Russia Auto Thread

Sales of vehicles in the first half of year grew by 64%​


From January to June 2024, 838.3 thousand of new vehicles were sold in Russia - 64% more than for 6 months of last year. Such data* were given by experts of "AUTOSTAT" agency. 86% of this amount fell on the segment of passenger cars. At the end of the first half of year, 719.3 thousand new passenger cars were sold in our country - 79% more than in the same period of 2023.

The market growth was noted in two more segments, but it was the passenger cars that had the best growth. Thus, sales of light commercial vehicles (LCV) have increased by 28% (up to 48.4 thousand vehicles) since the beginning of this year. Sales of buses increased by 18% (up to 10.1 thousand vehicles), and only sales of trucks decreased by 4% (up to 60.5 thousand vehicles).

* Data of JSC "PIC" ("Passport Industrial Consulting") - a joint venture of JSC "E-Passport" and LLC "AUTOSTAT".

LCV market with used cars in the first half of year decreased by 8%​


According to the data of "AUTOSTAT" agency, 179.1 thousand light commercial vehicles (LCV) with mileage were bought in our country in the first six months of 2024. This is 8% less than in the first six months of 2023.

Slightly more than 40% of this volume belonged to the domestic brand GAZ, which in quantitative terms amounts to 73.4 thousand used LCVs. The second place, but with a noticeable lag behind the leader, is occupied by another Russian brand - UAZ (13.9 thousand vehicles). Volkswagen (11.4 thousand vehicles), Mercedes-Benz (10.7 thousand vehicles) and Ford (10.3 thousand vehicles) are also among the five most popular brands of the secondary LCV market in Russia.

Of all used light commercial models, GAZ 3302 is most often purchased in our country, the share of which in the first half of year amounted to more than 20%. Thus, in January-June its sales were 40.3 thousand used vehicles. Next in our rating is GAZ Gazelle NEXT (13.3 thousand vehicles). The third position is occupied by a foreign car - Ford Transit, the result of which on the "secondary market" amounted to 9.4 thousand vehicles. In addition to them, GAZ 2705 and UAZ 3909 (6.6 thousand and 5.3 thousand vehicles, respectively) are in the top 5.

Sales of automobile equipment for the week increased by 9%​


For the 30th week (from July 22 to July 28, 2024) in our country there were sold 36,399 new vehicles. This is reported by the experts of "AUTOSTAT" agency with reference to the data of JSC "PIC"* and taking into account its own segmentation. Experts note that in relation to the previous week the growth in sales of new vehicles amounted to 9% and touched almost all segments of the market.

Sales in the smallest segment - buses (+12% to 333 vehicles) - increased the most in the reporting period. Slightly smaller growth was recorded in passenger cars (+10% to 31,851 vehicles). The sales of trucks increased by 1% (up to 2,357 vehicles), while LCVs, on the contrary, decreased by this amount (-1% to 1,858 vehicles). It is also worth noting that this month the higher volume of weekly sales was observed from July 1 to July 7 - it amounted to 38,736 new vehicles.

* PIC JSC ("Passport Industrial Consulting") is a joint venture of E-Passport JSC and AUTOSTAT LLC.

The last Chevrolet Lacetti/Gentra has left assembly line of UzAuto Motors​


On Friday, July 26, the last Chevrolet Lacetti/Gentra car rolled off the assembly line of UzAuto Motors. This is reported by portal "Autostrada". At one time, the model, the design of which was developed by the Italian company Pininfarina, was quite popular. Thus, it was sold in the U.S., Europe, Australia and lasted on the conveyors of various countries for more than twenty years. Then it was replaced by more modern models.

Only the plant in Uzbekistan produced it for 15 years in a row (first as Lacetti, and then, after restyling, under the name Gentra). Apparently, paying tribute to the past, and at the same time saying goodbye to the long-lived model, which was sold in the country quite successfully, the last body, which came off the assembly line, the employees of UzAuto painted in a sad black color.

