around for some time, tejas, new MRFA (MRCA 2.0) program underway, Tejas Mk 2 if it comes to fruition and then 5th Gen.
I think the question was more towards what will India have as a response to the J-35 - if & when PAF does acquire it.
Seems like Pakistan will have two fifth-generation aircrafts within this decade.
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Highly unlikely to be this decade, we have too much going on already, the existing projects need be settled before any massive shift, such as introduction of a 5th generation fighter.

J10 introduction isn't fully complete yet,
JF17 block 3 project is still ongoing, and a block 4 could be on the cards,
we are also looking at an L15 induction,
then there is the retirement of a large part of our fleet,
and our Surface to air missile infrastructure is still evolving.

That's a lot on the plate, I don't think we'll see a 5th generation fighter till the mid 2030s
@Nilgiri @Faceless @suryakiran interesting - what would be a pivot by India(if any) if this turns out to be true?

The DAC made some comments recently (that if MRFA doesn't progress fast enough, India should look for off the shelf 5th gen instead).

It can only be either F-35, Su-57 or Su-75. A stopgap till the AMCA. The other option is taking it on the chin till AMCA too, again depends on the acquisition perceived power level and how long this gap will exist.

Each has pros and cons, details will matter on what the PAF acquisition fleshes out to be (timeline wise) since PAF has far more airbases close to India compared to what PLAAF is constrained to in Tibet, it cannot be responded viably by say asymmetric counter force on the airbases.
Seems like they've placed all their eggs in one basket. Rafale.
I don’t think so, the Rafale is kept to be the strike edge and for air superiority against 4th gen.
The DAC made some comments recently (that if MRFA doesn't progress fast enough, India should look for off the shelf 5th gen instead).

It can only be either F-35, Su-57 or Su-75. A stopgap till the AMCA. The other option is taking it on the chin till AMCA too, again depends on the acquisition perceived power level and how long this gap will exist.

Each has pros and cons, details will matter on what the PAF acquisition fleshes out to be (timeline wise) since PAF has far more airbases close to India compared to what PLAAF is constrained to in Tibet, it cannot be responded viably by say asymmetric counter force on the airbases.
Both Sukhoi options seem to be in doldrums considering the situation with Russian industry.
Perhaps a F-35IN might actually be doable but it would probably serve India to do more arm twisting like Israel did to get its components.

Either way, this development is not surprising but rather fait accompli for the PAF.
Will the j-31 have Electro-Optic thermal detection system (not talking about EOTS) similar to j-20 remains to be seen. But I would dream they come up with DAS like system similar to F-35. I was hoping KAAN would do something similar to DAS but instead they went that side radar array like Su-57 :/
I'm more interested as to what exactly is the current status of the J-35, 'cause i'm not certain if China has ambitions of inducting it in their Navy - as reported.

China definitely has plans, the J-20 cannot be navalized or atleast isn't optimal for navalization, and for BVR Naval combat they will need stealth platforms as the J-16 has a huge RCS. The production will likely only start after the induction of the new aircraft carrier.
@Nilgiri @Faceless @suryakiran interesting - what would be a pivot by India(if any) if this turns out to be true?

Maybe they will go back to FGFA with the Su-57. They aren't getting F-35s, they operate na S-400 system and a bunch of Russian sensors, plus have a strong relationship with russia. F-35s are only for treaty allies and people strongly in the US camp geopolitically.

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