Pakistan General Elections 2024

*Atif Mian* is an outstanding economist of international repute. His observations on our economy & politics are worth reading.

*What Feb 8 elections mean for Pakistan*

Pakistan’s economy has consistently fallen behind globally – last year was one of the worst, with the economy actually contracting

Every macro fundamental is flashing red: inflation, growth, debt & investment, to name a few.

The federal gov has no money. It cannot even afford to pay the salary of a peon or a soldier without borrowing.

The entire tax revenue is consumed after paying provinces their share, pensions to retirees, & interest on debt.

Inflation cannot be controlled when the entire govt is run on deficit.

Growth is impossible when govt has no money to invest in the future.

And lack of growth makes every problem worse.

The country is bankrupt. It is sinking deeper every year.

I have never seen such despondency.

So many wanting to leave, established firms no longer comfortable investing.

Yet no leader has a viable economic plan for the future.

The shady establishment that calls shots from behind is especially clueless.

SIFC? ... Really?

You expect foreigners to believe in the country when your own people are losing all hope?

It is in this backdrop that Feb 8 elections were held.

People are mad – and they have every right to be. 442,353 children died in Pakistan just last year due to poverty.

That is almost half a million dead kids EVERY YEAR.
But the establishment was busy playing its usual games – put this one in jail, and that one in parliament this time – keep the system just unstable enough so we stay relevant – our children be damned.

They obviously sensed the people’s anger, so every action to rig the elections was taken. Except it only made the public madder.

So here we are post Feb 8 – the distance between the ruler & the ruled has never been wider.

Do they understand how dangerous that is?

There is an attempt – once again – to cobble together a compromised group.

No one has a plan to fix the economy.

But even if they magically did somehow, they cannot do anything. Bcoz they have lost all trust with their people.

They are foreigners in their own land.
Whole retail sector is completely untaxed
There is zero property tax
There is zero direct taxation

Growth shouldn't come from govt should come from deregulation and allowing private sector growth

Pakistan 40% economy is undocumented and untaxed

Problem is no one can tax it because of military establishment
Payments promised not made ..!!!
is he more NS guy or ISI? what and whose promises are not filled? he cannot say No to ISI?
Anyway, Tariq Chatta has bro Basharat Chatta is just a counsil member of PMLN.
Whole retail sector is completely untaxed
There is zero property tax
There is zero direct taxation

Growth shouldn't come from govt should come from deregulation and allowing private sector growth

Pakistan 40% economy is undocumented and untaxed

Problem is no one can tax it because of military establishment
Stuck in limbo for the last 50+ years. This is the same old story being regurgitated by everyone. No agriculture tax because more than 50 % of the parliament are landlords.
Stuck in limbo for the last 50+ years. This is the same old story being regurgitated by everyone. No agriculture tax because more than 50 % of the parliament are landlords.
Pakistan needs
1- property tax on housing atleast 1%
2- rental tax
3- digitalization of economy
4- digital trial and trace

Just documentation can double the revenues in 1-2 years as economy is already there but just in black

But this won't happen simply because military is mostly running the black economy and that's how they get rich
Nobody wants to take the sole blame and will play constituency politics. I think PPP has refused all ministries except a few but they want all governorship and presidnetship including speaker and chairman senates.
It's a simple 1990s play

I.e take punjab govt and make the federal govt fail

In 1990s federation had some they dont have any power and will be topped as soon as they do something

Solution is snap elections in the center but punjab is more important then federal govt for now
Showdown imminent?

CJP Isa says his role in elections was limited to directing president, CEC to decide poll date

Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Qazi Faez Isa has said that his role in Feb 8 general elections was limited to merely directing President Arif Alvi and the chief election commissioner to decide an election date.

Speaking to reporters in Islamabad today, the chief justice said the Supreme Court judges did not give any order for the polls.

“Let me make this clear … and you all say this often. An argument was ensuing between the president and CEC so we [merely] told them to sit and decide,” he said.

“If someone else did not want them (elections) to take place, it’s another thing.”

CJP Isa also said that there were more than two attempts to postpone the elections when he was leaving for a holiday on December 16 but the Supreme Court took notice.

KP CM hopeful Ali Amin Gandapur urges authorities to ‘rectify’ election results

PTI leader Ali Amin Gandapur, who is the party’s candidate for the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s chief minister slot, has requested the concerned authorities to rectify the election results.

Addressing a rally in Peshawar, he said the winners should be declared according to the Form 45s received from polling stations.

“Those candidates that are backed by Imran Khan should be declared as winners,” Gandapur said. “Only that government should be formed in this country who the people voted for.”

PTI’s Hamid Khan calls for judicial inquiry into Rawalpindi commissioner’s claim regarding rigging

PTI lawyer Hamid Khan has called for a nationwide judicial inquiry into the Rawalpindi commissioner’s revelations about the manipulation of election results.

Speaking to Geo News today, Khan said the commissioner’s revelations confirmed the rigging allegations allegedly carried out during the Feb 8 polls.

“Importance should be given to this,” he added. “Now that an important person from the government machinery is saying this, it provides confirmation.”

The PTI leader also hinted that he thinks the conscience of other officers would also force them to speak up after the Rawalpindi commissioner’s revelations.

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