It should be reminded that in the history of Russia there was also a period of Chevrolet Lacetti assembly - at the Kaliningrad plant Avtotor. At the peak of popularity, in 2008, more than 78 thousand of such cars were sold in our country. And today, according to AUTOSTAT agency, there are 298 thousand of Lacetti and Gentra models in the Russian car fleet.

KAMAZ continues to expand the lineup of K5 generation vehicles​


KAMAZ continues active development of new trucks of K5 generation. A month ago (at the end of June), KAMAZ-54902 and KAMAZ-65658 rolled off the main assembly line of enterprise. And on July 29, the press service of enterprise reported that together with the special equipment manufacturing plant Rustrak Ltd, a curtain-sided truck with 6x2/2 wheel arrangement has already been prepared on the KAMAZ-65658-B5 chassis and is being introduced to the market.

The new modification of K5 generation truck is designed for transportation of various cargoes that do not require compliance with a certain temperature regime. The sliding roof, sliding sidewalls of curtain design and rear swing doors provide convenient loading of products. The capacity is 20 Euro pallets (payload 15.2 tons). A special feature of this truck is an automatic lifting rear axle, which increases the payload and reduces the load on the drive axle when fully loaded. When the truck is unloaded or under-loaded, the rear axle is raised, reducing the overall rolling resistance of the vehicle. This reduces average fuel consumption (up to 3%), improves handling and reduces the turning radius.

Recall that the truck is equipped with an economical six-cylinder in-line engine with a maximum output of 390 hp and a modern robotized 12-speed gearbox. For the driver in the cab of truck there is a well-thought-out ergonomics, air conditioning, modern multimedia system, a sleeping place for rest.


On July 25, 2024, at the facilities of the authorized distributor MAZ-RUS LLC, a presentation of ACIP-14.5 food tanker manufactured by the Grodno Mechanical Plant based on the MAZ 6312 chassis was held for authorized MAZ dealers in the Russian Federation and leasing companies.

The model characteristics were noted separately. So, it became known that the share of malfunctions in tankers and their equipment for several years amounted to less than 1%. The warranty of JSC GMP for food tankers is 2 years, and in special cases, it is possible to apply for a warranty of up to 3 years.


In July, employees of KAMAZ Trade and Finance Company JSC, together with the Rustruck special purpose vehicle manufacturing plant, launched a 6x2/2 curtain-sided vehicle on the KAMAZ-65658-V5 chassis.

The new version of the K5 generation vehicle is designed to transport various goods that do not require compliance with a certain temperature mode. The sliding roof, sliding sidewalls of the curtain structure and rear swing doors ensure convenient loading of products. The capacity is 20 Euro pallets (carrying capacity is 15.2 tons).

The vehicle is equipped with a fuel efficient six-cylinder in-line engine with a maximum capacity of 390 HP and 12-speed robotized gear box. Another feature of the vehicle is the automatic lifting rear axle, which increases the load capacity and reduces the load on the driving axle when fully loaded. At the moment when the truck is not loaded or partially loaded, the rear axle lifts, reducing the overall rolling resistance of the vehicle. This reduces the average fuel consumption (to 3%), improves handling and reduces the turning radius.

Chinese suppliers eyes Russia's growing demand for auto parts, supply chain urge caution amid war uncertainties​

Annabelle Shu, Taipei; Jerry Chen, DIGITIMES AsiaWednesday 31 July 2024


Credit: AFP

Automotive component supply-chain stakeholders say they are seeing the disruptions brought by the Russo-Ukraine war on the international industry gradually fading.

Notably, within Russia, the demand for automotive components is catching the attention of many global suppliers.

After the war broke out, many major car manufacturers withdrew from the Russian market. This exodus, combined with an increased need for vehicle maintenance, has significantly boosted the demand for aftermarket (AM) parts and Chinese OEM components.

