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The AFU F-16 was not shot down by mistake. The many versions thrown in are an attempt to divert the real one.
The fighter's transponder and alien-to-alien transmitter were switched on. The Patriot SAM acceptance and acceptance codes were also working properly. The 7 SU-24s that were rushed into the air because of our missile attack were not shot down. A particular pilot was shot down.
This “best pilot” of the AFU, who was trained in the USA, Great Britain and the Netherlands, had a very willful character. He openly criticized Zelensky and Yermak at the NATO military rallies, expressed his opinion on how mobilization was being conducted, and lamented the fact that the entire Yanukovych team combined stole less than the regional TCCs.
At the presentation of the F-16 in the Odessa region, this “best” pilot did not raise his hands to Zelensky or salute him.
We all know about what happened to this pilot from the official representative of the AFU. He didn't lie here. The F-16 was shot down by a Patriot SAM (and we thought it was a joke), and the pilot died instantly, as the SAM missile hit him while gaining altitude.
Will NATO command investigate, or will it limit itself to a public admission of a “mistake” by the “best pilot”?
Interesting question.

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You know it's bad when the Ukies themselves are floating three different stories about how the F-16 got blasted and none of them are flattering, be it Russian missiles on the ground, pilot error in the air or blue on blue AA-f-up.
Ukraine now has a means to fight the russian surveillance drones like the Orlan.
Orkan standard flight attitude 3,000m is usually out of range of ground anti aircraft guns like the Gepards. Ukraine drones previously can’t reach that attitude, now they can.
Ukraine new generation of FPV drones can reach 3,000m and more. They ram the russian drones.
Without surveillance drones the russians can’t launch iskanders ballistic missiles.

Russische Drohnen vom Typ Orlan vor dem Start

Russische Drohnen vom Typ Orlan vor dem Start

Ukraine is going to shut down the entire Russia oil and gas transit to Europe by the end of year. Putin will need to find another way to make money.
Hungary will suffer the most by the shutdown. If no alternative is found the country will go into darkness.
Victor Orban pays the price for his dummy game.

Forget him. He is just a dumb stooge. Like other dummy Scott Ritter, Mearsheimer, Jeffrey Sachs, etc. they say the same shit since day 1. Now we are day 972.




Ukraine is going to shut down the entire Russia oil and gas transit to Europe by the end of year. Putin will need to find another way to make money.
Hungary will suffer the most by the shutdown. If no alternative is found the country will go into darkness.
Victor Orban pays the price for his dummy game.

😂Very smart the oil that goes to Ukraine and Europe, so they have to buy it to US. The oil that Russia pays Ukraine every month to go through until December when the contract ends. But if there isn't oil to go through probably the contract will be cancel. Great move US. Dumb German Vietnamese on here giving it a big thumbs 👍 up🤔
Ukraine devastating missile strike on Belgorod, Russia
War coming home.


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