Russia-Ukraine War - News, Discussions & Updates

I disagree with your “Western Mindset”

There are some issues that two parties fundamentally cannot resolve. But there is no real need to resolve them.

China doesn't comment on Russian border chomping, Russia doesn't comment on Chinese separatists.

Neither side forces the issue. Neither wants to have a confrontation on the issue and neither needs to have a resolution on the issue.

It is a fairly "Western minded" idea that issues must be resolved, and kinks in value differences must be called out and ironed out... even if it is in neither party's interest to do so.

Whether the friendship between China and Russia can last long depends on how long the United States can exist.
That's where you are wrong.

There is no "brotherhood" in politic, this is not a "western" or "eastern" mindset, this is a universal mindset. And I was brought up and educated in the East, I speak Chinese, remember?

The issue you have is, just because you said "Russian don't talk about it" or "Chinese don't talk about it" it does not mean they don't care or they don't want to resolve them; it just means they don't talk about it, Chinese, especially, love faces, they look at face value strongly. Not saying the Chinese are shallow, but they more focus on what they did make them look good, than say something they don't. But that does not mean they won't do anything, there is a Chinese term called "枱(低)交易" it literally translates to dealing under the table, if the Chinese want something, they don't tell you, they do, be it under the table or silently, this is what the Chinese are doing at the moment, taking control and taking advantage of the situation.

Go back to the issue at hand. Country always looks after their own interest first, China is not helping Russia because they are "friends", China is helping Russia because it benefit them, and that help cannot be infinite, and must have condition. Once either one of them does not satisfy China, they will discard Russia like a used toilet paper. That's what Chinese government wanted. On the other hand, that doesn't change a thing on Russia, as I said, for the Ukrainian, the bed was already made, and it was made by the Russian and they have to choose, and only them have a choice, and since you and I weren't Ukrainian, we have no right to go after their choice. But for the Russian, they made their own bed, we aren't talking about just "Friendship" with the Chinese here, we are talking about losing their own national prestige and basically their own sovereignty to their Chinese because of this. And as I said, they can blame no one but their own.
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First of all, he was talking about Russia became Chinese biatch........Not Russia collapsing.

Second of all, none of the west sanction aim to collapse Russia, they were aimed to limit Russia warfighting capability, if the west wants to collapse Russia, they only need to do 2 things.

1.) By excluding Russian oil and gas payment from all international transfer system.
2.) By doubling the US oil production capability to lower the oil and gas price.

Those sanction were either for individual or stopping the west from doing business with Russia, that limited material flow, not economic flow into Russia, and judging by the fact Russia had to import shell and drone from overseas to continue on this war, I would say the sanction is working.
U must be a comedian just like zelensky , what happens if u shut down any country's banking swift :/
U must be a comedian just like zelensky , what happens if u shut down any country's banking swift :/
Maybe know something on the question before you try to insult people?

First, you don't just shut off swift, ALL system, which mean you are forcing Russia to have to deal directly with Rouble, because they can't accept anything else.

That created an issue because their oil and gas trade is roughly 400 billion a year, forcing ALL those trade into rouble will seriously inflate their currency. Because you create a market of 400 billion demand on your currency overnight. It won't affect the west because they aren't buying Russian oil, so they don't pay anything to Russia, it will heavily affect China and/or India or anyone who buy Russian oil and gas to trade, because unless Russia made Yuan and Rupee (or whatever currency they accept) legal tender, they can't use anything else, and everything other than Rouble is pointless to their economy. Basically you are forcing both party to trade with Rouble, but you don't have that much to go around, even Yuan only have 2 trillion worth (so 400 billions will be 1/5 of the entire Yuan in circulation) of value in circulation, you are talking about an economy 1/16 of China.