Russia's booming demand for Chinese parts​

As European and American manufacturers left the market, Chinese automakers capitalized on the gap, leading to an increase in Chinese car exports to the region. However, the continued operation of these vehicles on war-torn streets has led Russian officials to seek backup parts from Chinese and Taiwanese AM suppliers.

Over the past two years, the growing demand has allowed some smaller Chinese companies to expand. However, industry players acknowledge that the ongoing uncertainty of the war makes establishing factories in Russia too risky. Moreover, the convenience of land transportation from China makes local manufacturing less attractive in the short term.

Data from Russian automotive market analysis firm Autostat shows that the market share of Chinese brand passenger cars in Russia rose from 19% in 2022 to 51% in 2023, underscoring the growing influence of Chinese vehicles. The firm predicts that 30 to 45 new Chinese car models will enter the Russian market in 2024, with an estimated sales volume of around 1.2 million vehicles, accounting for 80% of the market share.

Russia eyes Chinese EVs​

Despite the ongoing conflict, the Russian market remains enthusiastic about smart and electric vehicles, with models like Xiaomi's SU7 appearing on the streets through parallel imports.

According to Reuters, Chinese electric vehicles now comprise over 50% of EV sales in Russia, with Zeekr, a high-end brand from Zhejiang Geely Holding Group, leading the charge.

Given Taiwan's increasing role in supplying Chinese manufacturers through its Tier 2 automotive supply chain, these firms are approaching the Russian market with caution. They are concerned not only about the uncertainties brought by the war but also about the potential misuse of their components in military vehicles, which could lead to unintended consequences.
@Viet @KingQamaR @Sharma Ji @Dalit @TopGun786 @Lulldapull @Hamartia Antidote

Ukraine is hardly in the news in the West anymore. Outside a small handful of politicians who profit from it, civilians in the West don't even care about Ukraine anymore. So there is no backlash in the West when Chinese car companies sell cars in Russia.
daddy US is neck deep and busy with election season

this will keep boiling till we have a new US administration

Trump will move to end the war, laffin' Kamala will keep it going

wait and see
daddy US is neck deep and busy with election season

this will keep boiling till we have a new US administration

Trump will move to end the war, laffin' Kamala will keep it going

wait and see

War won't end 50 years from now. Zelensky will never give up power.
DF-41 / Shanglung you have been warned a 1001 times about troll gifs
War won't end 50 years from now. Zelensky will never give up power.

Since when can Z decide on anything?

Sorry, Z can decide whether he using the left or right nostril to snort up cocaine

It is not for Z to decide when war will end or not
and neither is it for Z to decide he giving up power or not/

Neither is it for Z tyo decide if he is going to be alive , or even what he be playing on the piano

daddy US is neck deep and busy with election season

this will keep boiling till we have a new US administration

Trump will move to end the war, laffin' Kamala will keep it going

wait and see
Laffin Kamla has been anointed by the deep state and will be in office come Jan. 2025, she'll keep the war going...

The price of car body paint increased by 25 percent in Russia 17:59​

By Anika
July 31, 2024

Prices for car painting services have increased by a quarter over the year. Yaroslav Kukarin, head of the body repair department of the Fit Service network, said this in an interview with According to him, this is due to both the increase in the price of materials and the increase in the cost of standard hours.

“The cost of painting cars has increased by about 15-25 percent over the year. There is an expectation that it will increase even more by the end of the year, as prices for consumables – paints, varnishes, primers, abrasives – continue to rise. It doesn’t matter which manufacturer’s product you use,” Kukarin said.

The shortage of personnel in the sector is also seriously reflected in prices. Car service centers are forced to increase the salaries of masters in order to retain qualified employees. The expert explained that the cost of standard hours at service stations has increased for this reason.

He also added that there is currently no shortage of paint and varnish on the Russian market. Instead of Western and Japanese brands that have left, Chinese and Turkish companies have emerged with the necessary range. Some companies import car painting materials under the parallel import plan.

It’s happened before knownthe film may cause the car body to collapse.

Source: Gazeta

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