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Russia Withdraws Some Forces From Ukraine in Response to Kursk Invasion​

SUMY, Ukraine—Russia is withdrawing some of its military forces from Ukraine to respond to a Ukrainian offensive into Russian territory, U.S. officials said, the first sign that Kyiv’s incursion is forcing Moscow to rejigger its invasion force.

The officials said the U.S. is still seeking to determine the significance of Russia’s move and didn’t say how many troops the U.S. assesses Russia is shifting. But the new U.S. assessment bolsters claims by Ukrainian officials who said last week’s surprise invasion of Kursk province had drawn Russian forces away from Ukraine, where Moscow’s advantage in manpower and equipment is allowing them to grind forward in several places.


Russia Withdraws Some Forces From Ukraine in Response to Kursk Invasion​

SUMY, Ukraine—Russia is withdrawing some of its military forces from Ukraine to respond to a Ukrainian offensive into Russian territory, U.S. officials said, the first sign that Kyiv’s incursion is forcing Moscow to rejigger its invasion force.

The officials said the U.S. is still seeking to determine the significance of Russia’s move and didn’t say how many troops the U.S. assesses Russia is shifting. But the new U.S. assessment bolsters claims by Ukrainian officials who said last week’s surprise invasion of Kursk province had drawn Russian forces away from Ukraine, where Moscow’s advantage in manpower and equipment is allowing them to grind forward in several places.

NATO allies consider it unlikely that Ukrainian forces will be able to hold Russian territory, even if it takes weeks for Moscow to force them out of Kursk Region, a Western official familiar with Kiev's planning of last week's incursion has told Bloomberg. Despite the attempts of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) to contain large Russian forces in battles in the Russian border Kursk region, the pace of Russian advance is growing on the Donbass frontlines.

Ukraine has now captured more territory than Russia has in the last 9 months

I add that all the advancing Ukrainian icons are groups of 10 men, who go on reconnaissance missions and are spotted and eliminated every time.
So they do not determine a sector advance, but dozens of Ukrainians less than the total suicidal advance.
This is beyond pathetic on part of Russia.

How could Ukrainians/NATO assemble forces near the border for incursion and the Russian intelligence didn't notice?

Why can't Russia bomb Ukraine the same way the Zionist entity bombs Gaza?
This is beyond pathetic on part of Russia.

How could Ukrainians/NATO assemble forces near the border for incursion and the Russian intelligence didn't notice?
There are several rumors about this, none of which have been confirmed.
Why can't Russia bomb Ukraine the same way the Zionist entity bombs Gaza?
Because they can't, or they don't want to, or they don't need to.
Less than 10% of the Russian army is fighting in Ukraine
This is not quite true. The majority of the ground army is in Ukraine and it is made up of over 550k, this would already represent at least over 20% of the total force, considering that it was 1.2 million and should be expanding to 1.5 million.
I am not military, but let’s assume the russians want to pull the trick.
For a pincer movement the russians need about 4:1 military strength as attacking force. Ukraine has about 5 attacking mech brigades in Kursk, probably 2 in reserve, in total 7.
Where did you get this information from?

There are at least three mechanized brigades. Two more are air assault brigades. Also, no current Ukrainian brigade has 100% TO&E, it is more like 50-60%.
So Putin has the choice.

(1) pulling 28 brigades out from the Donbas, and move them to Kursk. With the risk the entire Donbas front will collapse.
(2) moving the young conscripts to Kursk and let them die fighting
(3) general mobilization. all men are called in.
(4) close the eye, increase cheap propaganda. Putin tells the russian population “all will be good.”

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