Pakistan General Elections 2024

She brings the writ of the people to the table .
What does Khawaja brings to the table? What did Nawaz sharif bring to the table? What is Mariam bringing to the table?
these gems make sure haram keeps flowing smoothly to idara!
Was anyone else the most dressed person at their polling station?

She brings the writ of the people to the table .
What does Khawaja brings to the table? What did Nawaz sharif bring to the table? What is Mariam bringing to the table?
Writ thaek hai. Don't complain when things don't improve. We will drink the kool aid which is the writ of the people.
I know. But remember the politicians are fighting for the seat not the awaam.

Best example of this is that rehana old women who won against khawaja asif, what exactly does she bring to the table, is she even eduacted enough to even lead any ministry or do substantial work in any domain of public service? People literally voted a non sense women into power and then they expect they'll do or change anything. Vote ki izzat dena yai nahi that you give vote to every tom dick and harry. People literally and delusionalay vote for PTI because of one person's rhetoric, not looking into individual candidates.

People here are saying 40% live below poverty line, like yeah well you just voted for an absolute bonkers unqualified women into power because she's associated with PTI? To change your lives, well good luck with it. This woman would do nothing but engage in hate and vengeful politics. This is what is wrong with pakistan.

Democracy itself is a sick joke.

You put into power those who seek it - ie the last sort of person who should be in power.

Like you said - qualifications are popularity not capability.

Policy making is populist not always what is required.

Then even in a functioning example of it - those voted in serve the interests of those who bankroll them, not those who vote for them.

Unfortunately it's the system we have and we need to either replace it or amend it so it works.

This election has been a protest vote - but as with any election, the vote of an idiot carries the same weight as that of an intellectual and the mandate must be respected.

If that means random aunties in govt - so be it.

Aunty if she has any sense when required to vote for something will defer to experts to get an informed opinion before she makes a choice.

Unfortunately I doubt anyone does that.
Awaam is electing not even FA pass candidates to change what exactly?
More spending on education for one. She would vote for more social spending on what the people demand, adequate social spending, especially for women. Clean water alone would address some of the stunting.
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The 5 types of voters you’ll probably meet on election day

Be prepared for lots of selfies featuring inked thumbs.

Images Staff
06 Feb, 2024

Voting day — whether it’s your first time voting or you’re a seasoned voter, you will definitely see these five types of voters at your polling session.

1. The over-prepared one​


This person was READY for voting day before the Election Commission of Pakistan was ready. They have all the required official, original documents on hand — and yes, they will be reminding you repeatedly in the line that you should only have original documents. Try to ignore the slightly holier-than-thou tone, they’re just excited for the big day.

Their over-preparedness will make you feel under-prepped and have you checking your pockets twice to make sure you have identification (original, of course) and are at the right polling station.

These people know all about the candidates standing from their constituencies and have researched not just them but those in the neighbouring constituencies too. They will most certainly be showing off their knowledge in the lines, but maybe others should listen when they are talking and can make a more informed decision.

2. The one who wants to show off their inked thumb​


This person — probably a first-time voter — is only there to get the little ink notch on their thumb so that they can show off that they voted. Their Instagram story with five different hashtags will be uploaded before you have even woken up that day.

The story is, of course, separate from the elaborate Instagram post detailing their entire experience and concluding with another picture of their thumb, maybe with their friends and families’ thumb pictures as well.
This person sometimes overlaps with another category, which is…

3. The freebie collector​


The freebie collector is just that — voting to show their mark and collect all possible free goodies and discounts various outlets offer.
  • Free coffee? Check.
  • Free doughnut? Check.
  • Free cookie? Check.
  • Minor discount at clothing store? Check.
This person may not be the most informed voter, but they’ll definitely turn up and vote. As soon as they exit the polling station they zoom over to the nearest place offering free goodies, thumb at the ready.

4. The cynic​


The cynic is skeptical of everything and anything. Go ahead and ask them anything. Are the elections free and fair at all? Are any candidates trustworthy?

Does one party have a higher chance of winning over the other? They have doubts about EVERYTHING.

The cynic is recognisable by the permanent frown gracing their face. This is the person who will stand next to you in line and spew multiple conspiracy theories about why “the system is broken”. Which system, you ask? All of them.
But even with all their doubts, they’ll still turn up to vote — and we’re proud of them!

5. The underprepared​


This person is on the opposite end of the spectrum from those who are over-prepared, that is, they simply don’t know anything about what is going on and what they should be doing on election day.

They most definitely pulled up to the polling station with a copy of their CNIC instead of the original and will be making at least one trip back home because of how many things they forgot to bring with them.

Someone in line will probably have to remind them to text their CNIC number to 8300 so they can find out their silsila number two minutes before they enter the station. Will they remember to submit their phone after entering? Probably not.

Be ready for a lot of questions if you stand next to them in line — but hey, at least they’re voting! They can be identified by the perpetual confused look on their faces and the frantic searching of their pockets and bags.

Regardless of which category you fall under, or if you have a special sixth category, we urge all our readers to make their voices heard and cast their votes this election day. And hey, you might just get a free coffee out of it!

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