Relationship between India & China will turn combative, says Indian former foreign secretary

Pakistan India De hyphenation happened a long time back

We are 2 different countries in 2 different orbits

With China we have a Robust economic and trade ties

That is what really matters

Unlike Pakistan, China is smart enough , not to be obsessed with a few mountains and peaks

Ofcourse you are showing tried and tested expertise in placating a stronger adversary

Forget Pakistan, absolutely right, let's continue

Jaishankar saying you are 75% in agreement is one step removed from saying please please be my friend, look we have so much in common 😂

I thought this guy was smooth and unflappable 😂

Don't you have land to reclaim?
Ofcourse you are showing tried and tested expertise in placating a stronger adversary

Forget Pakistan, absolutely right, let's continue

Jaishankar saying you are 75% in agreement is one step removed from saying please please be my friend, look we have so much in common 😂

I thought this guy was smooth and unflappable 😂

Don't you have land to reclaim?

You can Google this Term

"India China No Man's Land in Ladakh Aksai Chin "

That terrain is so much inhospitable that Nothing grows and Nobody lives there

The disputed border is about Patrolling Rights and Patrolling Points

The most important thing is the Tyranny of Geography

Any country's Army can only be stretched upto a point

China also has to deal with very lengthy Supply lines

These geographical limitations is what is really keeping and maintaining the peace ie in addition to our deployment

With A Fifth consecutive Winter fast approaching , China is signalling its intent to draw back to previous positions
You can Google this Term

"India China No Man's Land in Ladakh Aksai Chin "

That terrain is so much inhospitable that Nothing grows and Nobody lives there

The disputed border is about Patrolling Rights and Patrolling Points

The most important thing is the Tyranny of Geography

Any country's Army can only be stretched upto a point

China also has to deal with very lengthy Supply lines

These geographical limitations is what is really keeping and maintaining the peace ie in addition to our deployment

With A Fifth consecutive Winter fast approaching , China is signalling its intent to draw back to previous positions
So you concede, china has ceased territory that Indians considered as within india... But it's ok because nothing much is there...

Ok that's good, that can just stand as it is
So you concede, china has ceased territory that Indians considered as within india... But it's ok because nothing much is there...

Ok that's good, that can just stand as it is

Claims and counterclaims are one thing

Making Infrastructure and maintaining Troops in forward areas is another thing

We are doing whatever is possible and DESIRABLE

Mountainous Cold deserts and Salt Flats are
Not exactly prime real estate for which 2 countries will go to war
Claims and counterclaims are one thing

Making Infrastructure and maintaining Troops in forward areas is another thing

We are doing whatever is possible and DESIRABLE

Mountainous Cold deserts and Salt Flats are
Not exactly prime real estate for which 2 countries will go to war
Ok, that's reasonable

It's not brave, or assertive

But it's kind of reasonable and in all seriousness sets a dangerous precedent, just imo.
We will have to have a good laugh when China and India normalise it's borders and relationships. The Tibetan movement is dead. The Dalai Lama is quiet for the most part and an odd meeting is taking place in Russia. Putin is meeting NSA, very unlikely of Putin and NSA is also meeting Wang Yi, I didn't even know he was in Russia maybe something is cooking behind the scenes.
But I do expect positive results.
For China , Border deployments is not yielding any positive result

They are at the same position since the last 4 years

India has not only improved infrastructure but also matched the Deployment on the border

So this STALEMATE is not helping anyone

It is time to withdraw and dis engage
This is as cute and acidic as ever from palki but it's a long winded way of saying India doesn't want to annoy China, but it needs a way to save face because it cannot forcibly reclaim what was was forcibly taken

India gives hopeful more optimistic statements

China just gives a broad brush comment on general direction

India starts opening doors for china, yet china is desperate

Oh.... And the most clever one, china is arming the main adversary Pakistan, not china is the main adversary 😂

You guys will come back to re hyphenating yourself with Pakistan 😂😂

Please be our enemy again🙄
We will have to have a good laugh when China and India normalise it's borders and relationships. The Tibetan movement is dead. The Dalai Lama is quiet for the most part and an odd meeting is taking place in Russia. Putin is meeting NSA, very unlikely of Putin and NSA is also meeting Wang Yi, I didn't even know he was in Russia maybe something is cooking behind the scenes.
But I do expect positive results.

Normalising with china will mean goodbye good graces of the USA

Do you disagree?
This is as cute and acidic as ever from palki but it's a long winded way of saying India doesn't want to annoy China, but it needs a way to save face because it cannot forcibly reclaim what was was forcibly taken

India gives hopeful more optimistic statements

China just gives a broad brush comment on general direction

India starts opening doors for china, yet china is desperate

Oh.... And the most clever one, china is arming the main adversary Pakistan, not china is the main adversary 😂

You guys will come back to re hyphenating yourself with Pakistan 😂😂

Please be our enemy again🙄

You guys are obsessed and delusional

That is why you are in this bad situation where even China has given up hope of improving your conditions

India and China are practical and pragmatic people

We know the difference between what is Important and what is Not Important

For you Kashmir is an obsession, but your economy is just irrelevant
Normalising with china will mean goodbye good graces of the USA

Do you disagree?
No for the most part. India played this game of not getting too close to anyone for far too long. Especially the Russians or the Americans. Lest the Chinese. Modi is going to the US soon enough.

This new found interest in Russia, China actions could also be because of a slight discomfort with the US meddling in our borders. The US have had a lot of influence over the Pak military which effectively ended PM IK tenure and he directly accused the US of the shadow coup, and they have slowly creeped into BD military as well.

Indian policy makers are smart enough to not get too close with the US.

Either way, things are getting interesting.
Normalising with china will mean goodbye good graces of the USA

Do you disagree?

India China Normalization will not change China US equation

India US ties are a direct result of China US tensions

China has too many fronts to take care of

This confrontation with India was pointless when they have so much to deal with
You guys are obsessed and delusional

That is why you are in this bad situation where even China has given up hope of improving your conditions

India and China are practical and pragmatic people

We know the difference between what is Important and what is Not Important

For you Kashmir is an obsession, but your economy is just irrelevant

Utter deflection 😂

Pakistan is irrelevant here, stop bringing them up!

You lose land by force, you don't regain it, instead you ask china to be your friend lol

Pragmatic huh

The most I have read directly from China are broad brush generic typical diplomatic sort of sounds

Perhaps that's not a victory, but let's not mention this because some can't cope🙄

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