Pakistan General Elections 2024

Ayo, what happened to qazis live streaming trials, my dawg tried so hard to make his positive image but only got more zaleel instead. Boy used to criticize his predecessors for making “likeminded” benches but is giving us gems of Muhammad mazhar and musarrat hilali lmao. Never thought I would say this and it pains to me but pakistan is currently a banana republic, or it always has been, the blindfolds have come off. No “self righteous “ sermons would work anymore.
Hey probably was, probably wasn't

But I don't see no Hindus around me so I'm happy- all well that ends well
Thank you US 🙏👍 if it was a gift
We just want to return those toy soldiers back that's all
Naaah let’s not demean our founding fathers efforts by giving credit to Churchill, hell no. Todays criminals are not the dust of the shoes of Jinnah, Iqbal, liaquat.
No fucking wonder the country gets bombed daily by illiterate cavemen with these clowns in charge .
Luckily India is on the border with enmity the weakest race on earth otherwise ......

These clowns in uniform couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery.

Seriously forget politics for a second and shudder at the thought of these clowns protecting the nation .

Imbeciles from the highest order ruined the prestige of Pakistan armed forces and discrediting the martyrs.
Just imagine any other country's authorities pulling this sham election off and watch how US state department and white house as well as the establishment rag, read newspaper of record NYT would be screaming at the top of their lungs for democracy/HR related sanctions. In fact, NYT has pretty much accepted the results as envisaged by the sepoy establishment, their seal of approval has been obtained and US authorities will follow suit with the usual rhetoric or need for investigations and accepting the sham exercise in the end.

Spot on, the same Western media literally wails and mourns when it happens in Belarus.

There was no rigging in El Salvador's elections but they kept crying because they don't want a strong leader that puts their country first and cleans up the mess.
Some years back on the previous PDF to solve the traditional problem of Pakistan's Political system related to overambitious Army Chief I suggested following.

- Devolve the power of the post of Army Chief

- Those power need to be given to Corps Commander Committee which should collectively act as the final decision making body of Pakistan Army

- Additionally tenure for the post of full 4 star Generals including Army Chief should be 2 years maximum, while the tenure for the post of Lt. General should be increase for 1 more year.

- Command Structure of the Army must be changed to 3 theater / Regional commands namely North, South & Central each head by a 4 star General

- Most senior 4 star General should be appointed as Army Chief again ONLY FOR 2 YEARS,

- But to assume the charge of Army Chief the nominee should retake it's Oath and reaffirm his commitment to safeguard the Constitution of in the joint session of Parliament.

This way without breaking the structure of Army and negatively affecting the war fighting capabilities of Pakistan Army we will cutdown the larger than the life perception of Army Chief in Pakistan's politics

Sounds great, according to previous Generals such as Mushraff who claimed the decisions he made were approved and supported by corp commanders so you cannot only hold him responsible, DGisi Nadeem Anjum mentioned he had meetings with many Generals and brainstormed on what policy should be made so its not one man show but a change of policy because of the threats faced.

From that and from many other people opinions I thought army higher command decisions are made collectively and not by one individual general. It would be highly unprofessional if one man show takes place, people wanted Bajwa to go for being anti IK but Asim Munir is following the same path.

General Mushraff talked about 3rd way between Pml v PPP, a new party that will break these party rule so after a while we saw PAT and PTI with their long marches and darnas and after a decade PTI was in power. It looked like a long term policy which followed by other Generals for over a decade. They wanted a pro Pakistan national party in power, who could unite the people, bring in reforms, update the system, reduce corruption etc. It backfired for some reason, we can all guess but suddenly the relations turned sour.
Basically decentralize power, similar to how the US structures itself or how India restructured.

Devolution of powers ensures no single person has as much influence on decision making as the COAS.
Yes it is one aspect of it but the core focus is to institutionalized the decision making process and create redundancy which isolate the "current single point of failure" in the system.
Another betrayal.
Before elections “I am a loyal and true solider of Imran Khan,” he said in one of the videos he posted on his X account after getting party ticket from PS-88. “I am the district president of PTI and have always stood firm with my chairman in thick and thin. I curse myself if I ever deceive or cheat my party and my chairman after winning the elections.”

Another betrayal.
Before elections “I am a loyal and true solider of Imran Khan,” he said in one of the videos he posted on his X account after getting party ticket from PS-88. “I am the district president of PTI and have always stood firm with my chairman in thick and thin. I curse myself if I ever deceive or cheat my party and my chairman after winning the elections.”

People should have a right to depose the mna if he goes against their will and changes to lota. By-elections should be held as they have cheated and betrayed the mandate of the people, especially where they were standing under a virtual pti flag and people voted for them as such..

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