Second, if US and Canada double their oil production into 20 million barrel a day, oil price will be significantly lower, it will be around $30-40 mark, and US can do that because they aren't in OPEC, and if oil price lowered to that level, Russian economy, which largely depends on energy trade, will take a serious hit.
Footage of the testing of the Ukrainian jet drone "Palyanytsya". The drone "Palyanytsya" can be called a rocket drone, the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky reported on its testing. According to him, the missile program of Ukraine includes a cluster called "Palyanytsya". Within its framework, three products are being developed, one of them is the drone "Palyanytsya". This rocket drone is much faster than Ukrainian long-range drones, it is already in use, he also noted. Technical data on the drone is not reported, the drone is equipped with a simple turbojet engine

Footage of the testing of the Ukrainian jet drone "Palyanytsya". The drone "Palyanytsya" can be called a rocket drone, the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky reported on its testing. According to him, the missile program of Ukraine includes a cluster called "Palyanytsya". Within its framework, three products are being developed, one of them is the drone "Palyanytsya". This rocket drone is much faster than Ukrainian long-range drones, it is already in use, he also noted. Technical data on the drone is not reported, the drone is equipped with a simple turbojet engine

Ukraine “testing” since yesterday the new long range high precision rocket drone on the russians.

Per ISW, 250 military targets inside Russia can be destroyed by Atacms.
Ukraine urges the US to give the permission to bomb them.

ATACMS-Angriffe auf das russische Hinterland könnten die Kreml-Streitkräfte empfindlich treffen.

ATACMS-Angriffe auf das russische Hinterland könnten die Kreml-Streitkräfte empfindlich treffen.

(Foto: IMAGO/Depositphotos)
That's where you are wrong.

There is no "brotherhood" in politic, this is not a "western" or "eastern" mindset, this is a universal mindset. And I was brought up and educated in the East, I speak Chinese, remember?

The issue you have is, just because you said "Russian don't talk about it" or "Chinese don't talk about it" it does not mean they don't care or they don't want to resolve them; it just means they don't talk about it, Chinese, especially, love faces, they look at face value strongly. Not saying the Chinese are shallow, but they more focus on what they did make them look good, than say something they don't. But that does not mean they won't do anything, there is a Chinese term called "枱(低)交易" it literally translates to dealing under the table, if the Chinese want something, they don't tell you, they do, be it under the table or silently, this is what the Chinese are doing at the moment, taking control and taking advantage of the situation.

Go back to the issue at hand. Country always looks after their own interest first, China is not helping Russia because they are "friends", China is helping Russia because it benefit them, and that help cannot be infinite, and must have condition. Once either one of them does not satisfy China, they will discard Russia like a used toilet paper. That's what Chinese government wanted. On the other hand, that doesn't change a thing on Russia, as I said, for the Ukrainian, the bed was already made, and it was made by the Russian and they have to choose, and only them have a choice, and since you and I weren't Ukrainian, we have no right to go after their choice. But for the Russian, they made their own bed, we aren't talking about just "Friendship" with the Chinese here, we are talking about losing their own national prestige and basically their own sovereignty to their Chinese because of this. And as I said, they can blame no one but their own.

This western “minded” shows a really deep lack of understanding of Russia, of China and of the relations between them.

First you look at both from a Western point of view and see what you want to see.

When you see China challenging Russia in Central Asia you see what a westerner wants to see. What Russia see is that the influence of China helps to keep away US, UK and western powers.

Do you see the difference?

When you see that China gets raw materials from Russia and benefits from them, do you want to know what Russia see?

That their raw materials are benefiting a nation that respect them, that does not interfere in their internal affairs and that it shares its enemies. So Russia is really happy to sell their raw materials to China.

And it's also happy to buy consumer stuff from China, since the Russian industry has been always focused in military and hard industry stuff they lack production of stuff like coffe machines and so on.

They are totally happy to be able to buy a coffee machine from China and not from the West.

From the Chinese perspective, also is great to receive petrol, gas and raw materials from Russia, avoiding a possible blockade in the Malacca straits. As well as a possible future usage of a Russian dominate North route using the Russian ice breakers in the artic.

You can lie to yourself as much as you want, but Russia and China are closed friends and allies than any western alliance apart of the Anglos-Saxon of 5 groupie.

They are indeed, allies, not vassals. As the European states are of the US.

And they totally share enemies and .common interest, something that is not true even within the European Union. Where the interest totally change from east to west and north to south

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