Strategic Defense Options for Small Economies: How Can Bangladesh Effectively Defend Itself?


Aug 13, 2024
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As a small nation with limited economic resources, Bangladesh faces unique challenges in securing its borders and maintaining sovereignty in the face of potential threats. I'm seeking insights into the most effective defense strategies that Bangladesh could employ to safeguard its interests. Specifically:
  1. Defense Strategy: What are the most viable defense strategies for a country like Bangladesh, considering its geographical and economic constraints? How should it prioritize its defense spending?
  2. Weapon Acquisition: Given the budget limitations, what types of weapons systems should Bangladesh consider? Are there specific, cost-effective technologies or platforms that would provide a significant defense capability?
  3. Asymmetrical Warfare: Could asymmetrical warfare be a practical approach for Bangladesh? What forms might this take, and how could such strategies be implemented to deter or combat more powerful adversaries?
I'm interested in hearing from defense experts and enthusiasts on feasible, strategic recommendations that could enhance Bangladesh’s defense capabilities without overextending its resources.
Not Applicable
How about feeding your people first?
The foundation of a prosperous nation lies in its ability to defend its interests and maintain security. Effective defense not only ensures our safety but also empowers our leaders to negotiate from a position of strength, driving forward our national agenda on the global stage
Bangladeshis should open a world Atlas, look at their map and choose their friends and rivals /enemies carefully. That would be their best defense.

As a small nation with limited economic resources, Bangladesh faces unique challenges in securing its borders and maintaining sovereignty in the face of potential threats. I'm seeking insights into the most effective defense strategies that Bangladesh could employ to safeguard its interests. Specifically:
  1. Defense Strategy: What are the most viable defense strategies for a country like Bangladesh, considering its geographical and economic constraints? How should it prioritize its defense spending?
  2. Weapon Acquisition: Given the budget limitations, what types of weapons systems should Bangladesh consider? Are there specific, cost-effective technologies or platforms that would provide a significant defense capability?
  3. Asymmetrical Warfare: Could asymmetrical warfare be a practical approach for Bangladesh? What forms might this take, and how could such strategies be implemented to deter or combat more powerful adversaries?
I'm interested in hearing from defense experts and enthusiasts on feasible, strategic recommendations that could enhance Bangladesh’s defense capabilities without overextending its resources.
Drones including large number of FPVs, LMs and marine kamikaze boats, long range fires, electronic and cyber. So basically a very strong asymmetric capability at the back of a decent conventional capability. There is a lot to learn from what is happening in Ukraine.
As a small nation with limited economic resources, Bangladesh faces unique challenges in securing its borders and maintaining sovereignty in the face of potential threats. I'm seeking insights into the most effective defense strategies that Bangladesh could employ to safeguard its interests. Specifically:
  1. Defense Strategy: What are the most viable defense strategies for a country like Bangladesh, considering its geographical and economic constraints? How should it prioritize its defense spending?
  2. Weapon Acquisition: Given the budget limitations, what types of weapons systems should Bangladesh consider? Are there specific, cost-effective technologies or platforms that would provide a significant defense capability?
  3. Asymmetrical Warfare: Could asymmetrical warfare be a practical approach for Bangladesh? What forms might this take, and how could such strategies be implemented to deter or combat more powerful adversaries?
I'm interested in hearing from defense experts and enthusiasts on feasible, strategic recommendations that could enhance Bangladesh’s defense capabilities without overextending its resources.
The obvious question should be "Against whom"?

Against a hostile Burma, there is enough fire power.

Against a warmongering India, short of testing a nuclear weapon, there is nothing that Bangladesh can do with its current and even potential firepower.
The obvious question should be "Against whom"?

Against a hostile Burma, there is enough fire power.

Against a warmongering India, short of testing a nuclear weapon, there is nothing that Bangladesh can do with its current and even potential firepower.

No, India using nuke in agression on Bangladesh without crippling itself by overwhelming international sanctions is not realistic. So, we can do without nukes. Besides, biological warfare is always a cool option when threatened with mass destruction. Even better as retribution.
No, India using nuke in agression on Bangladesh without crippling itself by overwhelming international sanctions is not realistic. So, we can do without nukes. Besides, biological warfare is always a cool option when threatened with mass destruction. Even better as retribution.
Where did anyone say that India will use nuke? Bangladesh will need nuke to effectively defend itself against an aggresive and war mongering India. India does not need any nuke.

Biological warfare is not really effective against a short and intense conventional war. Infact using biological agents is a surefire way to invite a nuclear attack.

Fundamentally, its a question of distance and geography. India can deploy long range rocket artillery of 400 KM range and there is nothing that Bangladesh has or can procure that can be used against such an offensive. Further, India can destroy all of Bangladesh's air bases and airports and then just bomb Bangladesh into oblivion using inexpensive glide bombs. Destroy its dams, bridges and power stations and that will be the end of it.

