Pakistan's population likely to double by 2050

I’m willing to bet that:

1. It wont exist in 2050
2. The constituent parts will have a lower population than today

You said that in 1980 too?
Wow that is outrageous...yeah right that will be popular
You will have civil war
Islamic war
Sharia rule avd anarchy
Your islamic country it's impossibleb

See. This is why many respectable PDF members ran away from this forum over the years. You have a bunch of Indian Hindutvatis running amok on this forum. Absolutely no control.

If the owners of the site are serious about having more participation from natives it is time to have a quota system for Hindutvatis on this forum. Talking about breeding and a skewed population level. Have a good look at PDF. PDF is right now defacto an Indian forum where Hindutvatis outnumber Pakistani members.
Yeah right
I can see thats country that people will want to live in
Military dictator
Bankrupt imf loans
Forced vasectomy
Zero tolerance
Massive taxes I bet and all your money siphoned off to your generals

Anybody with money and education. Will. Want to immigrate to the west nobody with ounce of freedom and love for his kids will stay

But the hundreds of millions poor will remain no where to go avd they will go Sharia law
You will have civil war

Another such hateful post by an Indian Hindutvati. Simply allowed to post and get away with it. Not good for PDF. Not good at all.
One child policy enforcement is the solution. If you violate this, you going to jail.

Vurna hum waqai barbaad!

We are very lucky. PML-N, the Amritsari brigade and the Pakistani generals have very sound policies in place to fix the problem.

PML-N, PPP and Pakistani generals always have solutions to every problem.
How you going to force that change in a islamic country like Pakistan .
Your men folk will never allow that it's in your DNA to have large families even I. UK Pakistanis have large families

Another BS post by Hindutva.
You know how many of you Indians live on this planet?
Do you know the difference between population growth and current population?
Do you know the difference between population growth and current population?

You didn't understand my point or did you Hindutvati? You guys are already overpopulated and have already screwed the planet by a factor 1000. There is no point in pointing fingers at others.

Don't tell me that Indian population is a blessing for our planet.
I'm just shocked at the idea of solution
Forced vasectomy at the muzzle of guns
Our generals have a plan
It's your military that left you bankrupt in the first place spending money you just don't have
If you had a strong democratic institution
that ran the country you would have double the gdp and the infrastructure your electricity and energy crisis and water supply would be resolved
Strategically well located next to china and India and Iran three massive civilisations with huge economies in comparison to you have open trade with culture ties they could have catapulted your growth

But our Army knows best !!!?
Well we can see the result of the army!!!
Most well established nations have militarys that protect borders
Your army is a country in a country with it's own borders own finances leaving your bigger Pakistan to fail

Your potential was huge ruined by your generals

Forced demographics leads to disaster
You didn't understand my point or did you Hindutvati? You guys are already overpopulated and have already screwed the planet by a factor 1000. There is no point in pointing fingers at others.

Don't tell me that Indian population is a blessing for our planet.
You had a stupid and off topic point of view islamist. Thread is about population growth, not current population
You had a stupid and off topic point of view islamist. Thread is about population growth, not current population

You don't even belong on this forum. Hindutvatis like you have destroyed the PDF balance.
I'm just shocked at the idea of solution
Forced vasectomy at the muzzle of guns
Our generals have a plan
It's your military that left you bankrupt in the first place spending money you just don't have
If you had a strong democratic institution
that ran the country you would have double the gdp and the infrastructure your electricity and energy crisis and water supply would be resolved
Strategically well located next to china and India and Iran three massive civilisations with huge economies in comparison to you have open trade with culture ties they could have catapulted your growth

But our Army knows best !!!?
Well we can see the result of the army!!!
Most well established nations have militarys that protect borders
Your army is a country in a country with it's own borders own finances leaving your bigger Pakistan to fail

Your potential was huge ruined by your generals

Forced demographics leads to disaster
China using this enforcement policy, among many others, turned itself around and now is the premier power on this planet.
Traditionally the solution from our establishment has been to encourage emigration, creating an external source of dollar revenue. 2 birds one stone.

However with AI increasingly threatening low skill services and industrial sector jobs, the demand for manpower will likely not grow at the same rate in the population starved countries of the world.

A population growth managed the right way is a huge gift in the coming decades. If we can give this growing population a decent education and start generating exports, then the sky is the limit. However this huge educated middle class would never tolerate shenanigans like daronomics or black Vigo security policies. In essence the ruling establishment would voluntarily have to give up power if we want a successful transition to take place.
Traditionally the solution from our establishment has been to encourage emigration, creating an external source of dollar revenue. 2 birds one stone.

However with AI increasingly threatening low skill services and industrial sector jobs, the demand for manpower will likely not grow at the same rate in the population starved countries of the world.

A population growth managed the right way is a huge gift in the coming decades. If we can give this growing population a decent education and start generating exports, then the sky is the limit. However this huge educated middle class would never tolerate shenanigans like daronomics or black Vigo security policies. In essence the ruling establishment would voluntarily have to give up power if we want a successful transition to take place.

One significant current factor is that those who emigrate often settle abroad with their families. Many use the Middle East as a stepping stone to North America or Europe, leading to a decrease in remittances until more people leave for these low-paying jobs. It's clear that countries will need to strategically create conditions for education and upward mobility to attract and retain a competent workforce, which the GCC countries are already doing, and down the road, they are closing this door for good. (In the latest remittance numbers, Western countries saw slower growth and fewer dollars sent back to Pakistan.)

As you mentioned, AI and other advancements in Internet of Things technology can automate many other labor-intensive processes. Amazon, for example, has many processes within the warehouse chain managed by robotics; they are efficient, low-cost, and able to work 24/7.

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