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This is beyond pathetic on part of Russia.

How could Ukrainians/NATO assemble forces near the border for incursion and the Russian intelligence didn't notice?

Why can't Russia bomb Ukraine the same way the Zionist entity bombs Gaza?

They just rolled their tanks into open undefended land. It's a big PR win for the axel forces but strategically insane.
Where did you get this information from?

There are at least three mechanized brigades. Two more are air assault brigades. Also, no current Ukrainian brigade has 100% TO&E, it is more like 50-60%.

There are sources publicly available. the attacking force consists of Ukraine 22th, 80th, 82th and 88th brigade. Many are newly built brigades, highly trained units. Don’t know if 50pct or 100pct. To have an impact Ukraine army must give the russians a punch in the stomach.

Elite Ukrainian Assault Brigade Joins Reported Incursion into Kursk Region, Says ForbesA -80 tank from the 80th Air assault brigade, fires while training in the direction of Chasiv Yar, Ukraine, on July 20, 2024. (Source: Getty Images)
Less than 10% of the Russian army is fighting in Ukraine
Here the info from German armed forces.
Russia has 900,000 men and women in the army. Excluding reserves, paramilitaries.
Russia invasion army initially 150,000 now risen to 600,000 men. That is almost 100% of active russians of the land army.
Putin plans to increase the size to 1,5 million but that’s a long way.

I am not military, but let’s assume the russians want to pull the trick.
For a pincer movement the russians need about 4:1 military strength as attacking force. Ukraine has about 5 attacking mech brigades in Kursk, probably 2 in reserve, in total 7.

So Putin has the choice.
(1) pulling 28 brigades out from the Donbas, and move them to Kursk. With the risk the entire Donbas front will collapse.
(2) moving the young conscripts to Kursk and let them die fighting
(3) general mobilization. all men are called in.
(4) close the eye, increase cheap propaganda. Putin tells the russian population “all will be good.”
One major single point is this.

To pull a pincer movement, you need to out maneuver your enemy, you close the gap before they are able to reinforce that sector. The Ukrainian is using 3 mechanised brigades, the Russian at best is using motorised infantry. It would be a big ask for the Russian to try to outmaneuver the Ukrainian.

That is before any defensive line come into consideration, which mean in layman term, Russia need to move faster and depends on the Ukrainian to make the same mistake the Russian themselves are making to be able to do that move.......

Can it be done? Sure, why not, never say never, but I will say I have a better chance winning the lotto tomorrow than banking on Russia able to pull itself off the dirt and make that move......
Aww c'mon man I gotta name and quote every russian fanboy?

I love the cope how they move the goal post when it comes to Ukraine's liberation of Kursk. They wont hold, it's suicidal, it's a PR stunt, it's this and it's that..... It's getting funny.
Zelinskki reveals Ukraine intend behind the major assault on Kursk. and other parts of Russia.

exchange of territory
Ukraine wants to occupy russian territories for a long period of time. in a future ceasefire and peace deal Ukraine will exchange occupied lands with Russia.

exchange of Ukraine citizens in russian captivity
in the ongoing offensive Ukraine will capture as many russians as possible.

Here the info from German armed forces.
Russia has 900,000 men and women in the army. Excluding reserves, paramilitaries.
Russia invasion army initially 150,000 now risen to 600,000 men. That is almost 100% of active russians of the land army.
Putin plans to increase the size to 1,5 million but that’s a long way.

And we are to believe the German armed forces and the UK MOD, especially about Russia. Right.
Zelinskki reveals Ukraine intend behind the major assault on Kursk. and other parts of Russia.

exchange of territory
Ukraine wants to occupy russian territories for a long period of time. in a future ceasefire and peace deal Ukraine will exchange occupied lands with Russia.

exchange of Ukraine citizens in russian captivity
in the ongoing offensive Ukraine will capture as many russians as possible.

I honestly do not get it. They opened another front, while they were literally getting walked over on the most important Donetsk front. Russians keep adding more forces in Kursk, for how long AFU think they will have that joyride? It will end no matter what they try.
Aww c'mon man I gotta name and quote every russian fanboy?

I love the cope how they move the goal post when it comes to Ukraine's liberation of Kursk. They wont hold, it's suicidal, it's a PR stunt, it's this and it's that..... It's getting funny.
That's because these Putin diehard fans are talking about what they wish could happen instead of ground reality.

They are thinking in a way that "this cannot be happening" which lead to "this is going to end ASAP" that in term lead to "this would be an empty loss"

The fact that people are talking about it, they are commenting on it, it means it won't be an empty loss to begin with. On the other hand, this is not going to end in weeks, let alone days. The Russian line is still yet to be stabilised, and we are still seeing Ukrainian gain as of last 2 hours. It would take week(s) to stem the loss and stabilise the front, and then weeks to counter attack the Ukrainian position, that is if Russia somehow able to pull a cohesion assault and dislodge this invasion like a professional. The entire war in the last 2 and a half years show the Russian troop standard is anything but......It's wishful thinking this is going to end soon.

And by soon, I mean the next 30-60 days.....
I honestly do not get it. They opened another front, while they were literally getting walked over on the most important Donetsk front. Russians keep adding more forces in Kursk, for how long AFU think they will have that joyride? It will end no matter what they try.
This is because you still thinking on tactical way......

I can tell you for sure sometime in 2025 Kursk would have been under Russia control again, I don't know if they can take it back this year, next month or whatever, but eventually the Russian would be taken back control, again, because if they can't then the Russian are more retarded than I think they were.

The issue here are 2 folds, they did this so they are forcing the Russian to choose which attack they want to keep supporting. From now on, every new tank shell they use, they have to think whether or not this shell is going to Kursk or going to Ukraine, every artillery shell they use, they will need to think would this shell going to Kursk or Ukraine. You can have the entire army group staying put in Southern Ukraine while the rest of the guy dealing with Kursk, but you can't supply both way, unless you double your supplying effort. And you don't need to be a military person to know this is not going to happen overnight, not even weeks, you are talking about months or years in the making. And I don't care if you don't move the troop or equipment north to back the front, as long as the supply thin out, you have a problem.

Another issue is for the Ukrainian to put the Russian in an reactive role, forcing them to deal with this, then, at least in the northern portion of the frontline, it would be the Ukrainian who is calling the shot, instead of the Russian, that's better than before when they were put into reaction (ie react to Russian attack) across the entire frontline.

If what you think is whether or not any land changes hand, then sure, this operation is pointless.
It's funny to see people jumping with joy cause of the kursk invasion.

Only sensible objective could have been diversion but Russian Forces on the Donbass front haven't lost their ongoing momentum.

Yes the kursk invasion was brilliant, damaging physically to Russia as well their self esteem, but in the end, those Ukrainian brigades are gonna get grinded into minced meat.

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