Ultimately, it will come down to objectives. If all India wants is to punish Bangladesh, its not hard at all. If India wants to capture cities in Bangladesh, it will be much harder for India.
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Where did anyone say that India will use nuke? Bangladesh will need nuke to effectively defend itself against an aggresive and war mongering India.

No, if India doesn't use nuke then we don't need it to defend ourself. Conventional capability build up would be enough. Because 'war mongering' India can not allocated most of its resources to wage war against BD as long as it has two hostile nuclear powers standing on its borders. Worse yet both of these massive nuclear powers wants disputed territories and ready to fight for it if there is an opportunity.
No, if India doesn't use nuke then we don't need it to defend ourself. Conventional capability build up would be enough. Because 'war mongering' India can not allocated most of its resources to wage war against BD as long as it has two hostile nuclear powers standing on its borders. Worse yet both of these massive nuclear powers wants disputed territories and ready to fight for it if there is an opportunity.
Thats a miscalculation.

If and when India attacks Bangladesh, there is no guarentee that China and Pakistan will invade India. You do not formulate strategies based on capabilities of others.

Further, Unlike India, Bangladesh has never really spent money on defence. India can easily use its SRBM and Rocket artillery to cripple Bangladesh (because bangladesh is densely populated and has practically zero strategic depth). All it will need is just few TELs of SRBMs (which are not really needed elsewhere) to hit critical infrastructure of Bangladesh. Its resources do not even need to cross border and just bombard bangladesh from its own soil and airspace.

I do not see why do you think that India can not tackle Bangladesh.
Thats a miscalculation.

If and when India attacks Bangladesh, there is no guarentee that China and Pakistan will invade India. You do not formulate strategies based on capabilities of others.

We are not formulating our strategies on others' capabilities. This is simple logic. Do you expect Indian army to vecate Pak and Chinese border and change the balance of power in those regions in order to allocate 15-20 division at Bangladesh? I don't.

Thats a miscalculation.

If and when India attacks Bangladesh, there is no guarentee that China and Pakistan will invade India. You do not formulate strategies based on capabilities of others.

Further, Unlike India, Bangladesh has never really spent money on defence. India can easily use its SRBM and Rocket artillery to cripple Bangladesh (because bangladesh is densely populated and has practically zero strategic depth). All it will need is just few TELs of SRBMs (which are not really needed elsewhere) to hit critical infrastructure of Bangladesh. Its resources do not even need to cross border and just bombard bangladesh from its own soil and airspace.

Yeah, Putin thought the same. 3 days to Kiev.

In case you didn't know Bangladesh has SRBMs too. Which I mentioned before. As well as long range precision rocket artillery. I said before, advantage of proximate geography goes both ways. Majority of IAF Eastern command air based within range of BA's rocket artillery. Look at the map, in the East at Tripura and Silchar, Indian formations would have less strategic depth and maneuver space than their BD counterparts. Same in the mid-north above Mymensingh.

Damn it, I am tired of this sh*t. You Indians are flooding every BD threads and trying to meddle with every post. We can't even have a nice and peaceful discussion among ourselves. Have some manner and decency.
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The foundation of a prosperous nation lies in its ability to defend its interests and maintain security. Effective defense not only ensures our safety but also empowers our leaders to negotiate from a position of strength, driving forward our national agenda on the global stage

Norway, Iceland, Switzerland et al?
We are not formulating our strategies on others' capabilities. This is simple logic. Do you expect Indian army to vecate Pak and Chinese border and change the balance of power in those regions in order to allocate 15-20 division at Bangladesh? I don't.
India has some 1.2 million active soldiers in its army and 900,000 in reserve. If it deloys only 10% of its reserves it will have all the people needed to attack bangladesh. As I said before, it does not need to enter bangladesh if the goal is only to punish bangladesh. With 90,000 soldiers and existing paramilitary in the region it can certainly crush bangladesh. No need to even touch any active soldier.

Yeah, Putin thought the same. 3 days to Kiev.
Well, Ukraine has been resupplied by Europe from its western border. Who will resupply you and from where?

In case you didn't know Bangladesh has SRBMs too. Which I mentioned before. As well as long range precision rocket artillery. I said before, advantage of proximate geography goes both ways. Majority of IAF Eastern command air based within range of BA's rocket artillery. Look at the map, in the East at Tripura and Silchar, Indian formations would have less strategic depth and maneuver space than their BD counterparts. Same in the mid-north above Mymensingh.
Does bangladesh has ANY missile that can hit targets 500 KM away? I highly doubt.

India has numerous SRBMs that can hit from 500 KM away. It can target dhaka from Bihar. Which of Bangladesh's missile can reach Bihar?

And India has air bases in Bareliey and Agra from where it can hit Bangladesh with total impunity without even entering Bangladeshi airspace.

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