Pakistan General Elections 2024

Same old school of stealing punjab govt

Then using it too blackmail the federal govt

We all saw what happened

Unless Imran Khan plays the benazir card. Where she brutally punished lotas and even abducted the lotas so they don't change sides nothing will change

Imran Khan should make fake or real cases against these lotas(pretty easy since its obvious they took money) and put them in jail this bunder bart will happen

He never punished them obviously because of a third force i.e military or judiciary pressure
The dam is springing leaks
History suggests it will hold but punjab has never been tested before

This is the first time that punjab has anti establishment vibes

Before PMLN and even pppp represented the establishment in punjab so when the Nawaz and Bhutto rebelled against the establishment the people had mixed feelings and ultimately sided with establishment but this time it seems it's not happening

People aren't siding with establishment and refusing to accept that Imran Khan is a traitor or a fornicator (lack of marriage/religion card) or a shia sympathizer(wmd party religius card) or a corrupt guy (watch story)

This indicates that religion or sectarian isn't Pakistani society problem but a establishment grown issue

Which means who made laskhar jaganvi and other militant groups ??

Does that mean was PTM allegations that even TTP is made by army wild or have some truth??

First hand allegations from tribals that I meet is all the time that TTP is also made by army their argument is the free movement of militants through check points is on boss orders (along with their weapons..)

this would ordinary makes no sense I would say to them ..

but what the tribal say

" yes it makes no sense but it is what it is..."

So it's it still just incompetence that TTP is running around or is it something else
History suggests nothing is permanent.
3D chess by military
Not sure what's the game plan here

Probably as reported by some journalist it's internal tussel in military

JC went to IK without Asim munir knowledge and now is creating pressure

Typical mafia internal chess like fighting
Regardless, if some one think economy will progress they are living in fools paradise

Anyone can bring investment if they offer 30-40 rate of return but will that help move the economy

Probably not
I wonder did the military really think burger king Nawaz would get a parliamentary majority?

PTI couldnt join in the elections so it was a given their winning candidates would need to form a coalition with another party, which allows easy political manipulation and another VONC by the military when it wanted.

Is the burger king and rainbow party for this reason hesitating knowing they dont have the peoples mandate so taking over would mean they get nothing done and will get blamed for destruction of the country.

That leaves 2 un precedented options;

Do the elections again and engineer a majority or clear the playing field to win back the public

Or let the PTI majority candidates including those who lost due to rigging form a majority government to get out of the mess the country is in.

My fear the military showing how bad they are at political strategy and running the country will dig their heels in to present the burger king rainbow leadership to herald a period of default.
History suggests it will hold but punjab has never been tested before

This is the first time that punjab has anti establishment vibes

Before PMLN and even pppp represented the establishment in punjab so when the Nawaz and Bhutto rebelled against the establishment the people had mixed feelings and ultimately sided with establishment but this time it seems it's not happening

People aren't siding with establishment and refusing to accept that Imran Khan is a traitor or a fornicator (lack of marriage/religion card) or a shia sympathizer(wmd party religius card) or a corrupt guy (watch story)

This indicates that religion or sectarian isn't Pakistani society problem but a establishment grown issue

Which means who made laskhar jaganvi and other militant groups ??

Does that mean was PTM allegations that even TTP is made by army wild or have some truth??

First hand allegations from tribals that I meet is all the time that TTP is also made by army their argument is the free movement of militants through check points is on boss orders (along with their weapons..)

this would ordinary makes no sense I would say to them ..

but what the tribal say

" yes it makes no sense but it is what it is..."

So it's it still just incompetence that TTP is running around or is it something else
Gen Asif Nawaz when CC 5 Corps once said the same but not in so many words. He was my father's adjutant in the late 50s.
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Inflation is already 30%+
A strong stable govt should easily be able to
1- roll over previous loans .. Pakistan loan isn't at gdp level that is crisis (still less then 90% of Gdp)
2- improve tax collection by 20-30%

Global inflation has cooled down so it's no longer something out of your control as it was in IK in era when global inflation was 9% was 2.9% now

However, what PMLN wants to do is take punjab give center to PTI with constant blackmailing and then topple the govt in a year or so
RC has been arrested, shifted to an unknown location (to be tortured and reverse his claims I'm assuming). Rawalpindi have hurriedly issued notification of 10 wins after his presser, to push them through.

Salman Akram Raja arrested in Lahore.

It's all happening.
A strong stable govt should easily be able to
1- roll over previous loans .. Pakistan loan isn't at gdp level that is crisis (still less then 90% of Gdp)
2- improve tax collection by 20-30%

Global inflation has cooled down so it's no longer something out of your control as it was in IK in era when global inflation was 9% was 2.9% now

However, what PMLN wants to do is take punjab give center to PTI with constant blackmailing and then topple the govt in a year or so
*Atif Mian* is an outstanding economist of international repute. His observations on our economy & politics are worth reading.

*What Feb 8 elections mean for Pakistan*

Pakistan’s economy has consistently fallen behind globally – last year was one of the worst, with the economy actually contracting

Every macro fundamental is flashing red: inflation, growth, debt & investment, to name a few.

The federal gov has no money. It cannot even afford to pay the salary of a peon or a soldier without borrowing.

The entire tax revenue is consumed after paying provinces their share, pensions to retirees, & interest on debt.

Inflation cannot be controlled when the entire govt is run on deficit.

Growth is impossible when govt has no money to invest in the future.

And lack of growth makes every problem worse.

The country is bankrupt. It is sinking deeper every year.

I have never seen such despondency.

So many wanting to leave, established firms no longer comfortable investing.

Yet no leader has a viable economic plan for the future.

The shady establishment that calls shots from behind is especially clueless.

SIFC? ... Really?

You expect foreigners to believe in the country when your own people are losing all hope?

It is in this backdrop that Feb 8 elections were held.

People are mad – and they have every right to be. 442,353 children died in Pakistan just last year due to poverty.

That is almost half a million dead kids EVERY YEAR.
But the establishment was busy playing its usual games – put this one in jail, and that one in parliament this time – keep the system just unstable enough so we stay relevant – our children be damned.

They obviously sensed the people’s anger, so every action to rig the elections was taken. Except it only made the public madder.

So here we are post Feb 8 – the distance between the ruler & the ruled has never been wider.

Do they understand how dangerous that is?

There is an attempt – once again – to cobble together a compromised group.

No one has a plan to fix the economy.

But even if they magically did somehow, they cannot do anything. Bcoz they have lost all trust with their people.

They are foreigners in their own land.

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