Pakistan General Elections 2024

Western govts will recognise them, but we need to separate Western govts and Western media for their actions (hence my sharing of that Guardian analysis piece).

Western media has generated immense awareness for the Western world (and that has been shared domestically), and also exposed the Khaki Criminals like never before. It's been a PR disaster and nightmare for them.

Just today, 4 hours ago, you have the most reputable global news title ( with an opinion piece mirroring the criticism of The Guardian. This level of criticism and exposing of rigging and all else is unique. The tweet below has garnered close to a quarter of a million views already in those 4 hours, and this is impactful for the cause we're fighting.

A very benign headline from FT. This was not a flawed election, this is outright tyranny. To call it flawed is to say it's not prefect but still democratic, and let's admit no elections in the world are perfect.

What sepoys and their international patrons are hoping to accomplish in Pakistan is to make the people lose complete hope in the electoral system making them not even turn out in the future to vote. That is to say that even after we turned out in record numbers, exercised our democratic rights and overwhelmingly voted in favor of a particular leader/party, even then it didn't count for anything and the system failed us. Next time, the sepoys can have their favorite minions all they want, spare us the time and inconvenience of having to vote.

This is a do or die moment for Pakistan's democratic future. If sepoys and the PDM minions are able to rob Pakistanis of their vote/mandate in broad light robbery, then why wouldn't they do the same in the future. If you let them form the gov't now and by some miracle they don't screw up too much then IK, PTI and Pakistan's future as a sovereign, free, merit based, growth and advancement oriented nation is over.
what solution will we have then?
Some years back on the previous PDF to solve the traditional problem of Pakistan's Political system related to overambitious Army Chief I suggested following.

- Devolve the power of the post of Army Chief

- Those power need to be given to Corps Commander Committee which should collectively act as the final decision making body of Pakistan Army

- Additionally tenure for the post of full 4 star Generals including Army Chief should be 2 years maximum, while the tenure for the post of Lt. General should be increase for 1 more year.

- Command Structure of the Army must be changed to 3 theater / Regional commands namely North, South & Central each head by a 4 star General

- Most senior 4 star General should be appointed as Army Chief again ONLY FOR 2 YEARS,

- But to assume the charge of Army Chief the nominee should retake it's Oath and reaffirm his commitment to safeguard the Constitution of in the joint session of Parliament.

This way without breaking the structure of Army and negatively affecting the war fighting capabilities of Pakistan Army we will cutdown the larger than the life perception of Army Chief in Pakistan's politics
Some years back on the previous PDF to solve the traditional problem of Pakistan's Political system related to overambitious Army Chief I suggested following.

- Devolve the power of the post of Army Chief

- Those power need to be given to Corps Commander Committee which should collectively act as the final decision making body of Pakistan Army

- Additionally tenure for the post of full 4 star Generals including Army Chief should be 2 years maximum, while the tenure for the post of Lt. General should be increase for 1 more year.

- Command Structure of the Army must be changed to 3 theater / Regional commands namely North, South & Central each head by a 4 star General

- Most senior 4 star General should be appointed as Army Chief again ONLY FOR 2 YEARS,

- But to assume the charge of Army Chief the nominee should retake it's Oath and reaffirm his commitment to safeguard the Constitution of in the joint session of Parliament.

This way without breaking the structure of Army and negatively affecting the war fighting capabilities of Pakistan Army we will cutdown the larger than the life perception of Army Chief in Pakistan's politics
What you write seems sound and logical.

What i wonder about is, are there no existing checks and balances in place. There are accusations of the military supporting one side and rigging the elections, there must be proof to be able to impeach/prosecute the people involved.

The issue seems, that those in charge keep themselves outside and above the law. How does one change that especially as those in power want it to stay that way.

No one in power will willingly give away their ability to power project their ambitions unless met with an equal or greater force.
Some years back on the previous PDF to solve the traditional problem of Pakistan's Political system related to overambitious Army Chief I suggested following.

- Devolve the power of the post of Army Chief

- Those power need to be given to Corps Commander Committee which should collectively act as the final decision making body of Pakistan Army

- Additionally tenure for the post of full 4 star Generals including Army Chief should be 2 years maximum, while the tenure for the post of Lt. General should be increase for 1 more year.

- Command Structure of the Army must be changed to 3 theater / Regional commands namely North, South & Central each head by a 4 star General

- Most senior 4 star General should be appointed as Army Chief again ONLY FOR 2 YEARS,

- But to assume the charge of Army Chief the nominee should retake it's Oath and reaffirm his commitment to safeguard the Constitution of in the joint session of Parliament.

This way without breaking the structure of Army and negatively affecting the war fighting capabilities of Pakistan Army we will cutdown the larger than the life perception of Army Chief in Pakistan's politics

Basically decentralize power, similar to how the US structures itself or how India restructured.

Devolution of powers ensures no single person has as much influence on decision making as the COAS.
A very benign headline from FT. .
But the sub headline underneath that is: "The shocking election result is a repudiation of military control".

There are five further criticisms of the military within the article. It's a strong rebuke, applauded and retweeted by the likes of William Dalrymple.

What's more distressing is we're relying on the international media to condemn our stolen mandate in strong terms, when our own media push out puff pieces or are effectively silent on the biggest electoral violations in our history.

The fact that all Form 45s have been published online highlighting PTI wins for several days and not ONE media channel or publication has decided to do a deep dive analysis piece on them to verify the rigging, and then scream from the rooftops that this is pure electoral fraud and must be reversed, tells you just how deep our problems are with respect to Khaki inteference.

