Russia-Ukraine War - News, Discussions & Updates

46 million citizens of your miserable country live below the poverty line. On news I see reports from Los Angeles you should go there and you'll find long lines of vagrants and beggars lining the streets. They sleep, eat, defecate, pee and have sex like animals inside tents.

And Stop printing the money you cabbage. America is already bankrupt.
USA is bankrupt already and just living in steroids and by printing money.
National debt crosses 35T and is increasing constantly by adding 1T $ by every 100 days.
You may be living in the fantacy world but we are not.
We have seen how your common people are living miserably. Los Angeles is just an example.

US PPP GDP per capita is top 8 in the world, and the countries ahead of us have small populations, an incredible stat. The US also has the highest median household wealth in the world with the highest disposable incomes. The US has a net worth of $160.8T at the end of Q1 2024. The debt is insignificant when you factor in the total wealth of the country.

The US homeless population makes up less than a fifth of one percent of our population. To be homeless in America, you have to have made incredibly poor decisions in life.

Poverty is all relative. Even the “poor” in the US have much more than the poor in other nations, such as smartphones, PS5s, Air Jordan’s etc. You don’t see our “poor” fleeing to other countries en masse, like you see the millions crossing our southern border. And the US poverty line doesn’t include government assistance like food stamps, Medicaid, or public housing.

The poverty line income for a household in America is around $25K and doesn’t include government assistance. The global median household income is $10K. Even the dirt poor in America earn more than twice the global median income.
That’s standard practice by Russia army.
Wounded soldiers beyond survival will be let to die on the fields, or killed by his commanders.

you are biased.
"Clown Zelenskyy is playing with the precious ives of Ukrainian youngsters!
Since 2022."
you certainly know Russia wages a war of aggression, Ukraine responds. What else do you expect? Putin can stop this war immediately.
the front line situation? Ukraine brings death and destruction into Russia. don´t complain. worthless to make joke. that´s war.
That's the reason why I don't comment on this thread as much anymore.....

The war is frozen, that's for the better term, there are not going to be any headway for any side for a long, long time. Anyone think that either side is going to outright "win" this war in the next 5 years is naive, and plainly stupid.

This war is not going to end by just Ukrainian destroying Russian tank here and Russian capture some Ukrainian there, all these reports are simply individual misery, and that become the talking point of this war here.
Takes the Donbass, and then pushes for Odessa to completely cut off the black sea for Ukraine and pushes west to take vital known mineral sites in Ukraine

You can't just push for Odesa, you need a ground route thru Mykolaiv to relief the support for such a move, because you are talking about an inland port. And to pull off a massive amphibious operation like that you need multiple unit cohesion and combine arms tactics, both of which were lacking for the Russian in this war......

And if Russia can't do that in 2022 when their Black Sea Fleet is intact (They lost 9 capital ship since then) and now even losing Snake Island, which you need in order to secure the naval passage to Odesa. Couple with the fact that Sevastopol is largely evacuated, even the Black Sea Fleet don't base them anymore.

The chances of they can be threaten Odesa is slim to none. In fact, Russia didn't seems to be lobbing missile in Odesa anymore at all, compare how many cruise missile the Russian shoot at Odesa in 2023 and 2024 and you will know a marked difference.

The Russians don't care how many dead or how much equip they use up, it can be rebuilt, they are fighting for their strategic future

In negotiations Ukraine will be made into a buffer state or continue to face war
The problem is, NATO membership have nothing to do with Russia, which mean if NATO grant Ukraine membership, there are pretty much nothing Russia can do. Say for example, if NATO offer Ukraine membership pathway in exchange of relinguish claim of occupied province, this would be between the Ukrainian and NATO, not between the Ukrainian and Russia

And you will bet your behind, any negotiation or stop of fighting, this will be the number one thing the Ukrainian is going to talk about.

Russia needs to conquer the entire Ukraine, otherwise they are going to lose whatever Ukraine held on to NATO when they stop this war. So, unless Russia has no problem with Ukrainian NATO membership (Which then the question why they invade to begin with), Russia would be the one need to continue the fighting. And Russia is losing a chunk of manpower that their projected median age is now high 40s (46 or 48, I don't remember which one) by 2040, which mean by 2040, the Russian labor force lost around 12 years of work before they can retired. That's the second oldest median age in the world, just above Ukrainian projected 49.

This war is destroying BOTH Russia and Ukraine in the long run, Ukraine is basically finished after this and have to resigned to NATO (or China) Russia is going to be seriously under Chinese control after this war.
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