Pakistan General Elections 2024

I accept all of this. But it happened in 2018 as well, when ya'll were celebrating. Things are being undone. Next election will be okay i promise.

Thats fair then, I remember what happened in 2018 elections, the darnas, long marches, we know who was scratching who's back. Too much dirty politics is not good for the state and its people.
If going purely by politics than N league shouldn't form a gov in center - let PTI take charge
They should just focus on forming Punjab government

Center is a mess and anyone forming a gov is in for a grind
Let the most popular party handle this mess
If pmln tries to form a gov through rigging, Independent than that'll be very bad for their politics in the long run
NS is jumping into the fire, right now. At the sound of cracking fireworks.
If going purely by politics than N league shouldn't form a gov in center - let PTI take charge
They should just focus on forming Punjab government

Center is a mess and anyone forming a gov is in for a grind
Let the most popular party handle this mess
If pmln tries to form a gov through rigging, Independent than that'll be very bad for their politics in the long run

No. Whoever forms the Federal govt should also at least form the Punjab govt.

I think if the Noonies and the PPP have any sense, they should bow out and sit in the Opposition and let Imran do the ruling. I don't think it is going to be easy for anyone to rule--it is obvious the nation is still divided as can be seen by the election results--and yes, the Noonies and the PPP still have a large vote block which must be respected. So any govt in the Center/Punjab who wouldn't perform will be very quickly discredited and performing will be very very difficult especially, God Forbid, Americans don't play the ball.

I am only vaguely aware of the kind of damage to the Pakistani economy the Americans can cause!!
The establishment wants Khan to form a coalition government so they can show the world Khan sat down with people he called corrupt.

In my opinion khan should not form a coalition government at all. Let establishment deal with the mess they created and watch everything crash and burn.
So no progress no development no prosperity for the near future , another lost generation born into servitude for the white man , an achievement an accomplishment and an end prize being driving uber taxi or a waiter the pinnacle of a pakistanis dream .

A crying Shame . So much potential .
Democracy itself is a sick joke.

You put into power those who seek it - ie the last sort of person who should be in power.

Like you said - qualifications are popularity not capability.

Policy making is populist not always what is required.

Then even in a functioning example of it - those voted in serve the interests of those who bankroll them, not those who vote for them.

Unfortunately it's the system we have and we need to either replace it or amend it so it works.

This election has been a protest vote - but as with any election, the vote of an idiot carries the same weight as that of an intellectual and the mandate must be respected.

If that means random aunties in govt - so be it.

Aunty if she has any sense when required to vote for something will defer to experts to get an informed opinion before she makes a choice.

Unfortunately I doubt anyone does that.
Exhibit A for democracy!

Ones who rule through fiat and diktat.

Does anyone need a knock on the head or an epiphany?

It has all been in plain sight...

People reduced to cattle and represented vicariously. Through every cycle, they try to claim their mandate.

Elsewhere, it is either achieved through out-spending the other or splitting the masses on manufactured yet volatile social or economic issues. But once done, it is business as usual.

The question is, how can anyone tell you with a straight face that I WILL DO MORE FOR YOUR KIDS THAN MY OWN? And that is the foundational lie...

People believe one on the pulpit to do exactly that... well, then continue to be disappointed into eternity.

Yes, mapping power and understanding the fact that you are under occupation and being manipulated! Into working more, paid less... manufactured ethos and corruption of values... deviation and emasculation!

Continuous flow of power legislated out of people and into the state apparatus, controlled through levers of manipulation.

So, the question is, why even conduct this theater? Why cause so much pain? Demonstrate power? Abduct people? Break their will?

The theater thus far has been the sole source of legitimately conveying manufactured mandate! To keep the cycle going... people suing for the NEXT opportunity. Holding on to their vents and blow steam. Occupation is relentless. It will not voluntarily recede. People will be further broken... more salutes to the flag, more indoctrination, more manipulation... more deviation in culture, faith... structures of society, and ultimately, family.

Ultimately, the state of Pakistan has no core constituency or agency that it represents. It never had and didn't get defined as such from the very onset. It has no defined goal nor distinction left to sell its masses.

Unless people get clued in, they will just get swept away...

Those who own don't care! Don't have your back, don't need your backing!
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Bhonk Bhonk kar banda thak jata. :ROFLMAO:

These last 18 months or so have led me to see the problem isn't the PPP or PMLN, they are a symptom. The problem is the establishment. There are individuals and institutions in this country which are geared to serve the interests of themselves, their leaders, or the institutions themselves - ahead of the interests of the nation.

Corrupt politicians are just a tool they use to enable that. Being at each others throats along party lines is futile. I still support PTI as it's the least worse option, but I know that the Devil isn't Zardari and Sharif - they are his stooges.

What I realised is that everyone is lobbying/pressurising the establishment to allow them to sit on the hot seat, from PTI/PAT to Pmln/PPP to the religious parties, but as humans we don't like to loose power so that's where all the problems start. The establishment on the other hand likes people in power who they can control, make them sit down when they feel like it.

This doesn't happen in Pakistan only but the Usa/UK also have the establishment calling all the shots, the difference is their establishment is very powerful and will not allow anyone anti to rise up, they too play dirty, fight illegal wars, make up false narratives. People praise India but their whole nation is hijacked by the RSS terrorist group.

One principle for all Pakistanis is to not support fake cases, corruption, fake trials, stealing mandates, tax chors, dacoits. They're on purpose make you think you have no choice, but it's just a trick, the strong always rise up to loot whilst the good people just stay quiet and weak, you must unite to clean this mess, otherwise the mafias will never let go, don't ever vote for the chors.
NS is jumping into the fire, right now. At the sound of cracking fireworks.
Just like VONC
Ik was dying his own death till they reserected him
Now they are repeating the same mistake 🤦‍♂️
Whoever forms the gov is in for a mess, let PTI handle this mess and lose their popularity along the way
Utah teer lena
The establishment wants Khan to form a coalition government so they can show the world Khan sat down with people he called corrupt.

In my opinion khan should not form a coalition government at all. Let establishment deal with the mess they created and watch everything crash and burn.
Coalition gov is the only way for any party to form the gov with PPP as the kingmakers
And that'll be that way as long as we have 3 big parties

IDK what happens if both pti and n league refuse to form a coalition gov

Another election?
Sharifs and Zardaris will do a big favour to their kids if they bow out and sit in opposition this term.

If they try to rule, their kids can say goodbye to Pakistan.

Khair, lagey raho.
Ok, Army is no angel

But people must not forget civilian politicians have a lot of money and connections to local govt, people and police to rig votes.

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