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I honestly do not get it. They opened another front, while they were literally getting walked over on the most important Donetsk front. Russians keep adding more forces in Kursk, for how long AFU think they will have that joyride? It will end no matter what they try.
a Judo fighter can take down an opponent double the size. he knows the weakness, he knows where to set a dead punch.
attacking the russians in their homeland makes sense. Ukraine army can go until Moscow. there is nothing in Russia, except cheap propaganda. why should Ukraine army attack the russians at Donbas where the russians have the strongest land army there?
Progozhin march to Moscow was the precedent.
This is because you still thinking on tactical way......

I can tell you for sure sometime in 2025 Kursk would have been under Russia control again, I don't know if they can take it back this year, next month or whatever, but eventually the Russian would be taken back control, again, because if they can't then the Russian are more retarded than I think they were.

The issue here are 2 folds, they did this so they are forcing the Russian to choose which attack they want to keep supporting. From now on, every new tank shell they use, they have to think whether or not this shell is going to Kursk or going to Ukraine, every artillery shell they use, they will need to think would this shell going to Kursk or Ukraine. You can have the entire army group staying put in Southern Ukraine while the rest of the guy dealing with Kursk, but you can't supply both way, unless you double your supplying effort. And you don't need to be a military person to know this is not going to happen overnight, not even weeks, you are talking about months or years in the making. And I don't care if you don't move the troop or equipment north to back the front, as long as the supply thin out, you have a problem.

Another issue is for the Ukrainian to put the Russian in an reactive role, forcing them to deal with this, then, at least in the northern portion of the frontline, it would be the Ukrainian who is calling the shot, instead of the Russian, that's better than before when they were put into reaction (ie react to Russian attack) across the entire frontline.

If what you think is whether or not any land changes hand, then sure, this operation is pointless.

The Kursk move is weird. It is desperate for sure but will it work. I wonder if they can maintain it and use it as a bargain chip when and if peace talks begin. I think that is the explanation you Chaps are doing for Kiev on here. . But many experts doubt because they struggle defending fortified positions build years before and now they will have to start digging it in Kursk?
those are cheap clowns, not worth a penny. Scott Ritter is the most ugly one. He openly promoting war of aggression in hundreds of videos. then he complaints about free speech limit in the West while he travels to Moscow to get his paycheck. the FBI just raided his home. well deserved.


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