PAF Future Acquisition Plans

I think my effort to explain the devastating economic crisis due to these mega billion dollar imports on fragile economy didn't paid off. You are saying that aquisitions in last decade don't make sense according to official budget. Well it all makes sense perfectly seeing how the economy is nose dived. You are suggesting, that the defence budget is even more then what's displayed but still if you are unable to pay upfront then its even worse as you will pay with heavy interest over the years and decades.

Now when PAF has selected J-31, I don't see any supply chain, any logistic, any financial or any wildest possibility of KAAN in PAF inventory in next 10 years. For next 10-15 years KAAN is going to use American engine anyways. Which is impossible to get for PAF in the first place. KAAN may enter into PAF service much later than what you are anticipating.

Hi! Pakistan hasn't got a debt problem, Pakistan has a lack of exports & foreign reserves problem. There are several countries with much higher debt to gdp ratio than Pakistan. As long as Pakistan can afford the cost of debt its not an issue. However when dollars were cheap Pakistanis spent recklessly and imported everything! And now due to China being in the neighbor, our local industry has cost competition from Chinese imports. Due to our corrupt politicians and generals, energy prices have gone way up and industry is loosing its competitive edge. Still there is lots of hope, we need to fix our trajectory and we'd bounce back in a few years. The only issue is global powers don't want to see a stable and prosperous Pakistan and our top generals are corrupt and western stooges. There are too much American lobbyists, agents and apologists in Pakistan.

Only if Pakistan could sort its mining of natural resources, the revenue would be enough to sort our problems.. but who'd do it? I hope nation decides well in elections tomorrow!
Sometimes I wonder if there is an opportunity out there to grab PLAAF assets that are set to be retired.

Flankers for example...
Sometimes I wonder if there is an opportunity out there to grab PLAAF assets that are set to be retired.

Flankers for example...
Not likely, End user agreement with Russia, else PAF could have picked up new units if wanted / needed.
On J-31 aquisition, I don't understand what was the need to announce it. This actually gave india a heads up to make their plans.
India left interest and partnership for SU-57 in 2018. But I think, this announcement may spark some interest back again. As F-35s comes with lot of strings attached (conditions). What do you guys think? Given india's history of being Sukhoi operator for a long time.
It was more about publicity/propaganda to boost military morale but you are right ✅
Pakistan hasn’t checkmated its enemies. It is simply lucky to be facing the IAF, which’s a lethargic and inefficient organization. But anyone that follows Indian military developments would know that India is working tirelessly to resolve these issues that plague the Indian Air Force. In time, India will resolve these bottlenecks.

But Pakistan has deep systemic problems both at the social and economic level. With continued stunted economic growth, Pakistan military will not have what it takes to fund big item projects. The ongoing shift to air defense systems is a hint of what’s to come. Pakistan knows it can’t continue to fund procurement of warplanes. It’s why Project Azm was abruptly canceled.

And Pakistan won’t have strong economy without political stability. And political stability can’t happen because the army generals are control freaks that can’t imagine functioning like a normal army. And herein lies Pakistan’s core problem.
SAMs will make it prohibitively costly for India to carry out sub conventional misadventures. Nukes make all out war impossible.

With its current objectives in mind, India will never be able to win a war against Pakistan, period.
Thank you Mr. ZARVAN for information.
What is difference between J-31 and J-35 ??
Do you think Pakistan is able to pay for J-31 jet fighters and will get any J-31 as early as 2026 ??

Please, that question has been answered so often already: The J-35 is the PLAN‘S next generation stealth fighter and flying at the moment in three (?) prototypes, which are tested for the PLAN.
The J-31 is a project for a land-based derivate of the same type aimed for export, but even if there are claims, production of the J-35 may start in 2026, the J-31 is not yet existent and as such the chance for Pakistan to get a J-31 by 2026 is ZERO!

Plain and simple.
SAMs will make it prohibitively costly for India to carry out sub conventional misadventures. Nukes make all out war impossible.

With its current objectives in mind, India will never be able to win a war against Pakistan, period.
We do not have to win any war, you are doing it yourself.

Btw if at all PAF is able to acquire 2 squadrons of J-31's, the IAF will run to the US for priority G2G deal for similar number of F-35's.
The only thing that is to be seen is when will PAF acquire them, PAF has always inducted the newer generation fighters in asia, so may be the 5 gen J-31 will be the first 5 gen fighter of south asia.
We have maintain our jets in thick and thin. So you don't worry about must worried about your iaf flying coffin, which falls from sky even without AMRAAM and PL-15. Thanks in advance.
People assume the cost of operation of stealth aircraft is low. With a $1.3 billion budget you cannot afford even to operate both. We won't talk about the acquisition costs

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