Pakistan Navy Ship BABUR, 1st of PN MILGEM Class ship is coming Home.

Is Pakistan orthering the quad VLS system for its Jinnah class frigates ? how many VLS does it have, i heard 16. but 32 of 64 with Quad Loader per VLS will make a top of the line ship, 32x4 = 128 Missiles.

Find below post # 38

First PN MILGEM class, multi-purpose corvette PNS BABUR arrives Karachi. PNS BABUR is stealth featured, state of the art multipurpose Corvette which will augment PN’s offensive punch at sea. Upon arrival, an impressive reception ceremony was held at PN Dockyard. Commander Pakistan Fleet Vice Admiral Muhammad Faisal Abbasi was the Chief Guest on the occasion.

While addressing the ceremony, Commander Pakistan Fleet highlighted that PN MILGEM class corvettes will significantly enhance Pakistan Navy's capability of safeguarding Maritime frontiers of Pakistan and reinforce the initiative of Pakistan Navy for independently conducting Regional Maritime Security Patrols of Indian Ocean Region. He also emphasized that MILGEM class project is a manifestation of Pak-Türkiye defense cooperation.

Commander Pakistan Fleet highlighted the strong bond of friendship and bilateral ties between Pakistan and Türkiye. He also acknowledged the professional competence of Istanbul Naval Shipyard and expressed confidence in prospects of future cooperation in transferring cutting edge Naval technology to Pakistan Navy.

Reception ceremony of PNS BABUR was attended by large number of PN Officers & CPOs/ Sailors.

Any chance Pakistan will get Turkish Gokbey helicopters for these ships with its ASW suite?

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Any chance Pakistan will get Turkish Gokbey helicopters for these ships with its ASW suite?

Since we currently only have 6 Z9Cs in active service that can accommodate aboard our fleets (landing space), PN does in fact require helicopters for recent and forthcoming acquisitions (about 20–24 vessels). The following options are the most sensible and feasible since the French options are absurd:
  • Z9Ds
  • AW149/159

Both types will provide commonality and reduce logistical headaches because they are mature (strong baseline) and in service; AW139 with PA & PAF and Z9Cs with PN. Given that Gokbey is new, in the development stage, and has not yet started active duty—it will take at least 5-7 years before it is considered viable.
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