Pakistan General Elections 2024

Been the case since grandady bhutto sad on "daddy" ayub's lap. Sepoys even jettisoned the eastern wing of the country for their little protege's rule.
I think the issue is that it isn’t institutions planning this out for years and years, but individuals and a “general” culture of shortcut advantages or expediency before all else. Planning that doesn’t go beyond 3-6 years, for obviously sad reasons.

A lot of what’s going on now has to be that Donald Lu; Ditch Khan and the We the US will forgive you.

No sense to balance competing interests, and safeguard long term domestic stability. Domestic stability is vital for growth.
I think the issue is that it isn’t institutions planning this out for years and years, but individuals and a “general” culture of shortcut advantages or expediency before all else.

A lot of what’s going on now has to be that Donald Lu; Ditch Khan and the We the US will forgive you.

No sense to balance competing interests, and safeguard long term domestic stability. Domestic stability is vital for growth.
On the contrary the issue is very much institutional. Sepoys have a certain worldview, it is myopic and relies on path of least resistance, whereby their personal wealth and progeny's bright future is inexorably linked to loyal service to the colonial empire.

The institution looks at the colonial patrons as the perpetual guarantors of this setup thus freeing up sepoys from compelling the nation and themselves from doing any heavy lifting in terms of major sacrifices and difficult growth and development through independent and Pakistan centric focus.

Much like the intelligentsia, the elites and to lesser skilled/educated labor, the sepoys also look at settling abroad as the ultimate manifestation of their mission. And this has consistently played out in the manner in which the higher ranks have operated in the past two decades, overseas investments, offshore accumulation of progeny/assets and cushy post retirement gigs abroad as well. Whereas, any sincere and patriotic operator worth their salt in any normal/civilized country on a path of development and growth would compel their important institutions and its members to look inward and cast their lot with the internal outcomes.

Sepoys vis-a-vis the latest governance fiasco are striving to perpetuate the above described status quo, it is not interested in being neutral in the global affairs. It is even less bit interested in developing an economy that will upend the elite capture because that will empower the masses through education and upward economic mobility thereby rendering the sepoys irrelevant and unnecessary.

BTW, currently reading an account of British soldier sahibs during the critical period before and through 1857 war of independence. The term reserved for local troops was actually jamedar, sepoys was reserved for unlisted British soldiers. I might be inclined to peruse the former label going forward.
PTI writing letter to IMF regarding the bailout, claiming IMF should delay it because Pakistan elections have been rigged.

BTW, currently reading an account of British soldier sahibs during the critical period before and through 1857 war of independence. The term reserved for local troops was actually jamedar, sepoys was reserved for unlisted British soldiers. I might be inclined to peruse the former label going forward.

Yes, MC Whiskey & Co. are jemadars.

A jemadar was originally an armed official of a zamindar (feudal lord) in India who, like a military general, and along with Mridhas, was in charge of fighting and conducting warfare, mostly against the rebellious peasants and common people who lived on the lord's land. Also, this rank was used among the thuggees as well, usually the gang leader.

Later, it became a rank used in the British Indian Army, where it was the lowest rank for a Viceroy's commissioned officer. Jemadars either commanded platoons or troops themselves or assisted their British commander. They also filled regimental positions such as assistant quartermaster (jemadar quartermaster) or assistant adjutant (jemadar adjutant).

Yes, MC Whiskey & Co. are jemadars.

A jemadar was originally an armed official of a zamindar (feudal lord) in India who, like a military general, and along with Mridhas, was in charge of fighting and conducting warfare, mostly against the rebellious peasants and common people who lived on the lord's land. Also, this rank was used among the thuggees as well, usually the gang leader.

Later, it became a rank used in the British Indian Army, where it was the lowest rank for a Viceroy's commissioned officer. Jemadars either commanded platoons or troops themselves or assisted their British commander. They also filled regimental positions such as assistant quartermaster (jemadar quartermaster) or assistant adjutant (jemadar adjutant).

Jemadar is a South Asian equivalent to a middle ages militia raised by feudal lords to police their lands during peace times and fight alongside fuedal knights during war times
Modern day FC or rangers
listen to Gill, afridi, Saeed, Gandapur
And than listen to AMK, Gohar and couple other guys
You'll realize why some were dealt more harshly than others
IDK why they treated Sarfraz Cheema like that way though, he was a non confrontational guy afaik

Aun Bappi is a soft spoken sitting senator. He was picked up, kept in a torture cell for 14 days and had his factory destroyed.

Many others among the PTI leadership.

Hell someone as mainstream as Hammad Azhar is still forced into hiding.

Military will have a plan B if and when they decide to take out IK.
Jemadar is a South Asian equivalent to a middle ages militia raised by feudal lords to police their lands during peace times and fight alongside fuedal knights during war times
Modern day FC or rangers

Yes. Feudals hired jemadars to control the masses. That’s what Nawaz and Zardari are doing today. Either of them can buy the whole top brass of the jemadar army with the billions they’ve looted.

However, at some point the word jemadar started being used for street sweepers and gutter cleaners.
Any decisions going forward by ECP and ECP panels will be severely biased towards it's own performance in the recent elections. No one except the mil-establishment and its lackeys (PDM 2 and the media) will believe the decisions.
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