That's the more concerning issue, and a damning indictment of our own pathetic sold-out media.
But the sub headline underneath that is: "The shocking election result is a repudiation of military control".

There are five further criticisms of the military within the article. It's a strong rebuke, applauded and retweeted by the likes of William Dalrymple.

What's more distressing is we're relying on the international media to condemn our stolen mandate in strong terms, when our own media push out puff pieces or are effectively silent on the biggest electoral violations in our history.

The fact that all Form 45s have been published online highlighting PTI wins for several days and not ONE media channel or publication has decided to do a deep dive analysis piece on them to verify the rigging, and then scream from the rooftops that this is pure electoral fraud and must be reversed, tells you just how deep our problems are with respect to Khaki inteference.

That's the more concerning issue, and a damning indictment of our own pathetic sold-out media.
Indeed but the international outrage is muted as well. We know how all of Pakistan's internal institution are all under khaki thumb, so can't expect any resistance from these quarters. However, self proclaimed champions of democracy and rule of law in the West who should be challenging this outcome have more or less accepted these sham results.

Just imagine any other country's authorities pulling this sham election off and watch how US state department and white house as well as the establishment rag, read newspaper of record NYT would be screaming at the top of their lungs for democracy/HR related sanctions. In fact, NYT has pretty much accepted the results as envisaged by the sepoy establishment, their seal of approval has been obtained and US authorities will follow suit with the usual rhetoric or need for investigations and accepting the sham exercise in the end.

Nine newly-elected independent lawmakers join PML-N​

8 newly-elected MPAs join PML-N in PA, while an MNA-elect also aligns with party in meetings with Maryam and Shehbaz

nine newly elected independent lawmakers join pml n
Indeed but the international outrage is muted as well. We know how all of Pakistan's internal institution are all under khaki thumb, so can't expect any resistance from these quarters. However, self proclaimed champions of democracy and rule of law in the West who should be challenging this outcome have more or less accepted these sham results.

Just imagine any other country's authorities pulling this sham election off and watch how US state department and white house as well as the establishment rag, read newspaper of record NYT would be screaming at the top of their lungs for democracy/HR related sanctions. In fact, NYT has pretty much accepted the results as envisaged by the sepoy establishment, their seal of approval has been obtained and US authorities will follow suit with the usual rhetoric or need for investigations and accepting the sham exercise in the end.

I think the reason why criticism or coverage might be on the light side is how inconsequential we've become as a country of strategic importance and our bankrupt status.

In the past, there'd be a fairly sizeable foreign press corp stationed in the country (primarily for the US-Afghan war). However, there's very little of that, and we have very little to offer to the outside world. Truth be told, we have become fairly insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

With that, comes reduced attention from the foreign media - and it's been on the decline for some years now. That wasn't going to suddenly change because of an election perceived mostly beforehand as pre-planned and therefore not worth the bother.
Boycott Askari bank, DHA and all other businesses run by the Army.
Some years back on the previous PDF to solve the traditional problem of Pakistan's Political system related to overambitious Army Chief I suggested following.

- Devolve the power of the post of Army Chief

- Those power need to be given to Corps Commander Committee which should collectively act as the final decision making body of Pakistan Army

- Additionally tenure for the post of full 4 star Generals including Army Chief should be 2 years maximum, while the tenure for the post of Lt. General should be increase for 1 more year.

- Command Structure of the Army must be changed to 3 theater / Regional commands namely North, South & Central each head by a 4 star General

- Most senior 4 star General should be appointed as Army Chief again ONLY FOR 2 YEARS,

- But to assume the charge of Army Chief the nominee should retake it's Oath and reaffirm his commitment to safeguard the Constitution of in the joint session of Parliament.

This way without breaking the structure of Army and negatively affecting the war fighting capabilities of Pakistan Army we will cutdown the larger than the life perception of Army Chief in Pakistan's politics

Put yourself in my shoes...
I am an occupying power... lording over hostile locals.
How do I legitimize my rule?
I buy whoever I can...
I pay them handsomely in my inflation.
They're happy and loyal.
I institutionalize ones on my dole.

But the masses still remain agitated... their native and organic leadership doesn't trust us... I must create a structured way to undermine, preclude, forestall and/or obviate them...

I pick my loyalists... I go around their organized society and it's order.
I present my guys as legitimate alternatives!
It is only between my guy and my other guy.
I need drama ... war of words arrests and structures performing theater. The alternate reality...

Guys take part in my structure and I managed to grant mandate and legitimacy to me and one of my guys. That guy has a limited shelf life... purposefully so... I have to rotate guys and keep the masses playing the game.
It will NEVER RESULT in delivering power back to the people... never solve their problems... I just have to keep them glued in by conning wedge or divisive issues... only enough people have to remain interested to keep the play going.

Everyone seeks to defeat me in my game... only that THE HOUSE NEVER LOSES!
I win even by my loss... more get invested ... they think they can beat me... they're welcome!

I just can't put it more plainly... the show is rigged and ending same... it is same all over. I didn't come up with this in a fortnight... it was trial and error and formed over centuries. I just didn't forget my history. I had to get others to forget theirs...

The most recent examples are Iraq which endures and Afghanistan that perished. I brought guys out of blue and made them presidents and once left they just became history... as though they never existed.

I put it out there... keep playing.

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