Pakistan General Elections 2024

Just like VONC
Ik was dying his own death till they reserected him
Now they are repeating the same mistake 🤦‍♂️
Whoever forms the gov is in for a mess, let PTI handle this mess and lose their popularity along the way
Utah teer lena

Looks like Nawaz Sharif is already graciously accepting that his 40 year reign in Punjab has drastically declined.

Just like VONC
Ik was dying his own death till they reserected him
Now they are repeating the same mistake 🤦‍♂️
Whoever forms the gov is in for a mess, let PTI handle this mess and lose their popularity along the way
Utah teer lena
PDM 2.0, only worse and in worse condition.
Wow any idea how accurate this was?

1 maybe? Unlike Indians, Pakistanis never vote religious fanatics into power.
Pakistan is a nation created on a basis religion. There is no party in Pakistan is not religious not even 1.
Looks like Nawaz Sharif is already graciously accepting that his 40 year reign in Punjab has drastically declined.

View attachment 17785
Pmln would die with Maryam
Ppl only liked sharifs not the next generation
I don't want them to die as they still have a place in politics
but they're making one stupid move after another
It's almost like a suicide at this point
What's the final result?
Pakistan is a nation created on a basis religion. There is no party in Pakistan is not religious not even 1.
Pakistan is created on the basis that it is distinct from the rest of colonial India in not just religion, but also culture, genetics, food, geography, and history. Only during Zia ul Haq era was there hyper Islamization to create a Jihadi culture to defeat the Soviets.

From the Pakistan Declaration:

[6] India, constituted as it is at the present moment, is not the name of one single country; nor the
home of one single nation. It is, in fact, the designation of a State created by the British for the first
time in history. It includes peoples who have never previously formed part of the Indian nation at
any period of its history, but who have, on the contrary, from the dawn of history till the advent of

the British, possessed and retained distinct nationalities of their own.
[7] One of such peoples is our own nation. In the five Northern Provinces of India, out of a total

population of about forty millions, we, the Muslims, constitute about thirty millions. Our religion
and culture, our history and tradition, our social code and economic system, our laws of
inheritance, succession and marriage are fundamentally different from those of most peoples living

in the rest of India. The ideals which move our people to make the highest sacrifices are essentially
different from those which inspire the Hindus to do the same. These differences are not confined to

broad, basic principles. Far from it, they extend to the minutest details of our lives. We do not inter-
dine; we do not inter-marry. Our national customs and calendars, even our diet and dress are


The only religious parties in Pakistan similar to BJP is TLP. While BJP calls for Akhand Bharat and Hindutva, TLP calls for Ghazwa-e-Hind and Sharia.
Ok, Army is no angel

But people must not forget civilian politicians have a lot of money and connections to local govt, people and police to rig votes.

Very true. But the way Army has gone naked in last 2 years against a particular party then all fingers will naturally point towards them. You can't blame the people now. Its army's own doing. The existing military establishment has tainted the image of military beyond repair. This establishment have done biggest damage to the institution in recent history.
Looks like the vote for the PTI was far more than the "FA Pass rent seekers" were expecting given their attempts to destroy PTI as an entity. The sheer scale of the voting is taking time to rig in favour of humpty-dumpty -hence the delays ...

The FA Pass clowns dont seem to undestand that you dont need the internet to take video of Soldiers entering polling booths with guns to remove and rid the results .....

Very embarrasing indeed. All looks very amaterish.

I will remind everyone, that NADRA is part of the core of the election process and that is being running by a "Pakistani Army" general as of now...
Rigging is openly being discussed on TV channels.

Time for boys to ban the word ‘dhandli’ ‘rigging’.

I don't doubt it that the voters are punishing the Noonies for the era between April 2022 and now--voters do that all over the world. But why does it always have to be an absolute Imran Khan victory to be called a 'fair elections'? Can anyone here deny that Imran was running away from the Early Polls in January/Feb 2022, which was his Const. Right because Imran's popularity had sunk too low for the polls? Were the Noonies and the PPP not entrenched in Punjab and Sindh for decades--enough to have their own vote blocks? So why can't THEIR voters be mobilized to vote for them?
You are saying exactly what Imran would say: My Way or High Way! The guy did it since 2013 and will try to do it again if the Noonies/PPP form coalition govts. There are hundreds of millions of Pakistanis who don't live in blogspaces and they have their own ideas about who to vote for. Don't disenfranchise them, please!
Looks like the vote for the PTI was far more than the "FA Pass rent seekers" were expecting given their attempts to destroy PTI as an entity. The sheer scale of the voting is taking time to rig in favour of humpty-dumpty -hence the delays ...

Very embarrasing indeed. All looks very amaterish.

Its the same mistake Establishments everywhere makes, they see the silence of the silent majority and think they have won. Finally voting day comes and all of their hopes and dreams comes crashing down. Modi, Trump, Javier Milei, Imran Khan.... Its the same disease establishments in all of these countries have. Too rich and wealthy with a lack of pulse on the ground reality.

The only problem here is, everywhere else the votes were respected. What does the silent Majority do when the election is taken away from them? This will be the first time we get to see what happens.
Very true. But the way Army has gone naked in last 2 years against a particular party then all fingers will naturally point towards them. You can't blame the people now. Its army's own doing. The existing military establishment has tainted the image of military beyond repair. This establishment have done biggest damage to the institution in recent history.
ISPR has done terrible PR. Their heads live in the 90s. The angry old men in power refuse to take ideas from younger minds on how to manage PR in the social media age.

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