Strategic Defense Options for Small Economies: How Can Bangladesh Effectively Defend Itself?

Bangladesh does not have "Khan" missile system and only TRG-300 Tiger. Present proof if you disagree.

Hassina herself confirmed the purchase of tactical ballistic missiles battery in a speech back in 2021. That is, type A MLRS artillery with a range of 280km according to Bangladesh army specs. Type B MLRS was TRG-300. And Type C MLRS was WS-22A from China.

Then, it was later confirmed as Khan from Turkish source.
Hassina herself confirmed the purchase of tactical ballistic missiles battery in a speech back in 2021. That is, type A MLRS artillery with a range of 280km according to Bangladesh army specs. Type B MLRS was TRG-300. And Type C MLRS was WS-22A from China.

Then it was later confirmed as Khan from Turkish source.
Source please.
Sure. What do you think "Ghatak" in my surname is.

Found it. It was 27th October 2021 in a flag raising ceremony of 10 Army untis. PM joined virtually from Ganabhaban. The video is 10 minutes long. Look it up.

Edit- I did share the link first. But then I realized you should do your own homework. It's better this way.
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No, India using nuke in agression on Bangladesh without crippling itself by overwhelming international sanctions is not realistic. So, we can do without nukes. Besides, biological warfare is always a cool option when threatened with mass destruction. Even better as retribution.
Does BD have Biological or Chemicals weapons? India had this capability but I think they dismantled these things long back and currently have no such capacity....
I am not Indian.

That being said, when I see really unhinged posts, I have to correct them. Also, if you want to only talk among yourself, then create a telegram group and do it. No one will come and bother you.

Lastly, which post of mine is not having manners and decency?
Hassina herself confirmed the purchase of tactical ballistic missiles battery in a speech back in 2021. That is, type A MLRS artillery with a range of 280km according to Bangladesh army specs. Type B MLRS was TRG-300. And Type C MLRS was WS-22A from China.

Then, it was later confirmed as Khan from Turkish source.
Nope KHAN is not yet entered in Bangladesh service... currently only 2 countries operate KHAN
Türkiye who manufactured & Indonesia

Can you confirm KHAN missile in Bangladesh army?
As of now we don't have KHAN missile
As a small nation with limited economic resources, Bangladesh faces unique challenges in securing its borders and maintaining sovereignty in the face of potential threats. I'm seeking insights into the most effective defense strategies that Bangladesh could employ to safeguard its interests. Specifically:
  1. Defense Strategy: What are the most viable defense strategies for a country like Bangladesh, considering its geographical and economic constraints? How should it prioritize its defense spending?
  2. Weapon Acquisition: Given the budget limitations, what types of weapons systems should Bangladesh consider? Are there specific, cost-effective technologies or platforms that would provide a significant defense capability?
  3. Asymmetrical Warfare: Could asymmetrical warfare be a practical approach for Bangladesh? What forms might this take, and how could such strategies be implemented to deter or combat more powerful adversaries?
I'm interested in hearing from defense experts and enthusiasts on feasible, strategic recommendations that could enhance Bangladesh’s defense capabilities without overextending its resources.
There is an old Chinese saying: 置之死地而后生 put the place of death and then live.

My opinion:
For ordinary Bangladeshi citizens, if they really want to help their country, they only need to unconditionally support the current government, even if it is a corrupt and incompetent government, even if it is a government that betrays its people, they choose to support him unconditionally.

For a country to be strong, it must be united enough. As soon as any element of disunity arises, it will be exploited by other countries. This was followed by endless civil strife.

So, choose to trust your government. No matter what kind of government it is. When your government has accumulated enough trust and prestige, even the most corrupt government will change.

Don't trust any other country (even if I'm Chinese, please don't trust China). In international dealings, there are only eternal interests, and there is no selfless help.
As a small nation with limited economic resources, Bangladesh faces unique challenges in securing its borders and maintaining sovereignty in the face of potential threats. I'm seeking insights into the most effective defense strategies that Bangladesh could employ to safeguard its interests. Specifically:
  1. Defense Strategy: What are the most viable defense strategies for a country like Bangladesh, considering its geographical and economic constraints? How should it prioritize its defense spending?
  2. Weapon Acquisition: Given the budget limitations, what types of weapons systems should Bangladesh consider? Are there specific, cost-effective technologies or platforms that would provide a significant defense capability?
  3. Asymmetrical Warfare: Could asymmetrical warfare be a practical approach for Bangladesh? What forms might this take, and how could such strategies be implemented to deter or combat more powerful adversaries?
I'm interested in hearing from defense experts and enthusiasts on feasible, strategic recommendations that could enhance Bangladesh’s defense capabilities without overextending its resources.

Doctrine is important and confidential. It is too early to answer those points at this stage even though it has been almost 24 years since 9/11.

Moving forward overall, we will need money and good connections to keep our nation truly sovereign. The upcoming security challenges in the ever-evolving post 9/11 world will be unprecedented.
There is an old Chinese saying: 置之死地而后生 put the place of death and then live.

My opinion:
For ordinary Bangladeshi citizens, if they really want to help their country, they only need to unconditionally support the current government, even if it is a corrupt and incompetent government, even if it is a government that betrays its people, they choose to support him unconditionally.

For a country to be strong, it must be united enough. As soon as any element of disunity arises, it will be exploited by other countries. This was followed by endless civil strife.

So, choose to trust your government. No matter what kind of government it is. When your government has accumulated enough trust and prestige, even the most corrupt government will change.

Don't trust any other country (even if I'm Chinese, please don't trust China). In international dealings, there are only eternal interests, and there is no selfless help.

Not that there is anything wrong with authoritarian ideas. With regards to Bangladesh, the previous ruler and her party (Awami League) were just like that. However, even after 50 years since Bangladesh's independence, the party never quite evolved away from their underground origins. It never evolved to become a legitimate party. Hasina was never a bona fide politician. Her entire political career is a trail of black money and dead bodies. This party was also a tool for New Delhi so that they can have connections and control over their restive north eastern territories. So there goes the issue of sovereignty.

With that being said, a one-party state will not work with Bangladeshis. And I will tell you why. Where China's state-owned enterprises are varied, large and profitable, it is quite the opposite in Bangladesh. On the contrary, it is the privately owned enterprises that are profitable making the same commodities (for example: sugar). So entrepreneurship in Bangladesh is strong. This trait simply doesn't go hand-in-hand with a one-party state. Our demographics simply do not support this idea of a one-party state.

And lastly, we are a rebel nation. We bow to no one. We have proven this time and again.

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