Russia-Ukraine War - News, Discussions & Updates

Your comments are becoming more and more funny. You hope for Ukraine is deluded, you try so hard to make things fit, decoys and Ukrainian success....,its a little sad to hear you but definitely very funny
The funny ones are the Russian bots. I’ve been here for 3 years and nothing has changed much but you boys still think Russia is going to win. They’ve lost half of all their armor, half let that sink in. Half and they have made minimal gains.
Once again half. Don’t forget bodies occupy all those vehicles which are cold and dead now all because Putin thinks he has some sacred right to Ukraine 🤦🏿‍♂️
Your military.self capacity of Ukraine was destroyed long ago - but, let's all pretend that Nato is not involved whatsoever ( even from 2014), tons of every kind of weapon, satellite targets and data, over 60.000 heavy economic sanction, huge PR and propaganda - you guys are pathetic with your claims and celebrations
And Russia isnt getting anything from China, North Korea, iran? Come on now be honest with yourself if anything russia has the massive upper hand.
But they can’t get the job done and probably won’t be able to ever.
Now I remember why I left, it’s like talking to kindergartens that can’t add and subtract
Oh yes the weapons nato countries are retiring are being donated. Litterly the bottom of the barrel but but nato. Can’t Russia use glonass?
Second most powerful military in the world and we’re going on 4 years. The US toppled saddam in 3 weeks….weeks.
Don’t forget Iraq was the most heavily defended airspace on the planet…but but …

Iraqi farmers and Afghans we’re fighting in sandals compared to what Kiev has been given no comparison there mate!

American’s and Westerners who have recently left Afghanistan and Iraq are discussing how bad Putins army is invading because he is invading other countries :)
Now you started talking like people we usually put in mental hospitals.
Getting personal will make you even more unwelcome on this forum.
I can understand you are trying to cope hard.
What’s funny is watching you and the other Russian boot lickers massively move the goalposts over the last two and a half years.
You’ve gone from goals like taking Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Odessa to celebrating 1km advancements at the cost of tens of thousands dead and wounded and thousands of equipment lost.

The Russian Army has gotten their shit kicked in. They’ve strategically lost this war.
The funny ones are the Russian bots. I’ve been here for 3 years and nothing has changed much but you boys still think Russia is going to win. They’ve lost half of all their armor, half let that sink in. Half and they have made minimal gains.
Once again half. Don’t forget bodies occupy all those vehicles which are cold and dead now all because Putin thinks he has some sacred right to Ukraine 🤦🏿‍♂️

How can you say no one is winning ? 20% Ukraine land is now Russian territory. Is that no win ?
Your military.self capacity of Ukraine was destroyed long ago - but, let's all pretend that Nato is not involved whatsoever ( even from 2014), tons of every kind of weapon, satellite targets and data, over 60.000 heavy economic sanction, huge PR and propaganda - you guys are pathetic with your claims and celebrations
And humiliation and misery USA and allies is still not over.
Jungles of tress are cut and emptied to print new dollar notes and also average American tax payer is completely ruined serving especially Israel and Ukraine, yet there is very little positive result.
I never thought I will see this coming in my life time, with my own eyes and yet it is here in front of all us.
And humiliation and misery USA and allies is still not over.
Jungles of tress are cut and emptied to print new dollar notes and also average American tax payer is completely ruined serving especially Israel and Ukraine, yet there is very little positive result.
I never thought I will see this coming in my life time, with my own eyes and yet it is here in front of all us.
So when can russia declare victory?
I’m living just fine by the way. Average American living like the equivalent of a Russian czar
Wrong most heavily defended country on the planet. See comment below about kindergartners.
Cope harder child

Wow, so brave defeating a 3rd world army. Largest 4th doesn’t equal strongest when most are conscripts!
Wow, so brave defeating a 3rd world army. Largest 4th doesn’t equal strongest when most are conscripts!
So when is Russia going to win?
This isn’t a thread about the US but keep trying to deflect.
Critical thinking does wonders, try it. You could claim the Israeli army are conscripts too, but they’re doing just fine.
So when is Russia going to win?
This isn’t a thread about the US but keep trying to deflect.
Critical thinking does wonders, try it. You could claim the Israeli army are conscripts too, but they’re doing just fine.

Hamas mujahideen has no air force , no tanks and no specialised military equipment This is insane feat by them to hold•. Israel predicted Hamas would be defeated in weeks , and in 8 months Hamas is still fighting.
So when is Russia going to win?
This isn’t a thread about the US but keep trying to deflect.
Critical thinking does wonders, try it. You could claim the Israeli army are conscripts too, but they’re doing just fine.

Russia has gotten their shit kicked in, it’s clear for anyone who has followed this war from the start.

Russia has strategically lost this war.

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