Pak-Afghan Border Skirmishes and Terrorism Watch

Pakistan can always go brutal expecially with the military regime. We can simply kill them all but that is unfesable if we are to follow islamic law. But I certainly won't want them to kill more Pakistanis Afghans have caused us already 100,000 deaths. Religion is a strong bond but in self defence we are allowed to kill those who kill us and that's should be the policy of pakistan and to convince the region to form a coalition against Afghanistan.
Brutality didn’t work for the soviets if they are funded in terms of air defense- what is needed is intelligence gathering and tactics that hit the cultural tendency for honor.

Quite frankly what the US did with the Moros it killed in the Philippines
While amusing - the rather deep links between the Taliban, TTP and families living in the Tribal areas means that any idea of invasion is delusional but a Sustained guerilla campaign which a wrecked Pakistani economy has no hope of sustaining is very doable.

With the political situation driving a deep chasm within the two Ps of Pakistan’s population and the Army currently in that province technically operating under sentiments of uprising this threat while meaningless from this individual cannot be completely ruled out where KP is concerned

The collective militants in Afghanistan can simply do what the 90s Mujahideen did in terms of cross border raids into economic zones and the state will collapse in itself.

That being said - any Pakhtoons in Pakistan should not be under the delusion of brotherhood. The Afghans have a memory of how the local “brethern” treated them(right or not is a separate discussion) and will be extremely harsh with the Pakistani ethnic similies.
Make no mistake--If, God forbid, Pakistan is ever in danger of disintegration, international powers will get involved and turn it into another Iraq. They'll denuclearize us and throw us infront of India. We will be India's extension like Iraq today is of Iran. Talibs can then enjoy the spankings from Hindutva.
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Brutality didn’t work for the soviets if they are funded in terms of air defense- what is needed is intelligence gathering and tactics that hit the cultural tendency for honor.

Quite frankly what the US did with the Moros it killed in the Philippines
Perhaps a multifaceted approach is needed however I still see the need of putting pro region governments in power in Afghanistan so the region can develop I don't know why so many Afghans act like rabid dogs who want to bite don't they care about thier families and to build thier nation so that islamic world has another stable powerful Islamic country to spread peace and stability? Or they don't care about Islam only ethno centric conquest? In that case pakistan has the islamic moral position to fight and support of Allah in doing so
Make no mistake--If, God forbid, Pakistan is ever in danger of disintegration, international powers will get involved.
Quite possible - because the nuclear weapons are the establishment’s insurance policy
They'll denuclearize us and throw us infront of India. We will be their extension like Iraq today is of Iran. Talibs can then enjoy the spankings from Hindutva.
India has NO interest in proper dismemberment of Pakistan because they don’t want to deal with the shitshow that is the Northwest.

That was ALWAYS Pakistan’s purpose - the buffer state to PROTECT India from these hordes.

Even Iqbal proposed that as part of his vision
You worry about this world. We worry about the next. We are not the same.

When it comes to Palestine, don’t worry you’ll see. Many superpowers tried to harm Islam and become history.

Yes we are slaves. Slaves of Allah. You choose to be slaves of this world and ethnic jahalat. On Yawm al Qiyamah your nationality, status or ethnicity won’t save you.
I worry about both. There is difference between self-respect and "ethnic jahalat" - being submissive in the name of Ummah is not Islamic. Khair leave it though.
come on, i wonder if its Afghanistan Taliban plan or Pakistan Taliban.
if Pakistan Taliban it seems like several year ago they are begging for another round of spanking
It's the same people and ideology. The name distinction is only regarding the area of operations.

A bit like how IS has the Levant branch and Khorosan branch.
India has NO interest in proper dismemberment of Pakistan because they don’t want to deal with the shitshow that is the Northwest.

That was ALWAYS Pakistan’s purpose - the buffer state to PROTECT India from these hordes.

Even Iqbal proposed that as part of his vision
That's why I used Iraq as an example. They are a state but with practically zero independence. What was once a country with the most powerful army in the Arab world and a pain in the a** for Israel, is gone.
That's why I used Iraq as an example. They are a state but with zero independence.
If the people are agreeable to that outcome…what’s the problem?
I don't think they are so dumb TTA should with PAK, Iran and China fight both isisk and TTP no more insurgency no more blocked economical development iran pakistan and Afghanistan need industrialization to stand up in the world as powerful forces
I don't mean to sound offensive here, but Pakistanis don't understand Afghanistan at all, especially Punjabis generally have no clue. They tend to be politically illiterate.

Afghan psychee cares little about economic prosperity and all these other measures which you guys have in your mind.

They've been living in harsh conditions since forever and when it comes to conquering KPK and Balochistan - well they are willing to do anything for it and they view it as their birth right stolen from them by "black ugly Punjabis" (this is how they view things culturally). This includes genocide if they have to.
That is unacceptable death is better
Ja - chulu bhar pani mein doob ke marja.

Everyone else is perfectly fine and moving along with their lives - roza to Iftari at McDonalds and then Taraveeh until 10 rakats after which they spend time sitting having sweets and chai in cafe’s until late night.

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