Pakistan General Elections 2024

I don't doubt it that the voters are punishing the Noonies for the era between April 2022 and now--voters do that all over the world. But why does it always have to be an absolute Imran Khan victory to be called a 'fair elections'? Can anyone here deny that Imran was running away from the Early Polls in January/Feb 2022, which was his Const. Right because Imran's popularity had sunk too low for the polls? Were the Noonies and the PPP not entrenched in Punjab and Sindh for decades--enough to have their own vote blocks? So why can't THEIR voters be mobilized to vote for them?
You are saying exactly what Imran would say: My Way or High Way! The guy did it since 2013 and will try to do it again if the Noonies/PPP form coalition govts. There are hundreds of millions of Pakistanis who don't live in blogspaces and they have their own ideas about who to vote for. Don't disenfranchise them, please!
PTI is like MQM-L or TLP and its large, emotional, cult-like voter base must be handled with extreme caution and finesse.

The best way to get rid of PTI is to let it come to power. N league was leading opinion polls before Imran Khan was ousted. But is tanking the economy to slander one party worth it?
Pakistan Army has two choices.
1) Accept people's mandate, get Imran Out, and permanently damage their position.
2) Accept all charges of rigging, and manage it (Jail, Kill, Threat, etc), in a few years Imran will be too old. Everything will be normal.

They will choose option 2, it's the people who have to understand this and move on.
PTI is like MQM-L or TLP and its large, emotional, cult-like voter base must be handled with extreme caution and finesse.

The best way to get rid of PTI is to let it come to power. N league was leading opinion polls before Imran Khan was ousted. But is tanking the economy to slander one party worth it?
sab cult hain bas **** aqal e qul hain! khaki balls ko salam!
The only religious parties in Pakistan similar to BJP is TLP. While BJP calls for Akhand Bharat and Hindutva, TLP calls for Ghazwa-e-Hind and Sharia.

TLP is a small fish with no network, Tablighi Jamaat is the Pakistan RSS, it has its own political wings, jihadi wings, it works secretly in many different roles to propagate their message.
PTI is like MQM-L or TLP and its large, emotional, cult-like voter base must be handled with extreme caution and finesse.
The best way to get rid of PTI is to let it come to power. N league was leading opinion polls before Imran Khan was ousted. But is tanking the economy to slander one party worth it?

By God, if I had even 1% of hope that PTI forming the next govt with a thin majority against a powerful Parliamentary Opposition and Sindh Govt Opposition would perform then I'd totally support PTI. But that is not happening. We are looking at another Parliament formed after the 2018 elections if PTI forms the govt in the Center and Punjab but this time no more Bajwa and the ISI Chiefs be Imran's patrons--Bajwa only turned against Imran around the Fall of 2021 but that's for another thread.
Having said that, it will be shameful, disgraceful, and even destructive to not let the untold millions of PTI supporters' voice not be accommodated in the national decision making; giving them just the KP govt would not be enough!!
Ok what is current tally right now? Sab jagah urdu main likha hua hai.

Nobody actually knows. According to the form 45's (forms collected from each polling station at the end of the count) these are the results.


The source is twitter but has been retweeted by the offiical PTI account.

Now, the results are changing and victories being announced on the basis of form 47, which is basically form 45 but after rejecting votes as invalid.


Form 45: It is commonly referred to as the “Result of the Count.” The Form 45 contains essential information about the polling station, including the polling station number, constituency name, total registered voters, total votes cast, and a detailed breakdown of votes received by each candidate.

Candidates can independently verify their received votes through Form 45.

Form 47: Form 47 contains the number of rejected votes and the breakdown of votes for each candidate about the unofficial results of an electoral constituency.


In reality, the establishment has not finished cheating yet, so we don't know the results.
This is what the establishment has "counted" or counterfieted so far.


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